Dreamscythe - NPC


Informations générales

The location of this NPC is unknown.
Name ILVL Type % Loot
Nightfall Drape 53 Cloth 40 %
Dawnspire Cord 53 Cloth 40 %
Bloodfire Talons 53 Leather 40 %
Drakestone 54 Miscellaneous 40 %
Drakeclaw Band 54 Miscellaneous 40 %
Smoldering Claw 54 Polearms 40 %
Firebreather 53 One-Handed Swords 40 %
Drakefang Butcher 53 Two-Handed Swords 40 %
Brutal Gladiator's Felweave Handguards 159 Cloth 40 %

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