Les résultats de votre recherche concernant les créatures de type Dragonkin.
Les affichages sont limités à 1000 entités, utilisez la recherche pour affiner votre recherche.
Name Level Area
Acolyte of Shadron 81 - 81
Acolyte of Shadron (1) 81 - 81
Acolyte of Vesperon 81 - 81
Acolyte of Vesperon (1) 81 - 81
Adolescent Nether Drake 67 - 67
Adolescent Whelp 34 - 35 Swamp of Sorrows
Aeonus 72 - 72
Aeonus (1) 72 - 72
Albino Drake 1 - 1
Alexstrasza 1 - 1
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder 83 - 83 Dragonblight
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder 83 - 83
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder 83 - 83 Dragonblight
Algar's Frost Wyrm Mount 1 - 1
Amber Drake 80 - 80
Anachronos 63 - 63 Tanaris
Anachronos Dragon Form 1 - 1
Anachronos the Ancient 73 - 73
Andormu 66 - 66 Tanaris
Andormu 70 - 70 Tanaris
Anygos 1 - 1
Arazmodu 71 - 71
Arcane Serpent 71 - 72 Borean Tundra
Arcane Wyrm 71 - 72 Dragonblight
Arena Nether Drake 1 - 1
Argent Skytalon 1 - 1
Argent Skytalon 77 - 79 Crystalsong Forest
Argent Skytalon 77 - 79 Crystalsong Forest
Argent Skytalon 77 - 79 Icecrown
Armored Nether Drake 70 - 70
Armored Nether Drake (Black Temple 01) 1 - 1
Armored Nether Drake (Black Temple 02) 1 - 1
Arygos 63 - 63
Arygos Dragon Form 1 - 1
Aurastrasza 75 - 75 Dragonblight
Awbee 57 - 57
Axtroz 62 - 62 Wetlands
Azure Binder 75 - 75
Azure Binder 75 - 75
Azure Binder 75 - 75
Azure Binder (1) 80 - 80
Azure Binder (1) 80 - 80
Azure Binder (1) 80 - 80
Azure Captain 75 - 75
Azure Captain (1) 81 - 81
Azure Consort 82 - 82
Azure Dragon 73 - 74 Dragonblight
Azure Drake 72 - 73 Dragonblight
Azure Drake Mount 1 - 1
Azure Enforcer 71 - 71 The Nexus
Azure Enforcer (1) 80 - 80
Azure Inquisitor 79 - 80 The Oculus
Azure Inquisitor (1) 80 - 81
Azure Invader 75 - 75
Azure Invader 75 - 75
Azure Invader 75 - 75
Azure Invader (1) 80 - 80
Azure Invader (1) 80 - 80
Azure Invader (1) 80 - 80
Azure Ley-Whelp 79 - 80 The Oculus
Azure Ley-Whelp (1) 80 - 81
Azure Magus 72 - 72 The Nexus
Azure Magus (1) 81 - 81
Azure Netherwing Drake 70 - 70
Azure Raider 75 - 75 The Violet Hold
Azure Raider 75 - 75
Azure Raider (1) 80 - 80
Azure Raider (1) 80 - 80
Azure Ring Captain 80 - 80
Azure Ring Guardian 79 - 80 The Oculus
Azure Ring Guardian (1) 80 - 81
Azure Saboteur 75 - 75
Azure Saboteur (1) 80 - 80
Azure Scale-Binder 71 - 71 The Nexus
Azure Scale-Binder (1) 80 - 80
Azure Scalebane 79 - 80 Dalaran
Azure Scalebane 79 - 80 Dragonblight
Azure Skyrazor 71 - 71 The Nexus
Azure Skyrazor (1) 80 - 80
Azure Sorceror 75 - 75
Azure Sorceror (1) 80 - 80
Azure Spellbinder 79 - 80 The Oculus
Azure Spellbinder (1) 80 - 81
Azure Spellbreaker 75 - 75
Azure Spellbreaker 75 - 75
Azure Spellbreaker 75 - 75
Azure Spellbreaker (1) 80 - 80
Azure Spellbreaker (1) 1 - 1
Azure Spellbreaker (1) 80 - 80
Azure Spellweaver 79 - 80 Dragonblight
Azure Stalker 75 - 75
Azure Stalker (1) 80 - 80
Azure Warder 72 - 72 The Nexus
Azure Warder (1) 81 - 81
Azuregos 73 - 73 Azshara
Azurous 59 - 59 Winterspring
Bad Miser 1 - 1
Baltharus the Warborn 83 - 83 The Ruby Sanctum
Baltharus the Warborn 83 - 83
Baltharus the Warborn (1) 83 - 83
Baltharus the Warborn (1) 83 - 83
Baron Sablemane's Blackwhelp 68 - 68 Blade's Edge Mountains
Barthamus 73 - 73 Shattrath City
Belgaristrasz 80 - 80 The Oculus
Beryl Mage Hunter 69 - 70 Borean Tundra
Berylgos 1 - 1
Black Blade Drake [PH] 1 - 1
Black Broodling 51 - 52 Burning Steppes
Black Dragon Whelp 17 - 18 Redridge Mountains
Black Dragon Whelpling 1 - 1
Black Dragonspawn 52 - 53 Burning Steppes
Black Drake 52 - 52 Burning Steppes
Black Drake Mount 1 - 1
Black Drakonid 60 - 60
Black Proto-Drake 1 - 1
Black Wyrmkin 53 - 54 Burning Steppes
Blacklash 50 - 50 Badlands
Blacklord Hamarahk 70 - 70
Blackrock Drake 50 - 52 Burning Steppes
Blackrock Drake 50 - 52 Searing Gorge
Blackscale 70 - 70 Blade's Edge Mountains
Blackwhelp 68 - 68 Blade's Edge Mountains
Blackwing Drakonaar 72 - 72
Blackwing Drakonaar (1) 72 - 72
Blackwing Spellbinder 62 - 62
Blink Dragon 26 - 26 Ashenvale
Bloodbathed Frostbrood Vanquisher 1 - 1
Blue Dragonspawn 50 - 51 Azshara
Blue Drake Mount 1 - 1
Blue Drakonid 60 - 60
Blue Drakonid Supplicant 71 - 72 Borean Tundra
Blue Proto-Drake 1 - 1
Blue Scalebane 52 - 53 Azshara
Brazen 70 - 70 Hyjal Past
Brimgore 41 - 41 Dustwallow Marsh
Bronze Consort 1 - 1
Bronze Drake 1 - 1
Bronze Drake Mount 1 - 1
Bronze Drakonid 60 - 60
Bronze Shrine Warden 80 - 80 Dragonblight
Brood of Neltharaku 69 - 69
Brood of Nozdormu 62 - 62 Silithus
Broodlord Lashlayer 63 - 63 Blackwing Lair
Broodmother Slivina 77 - 77 Sholazar Basin
Brutal Nether Drake 1 - 1
Caelestrasz 63 - 63
Caelestrasz Dragon Form 1 - 1
Captain Skybreaker's Nether Drake 1 - 1
Captive Proto-Drake 80 - 80 The Storm Peaks
Captured Sprite Darter 42 - 43 Feralas
Ceristrasz 75 - 75 Dragonblight
Charscale Assaulter 82 - 82 The Ruby Sanctum
Charscale Assaulter (1) 82 - 82
Charscale Commander 82 - 82 The Ruby Sanctum
Charscale Commander (1) 82 - 82
Charscale Elite 82 - 82 The Ruby Sanctum
Charscale Elite (1) 82 - 82
Charscale Invoker 82 - 82 The Ruby Sanctum
Charscale Invoker (1) 82 - 82
Chromaggus 63 - 63 Blackwing Lair
Chromatic Dragonspawn 59 - 60
Chromatic Drake Mount 1 - 1
Chromatic Drakonid 60 - 60
Chromatic Elite Guard 59 - 60
Chromatic Whelp 57 - 58
Chromie 80 - 80 The Culling of Stratholme
Chromie 80 - 80
Chromie 80 - 80 The Culling of Stratholme
Chromie 63 - 63 Western Plaguelands
Chromie 80 - 80
Chronalis 61 - 61 Tanaris
Chrono Lord Deja 73 - 73
Chrono Lord Deja (1) 72 - 72
Chrono-Lord Epoch 82 - 82
Chrono-Lord Epoch (1) 82 - 82
Cielstrasza 80 - 80 Dragonblight
Cobalt Broodling 55 - 56 Winterspring
Cobalt Mageweaver 57 - 58 Winterspring
Cobalt Netherwing Drake 70 - 70
Cobalt Scalebane 56 - 56 Winterspring
Cobalt Whelp 55 - 55 Winterspring
Cobalt Wyrmkin 55 - 56 Winterspring
Cobaltine Dragonspawn 48 - 49
Cobaltine Wyrmkin 49 - 50
Coldarra Red Whelp 1 - 1
Coldarra Scalesworn 71 - 72 Borean Tundra
Coldarra Spellweaver 71 - 72 Borean Tundra
Coldarra Wyrmkin 71 - 72 Borean Tundra
Corastrasza 80 - 80 Borean Tundra
Corlok's Enslaved Netherwing Drake 1 - 1
Corpse of Saragosa 73 - 73
Corrupted Blue Whelp 60 - 60
Corrupted Bronze Whelp 60 - 60
Corrupted Green Whelp 60 - 60
Corrupted Red Whelp 60 - 60
Corthegos 1 - 1
Crimson Whelp 25 - 26 Wetlands
Crystal Wyrm 80 - 80 Dragonblight
Curator Insivius 72 - 72 Borean Tundra
Custodian of Time 1 - 1
Custodian of Time 70 - 70 Tanaris
Cyanigosa 77 - 77
Cyanigosa (1) 82 - 82
Cyanigosa (Dragon) 1 - 1
Cyrus Therepentous 55 - 55 Burning Steppes
Dalormi 75 - 75 Dragonblight
Deadly Gladiator's Frost Wyrm 1 - 1
Death Talon Captain 62 - 62
Death Talon Dragonspawn 60 - 60
Death Talon Flamescale 62 - 62
Death Talon Hatcher 61 - 61
Death Talon Overseer 62 - 62
Death Talon Seether 62 - 62
Death Talon Wyrmguard 63 - 63
Death Talon Wyrmkin 61 - 61
Demestrasz 70 - 70 Dragonblight
Deviate Faerie Dragon 19 - 19
Disciple of Shadron 81 - 81
Disciple of Shadron (1) 81 - 81
Disciple of Vesperon 81 - 81
Disciple of Vesperon (1) 81 - 81
Draconic Magelord 53 - 54 Azshara
Draconic Mageweaver 51 - 52 Azshara
Dragonblight Mage Hunter 71 - 72 Dragonblight
Dragonblight Red Dragon 1 - 1
Dragonmaw Ascendant 72 - 72 Shadowmoon Valley
Dragonmaw Nether Drake 70 - 70 Shadowmoon Valley
Drakos the Interrogator 81 - 81 The Oculus
Drakos the Interrogator (1) 82 - 82
Dreadwing 68 - 68 Blade's Edge Mountains
Dreamhunter 47 - 47
Dreaming Whelp 35 - 36 Swamp of Sorrows
Dreamroarer 62 - 62 Feralas
Dreamscythe 50 - 50
Dreamstalker 62 - 62 Ashenvale
Dreamtracker 62 - 62 The Hinterlands
Dreamwatcher Forktongue 62 - 62
Earth Miser 1 - 1
Ebonroc 63 - 63 Blackwing Lair
Elder Dragonkin 45 - 45 Swamp of Sorrows
Eldreth Darter 58 - 59
Emberstrife 61 - 61 Dustwallow Marsh
Emerald Consort 82 - 82
Emerald Dragon Whelp 55 - 55
Emerald Drake 80 - 80
Emerald Sentinel 45 - 45
Emeraldon Boughguard 62 - 62 Ashenvale
Emeraldon Oracle 61 - 61 Ashenvale
Emeraldon Tree Warder 60 - 60 Ashenvale
Emeriss 73 - 73 Feralas
Enslaved Netherwing Drake 1 - 1
Enslaved Netherwing Drake 69 - 69 Shadowmoon Valley
Enslaved Netherwing Drake Kill Credit 60 - 65
Enslaved Netherwing Whelp 69 - 69 Shadowmoon Valley
Enslaved Proto-Drake 70 - 70 Utgarde Keep
Enslaved Proto-Drake (1) 80 - 81
Epoch Hunter 68 - 68
Epoch Hunter (1) 72 - 72
Eranikus the Chained 1 - 1
Eranikus the Redeemed 63 - 63
Eranikus, Tyrant of the Dream 73 - 73
Erozion 70 - 70 Hyjal Past
Eternos 80 - 80 The Oculus
Ferithos 72 - 72 Dragonblight
Fey Dragon 24 - 25 Stonetalon Mountains
Fey Drake 65 - 66 Blade's Edge Mountains
Firemane Ash Tail 40 - 41 Dustwallow Marsh
Firemane Devourer 41 - 42
Firemane Drake 63 - 63
Firemane Flamecaller 41 - 42 Dustwallow Marsh
Firemane Scalebane 40 - 41 Dustwallow Marsh
Firemane Scout 39 - 40 Dustwallow Marsh
Firemaw 63 - 63 Blackwing Lair
Flamebringer 74 - 74 Grizzly Hills
Flamegor 63 - 63 Blackwing Lair
Flamescale Broodling 55 - 56 Burning Steppes
Flamescale Dragonspawn 56 - 57 Burning Steppes
Flamescale Drake 39 - 39
Flamescale Wyrmkin 57 - 58 Burning Steppes
Flamesnorting Whelp 26 - 27 Wetlands
Flying Blue Drake 1 - 1
Freed Proto-Drake 1 - 1
Frenzied Black Drake 54 - 54
Frigid Proto-Drake 80 - 80 The Storm Peaks
Frost Wyrm Mount 1 - 1
Furious Gladiator's Frost Wyrm 1 - 1
Furywing 72 - 72
General Cerulean 73 - 73 Borean Tundra
General Colbatann 57 - 57 Winterspring
General Drakkisath 62 - 62 Blackrock Spire
General Zarithrian 83 - 83 The Ruby Sanctum
General Zarithrian (1) 83 - 83
Ghostwing 1 - 1
Giant Black Blade Drake [PH] 1 - 1
Good Miser 1 - 1
Goramosh 73 - 73 Dragonblight
Grauf 80 - 80
Grauf (1) 82 - 82
Greater Ley-Whelp 79 - 81 The Oculus
Greater Ley-Whelp (1) 80 - 82
Green Drakonid 60 - 60
Green Proto-Drake 1 - 1
Green Scalebane 42 - 42 Swamp of Sorrows
Green Wyrmkin 41 - 41 Swamp of Sorrows
Guardian of Life 81 - 81 Ulduar
Guardian of Life (1) 81 - 81
Guardian of Time 80 - 80
Gyth 62 - 62
Haleh 62 - 62 Winterspring
Halion 83 - 83
Halion 83 - 83
Halion (1) 83 - 83
Halion (1) 83 - 83
Halion (2) 83 - 83
Halion (2) 83 - 83
Halion (3) 83 - 83
Halion (3) 83 - 83
Hazzas 50 - 50
Heat Miser 1 - 1
Hemathion 68 - 68 Blade's Edge Mountains
Hematos 60 - 60
Hematus 50 - 50 Loch Modan
Hematus 50 - 50 Gates of Ironforge
Hematus 50 - 50 Badlands
Icebound Frostbrood Vanquisher 1 - 1
Idol Oven Fire Target 1 - 1
Illusion: Black Dragonkin 1 - 1
Illusionary Dreamwatcher 1 - 1
Image of Alexstrasza 1 - 1
Image of Arcanagos 70 - 70
Image of Belgaristrasz 80 - 80
Image of Erozion 70 - 70
Imprisoned Infinite Dragonspawn 70 - 70 Tanaris
Imprisoned Infinite Dragonspawn (1) 1 - 1
Infinite Adversary 79 - 80
Infinite Adversary (1) 80 - 80
Infinite Agent 79 - 80
Infinite Agent (1) 80 - 80
Infinite Assailant 73 - 74
Infinite Assassin 70 - 70
Infinite Assassin 70 - 70
Infinite Assassin (1) 1 - 1
Infinite Assassin (1) 70 - 70
Infinite Chrono-Lord 72 - 72
Infinite Chrono-Lord (1) 72 - 72
Infinite Chrono-Magus 73 - 74
Infinite Chronomancer 70 - 70
Infinite Chronomancer 70 - 70
Infinite Chronomancer (1) 70 - 70
Infinite Chronomancer (1) 70 - 70
Infinite Corruptor 82 - 82
Infinite Corruptor (1) 82 - 82
Infinite Defiler 68 - 68
Infinite Defiler (1) 71 - 72
Infinite Destroyer 73 - 74
Infinite Dragonspawn 1 - 1
Infinite Eradicator 80 - 80 Dragonblight
Infinite Executioner 70 - 70
Infinite Executioner 70 - 70
Infinite Executioner (1) 70 - 70
Infinite Executioner (1) 70 - 70
Infinite Hunter 79 - 80
Infinite Hunter (1) 80 - 80
Infinite Saboteur 68 - 68
Infinite Saboteur (1) 72 - 72
Infinite Slayer 68 - 68
Infinite Slayer (1) 72 - 72
Infinite Timebreaker 80 - 80 Dragonblight
Infinite Timereaver 72 - 72
Infinite Timereaver (1) 72 - 72
Infinite Timerender 75 - 75
Infinite Timerender 75 - 75
Infinite Vanquisher 70 - 70
Infinite Vanquisher 70 - 70
Infinite Vanquisher (1) 70 - 70
Infinite Vanquisher (1) 70 - 70
Infinite Whelp 70 - 70
Infinite Whelp (1) 70 - 70
Insidion 72 - 72
Iragos 1 - 1
Ironbound Proto-Drake 1 - 1
JAB Nether Serpent 1 - 1
Jade 47 - 47
Jademir Boughguard 62 - 62 Feralas
Jademir Dragonspawn 60 - 60
Jademir Oracle 61 - 61 Feralas
Jademir Tree Warder 60 - 60 Feralas
Jorus 70 - 70 Shattrath City
Kalaran the Deceiver 55 - 55
Kalaran Windblade 55 - 55 Searing Gorge
Kalecgos 73 - 73
Kalecgos 73 - 73 Sunwell Plateau
Kalecgos 73 - 73
Kalecgos 82 - 82 Dragonblight
Kalecgos 73 - 73 Sunwell Plateau
Karynaku 72 - 72 Shadowmoon Valley
Karynaku Taxi 1 - 1
Keristrasza 80 - 80
Keristrasza 80 - 80 Borean Tundra
Keristrasza 73 - 73 The Nexus
Keristrasza 80 - 80
Keristrasza (1) 82 - 82
Korialstrasz 83 - 83 Dragonblight
Krasus 83 - 83 Dragonblight
Lady Katrana Prestor 62 - 62 Stormwind City
Lady Onyxia 73 - 73
Lady Sinestra 73 - 73
Lady Sinestra 73 - 73
Lesser Nether Drake 66 - 67 Blade's Edge Mountains
Lethecus 75 - 75
Lethlas 62 - 62 Feralas
Lethon 63 - 63 The Hinterlands
Ley-Guardian Eregos 81 - 81 The Oculus
Ley-Guardian Eregos (1) 82 - 82
Lord Afrasastrasz 80 - 80 Dragonblight
Lord Captain Wyrmak 45 - 45 Swamp of Sorrows
Lord Itharius 80 - 80 Dragonblight
Lord Raadan 70 - 70
Lord Valthalak 63 - 63
Lord Victor Nefarius 63 - 63
Lost Whelp 24 - 25 Wetlands
Madrigosa 74 - 74 Sunwell Plateau
Madrigosa 72 - 72 Isle of Quel'Danas
Malfas 70 - 70 Shattrath City
Malygos 83 - 83 The Eye of Eternity
Malygos 83 - 83
Malygos 83 - 83
Malygos 1 - 1
Manaclaw 58 - 58 Winterspring
Mature Nether Drake 67 - 67
Mature Netherwing Drake 69 - 69 Shadowmoon Valley
Maxnar the Ashmaw 68 - 68 Blade's Edge Mountains
Memory of Chromaggus 82 - 82
Memory of Chromaggus (1) 82 - 82
Memory of Cyanigosa 82 - 82
Memory of Cyanigosa (1) 82 - 82
Memory of Onyxia 82 - 82
Memory of Onyxia (1) 82 - 82
Merciless Nether Drake 1 - 1
Merithra Dragon Form 1 - 1
Merithra of the Dream 63 - 63
Mordenai 71 - 71 Shadowmoon Valley
Morphaz 50 - 50
Myragosa 1 - 1
Nal'taszar 30 - 30 Stonetalon Mountains
Nalice 75 - 75 Dragonblight
Narillasanz 44 - 44 Hillsbrad Foothills
Narillasanz 44 - 44 Alterac Mountains
Nazan 62 - 62
Nazan (1) 72 - 72
Nefarian 63 - 63 Blackwing Lair
Neltharaku 72 - 72 Shadowmoon Valley
Neltharion 1 - 1
Nether Dragon 70 - 70 Netherstorm
Nether Drake 68 - 69 Netherstorm
Nether Drakonid (Black) 1 - 1
Nether Drakonid (Blue) 1 - 1
Nether Drakonid (Green) 1 - 1
Nether Drakonid (Purple) 1 - 1
Nether Drakonid Boss (Black) 1 - 1
Nether Drakonid Boss (Blue) 1 - 1
Nether Drakonid Boss (Green) 1 - 1
Nether Drakonid Boss (Purple) 1 - 1
Nether Whelp 67 - 67 Blade's Edge Mountains
Netherspite 70 - 70 Karazhan
Netherwing Ally 70 - 70
Netherwing Dragon 70 - 70
Netherwing Drake 69 - 69
Netherwing Whelp 1 - 1
Nethrandamus 70 - 70 Nagrand
Nethrandamus Taxi 1 - 1
Nexus Drake Hatchling 72 - 72 Borean Tundra
Nexus Guardian 72 - 72 Dragonblight
Nexus Watcher 80 - 80 Borean Tundra
Nightmare Scalebane 49 - 49
Nightmare Suppressor 49 - 49
Nightmare Wanderer 48 - 49
Nightmare Whelp 48 - 48
Nightmare Wyrmkin 48 - 49
Nihil the Banished 73 - 73
Nishera the Garden Keeper 74 - 74 Dragonblight
Northrend Red Dragon 1 - 1
Northrend Red Drake 1 - 1
Nozari 60 - 60 Tanaris
Nozari 70 - 70 Tanaris
Nozdormu 83 - 83 Dragonblight
Obsidia 72 - 72
Obsidian Consort 1 - 1
Obsidian Consort 82 - 82
Occulus 50 - 50 Tanaris
Omar the Test Dragon 1 - 1
Omar the Test Dragon Gen2 1 - 1
Onyx Blaze Mistress 81 - 81 The Obsidian Sanctum
Onyx Blaze Mistress (1) 81 - 81
Onyx Brood General 81 - 81 The Obsidian Sanctum
Onyx Brood General (1) 81 - 81
Onyx Flamecaller 82 - 82
Onyx Flamecaller (1) 1 - 1
Onyx Flight Captain 81 - 81 The Obsidian Sanctum
Onyx Flight Captain (1) 81 - 81
Onyx Netherwing Drake 70 - 70
Onyx Sanctum Guardian 81 - 81 The Obsidian Sanctum
Onyx Sanctum Guardian (1) 81 - 81
Onyxia 83 - 83 Onyxia's Lair
Onyxia (1) 83 - 83
Onyxia's Elite Guard 58 - 59
Onyxian Drake 1 - 1
Onyxian Drake 1 - 1
Onyxian Lair Guard 80 - 80
Onyxian Lair Guard (1) 80 - 80
Onyxian Warder 80 - 80
Onyxian Warder (1) 80 - 80
Onyxian Whelp 80 - 80
Onyxian Whelp (1) 80 - 80
Onyxien 70 - 70 Shattrath City
Overlord Wyrmthalak 60 - 60 Blackrock Spire
Penumbrius 80 - 80 Crystalsong Forest
Penumbrius 80 - 80 Crystalsong Forest
Phantim 62 - 62 Ashenvale
Phantim Illusion 1 - 1
Phase Hatchling 68 - 69
Plagued Hatchling 57 - 59
Plagued Proto-Dragon 70 - 70 Howling Fjord
Plagued Proto-Drake 1 - 1
Plagued Proto-Whelp 69 - 69
Portal Guardian 76 - 76
Portal Guardian 76 - 76
Portal Guardian (1) 81 - 81
Portal Guardian (1) 81 - 81
Portal Keeper 76 - 76
Portal Keeper 76 - 76
Portal Keeper (1) 81 - 81
Portal Keeper (1) 81 - 81
Power of the Blue Flight 70 - 70
Primordial Drake 76 - 77 Sholazar Basin
Primordial Hatchling 76 - 77 Sholazar Basin
Protectorate Nether Drake 70 - 70 Netherstorm
Proto-Drake 70 - 71 Howling Fjord
Proto-Drake Broodmother 1 - 1
Proto-Drake Corpse 80 - 80 The Storm Peaks
Proto-Drake Skyguard 1 - 1
Proto-Drake Skyguard (1) 1 - 1
Proto-Nether Drake 67 - 67
Proto-Whelp 69 - 71 Howling Fjord
Purple Netherwing Drake 70 - 70
QA Test Dummy 80 Dragonkin 1 - 1
Raelorasz 80 - 80 Borean Tundra
Rage Talon Captain 62 - 62
Rage Talon Dragon Guard 60 - 61
Rage Talon Dragonspawn 58 - 59
Rage Talon Fire Tongue 60 - 61
Rage Talon Flamescale 58 - 59
Rage Talon Whelp 56 - 57
Razorgore the Untamed 63 - 63 Blackwing Lair
Razorscale 83 - 83 Ulduar
Razorscale (1) 83 - 83
Red Dragon Mount 1 - 1
Red Dragon Soldier 80 - 80
Red Dragonspawn 57 - 58 Wetlands
Red Drake 1 - 1
Red Drake (Speed Mount) 1 - 1
Red Drake Courier 1 - 1
Red Drake Mount 1 - 1
Red Drakonid 60 - 60
Red Guardian Drake 80 - 80
Red Proto-Drake 1 - 1
Red Scalebane 59 - 60 Wetlands
Red Whelp 23 - 24 Wetlands
Red Wyrmkin 58 - 59 Wetlands
Relentless Gladiator's Frost Wyrm 1 - 1
Rend on Drake Visual 1 - 1
Riding Nether Drake 1 - 1
Rift Keeper 71 - 71
Rift Keeper 71 - 71
Rift Keeper (1) 70 - 70
Rift Keeper (1) 70 - 70
Rift Lord 71 - 71
Rift Lord 71 - 71
Rift Lord (1) 71 - 71
Rift Lord (1) 71 - 71
Risera 70 - 70 Dragonblight
Rivendark 72 - 72
Rogue Black Drake 50 - 52 Burning Steppes
Rookery Guardian 58 - 59
Rookery Hatcher 58 - 59
Rookery Whelp 56 - 57
Rothos 62 - 62 The Hinterlands
Ruby Consort 82 - 82
Ruby Dragon 82 - 82 The Ruby Sanctum
Ruby Drake 80 - 80
Ruby Drake 1 - 1
Ruby Drake 82 - 82 The Ruby Sanctum
Ruby Drakonid 82 - 82 The Ruby Sanctum
Ruby Guardian 73 - 74 Dragonblight
Ruby Keeper 74 - 75 Dragonblight
Ruby Scalebane 82 - 82 The Ruby Sanctum
Ruby Watcher 73 - 74 Dragonblight
Rusted Proto-Drake 1 - 1
Ruul's Nether Drake 1 - 1
Ruul's Netherdrake 70 - 70 Shadowmoon Valley
Sa'at 73 - 73
Sabellian 71 - 71
Sanctum Guardian Xerestrasza 80 - 80 The Ruby Sanctum
Saragosa 73 - 73 Borean Tundra
Saragosa 73 - 73
Sartharion 83 - 83 The Obsidian Sanctum
Sartharion (1) 83 - 83
Sartharion Twilight Whelp 81 - 81
Sartharion Twilight Whelp (1) 81 - 81
Saviana Ragefire 83 - 83 The Ruby Sanctum
Saviana Ragefire (1) 83 - 83
Scalding Broodling 53 - 54 Burning Steppes
Scalding Drake 53 - 55 Burning Steppes
Scalding Whelp 41 - 43 Badlands
Scalebane Captain 43 - 44 Swamp of Sorrows
Scalebane Lieutenant 60 - 61 Wetlands
Scalebane Royal Guard 61 - 62 Wetlands
Scalesworn Elite 80 - 80 Borean Tundra
Scorched Guardian 43 - 45 Badlands
Scorchscale Drake 42 - 42
Scryer 60 - 60 Winterspring
Searing Hatchling 39 - 40 Dustwallow Marsh
Searing Whelp 39 - 40 Dustwallow Marsh
Searscale Drake 56 - 58 Burning Steppes
Selagosa 1 - 1
Serinar 75 - 75 Dragonblight
Serinar's Presence 74 - 74 Dragonblight
Shade of Eranikus 50 - 50
Shade of Taerar 73 - 73
Shadowsworn Drakonid 70 - 70 Shadowmoon Valley
Shadron 83 - 83 The Obsidian Sanctum
Shadron (1) 83 - 83
Singe 24 - 24 Redridge Mountains
Sleeping Dragon 1 - 1
Small Black Dragon Whelp 1 - 1
Smolderwing 41 - 41
Snarlflare 18 - 18 Redridge Mountains
Snow Miser 1 - 1
Solakar Flamewreath 60 - 60 Blackrock Spire
Somnus 62 - 62 Swamp of Sorrows
Soridormi 73 - 73
Spell Eater 54 - 56 Winterspring
Spellmaw 56 - 56 Winterspring
Spirit of Azuregos 63 - 63 Azshara
Spirit of the North 70 - 70 Borean Tundra
Sprite Darter 43 - 45 Feralas
Sprite Dragon 47 - 50 Feralas
Steel Miser 1 - 1
Steward of Time 70 - 70 Tanaris
Stormpeak Hatchling 80 - 80 The Storm Peaks
Stormpeak Wyrm 80 - 80 The Storm Peaks
Stormpeak Wyrm 1 - 1
Stormspire Drake 70 - 70
Suraku 70 - 70 Shattrath City
Surristrasz 80 - 80 Borean Tundra
Swift Nether Drake 1 - 1
Taerar 73 - 73 Duskwood
Tamed Proto-Whelp 69 - 70 Howling Fjord
Tariolstrasz 80 - 80 Dragonblight
Temple Caller 1 - 1
Temporus 73 - 73
Temporus (1) 72 - 72
Tempus Wyrm 80 - 80 Dragonblight
Tenebron 83 - 83 The Obsidian Sanctum
Tenebron (1) 83 - 83
Teremus the Devourer 73 - 73
Test Nether Whelp 1 - 1
Theragos 1 - 1
Tick 52 - 52 Tanaris
Time Keeper 70 - 70
Time Keeper (1) 70 - 70
Time Watcher 70 - 70 Tanaris
Time Watcher Transform 1 - 1
Time-Lost Proto Drake 80 - 80 The Storm Peaks
Time-Lost Proto Drake 80 - 80 Icecrown
Time-Lost Proto-Drake 1 - 1
Toranaku 72 - 72 Shadowmoon Valley
Torastrasza 80 - 80 Dragonblight
Tortured Drake 40 - 40
Trizormu 75 - 75 Dragonblight
Twilight Drake 1 - 1
Twilight Drake Mount 1 - 1
Twilight Drake Mount (Purple) 1 - 1
Twilight Drake Mount (Red) 1 - 1
Twilight Drakonaar 72 - 72
Twilight Drakonaar (1) 72 - 72
Twilight Ridge Drakonid [PH] 1 - 1
Twilight Seeker's Mount 1 - 1
Twilight Whelp 81 - 81
Twilight Whelp (1) 81 - 81
UNUSED [PH] Flamewreath Guard 1 - 1
Vaelan 54 - 55
Vaelastrasz 60 - 60
Vaelastrasz the Corrupt 63 - 63 Blackwing Lair
Vaelastrasz the Red 62 - 62
Valithria Dreamwalker 1 - 1 Icecrown Citadel
Valithria Dreamwalker 83 - 83 Icecrown Citadel
Valithria Dreamwalker 83 - 83
Valithria Dreamwalker (1) 83 - 83
Valithria Dreamwalker (1) 83 - 83
Vargastrasz 75 - 75 Dragonblight
Varos Cloudstrider 81 - 81 The Oculus
Varos Cloudstrider (1) 82 - 82
Vazruden the Herald 62 - 62 Hellfire Ramparts
Vazruden the Herald (1) 72 - 72
Vengeful Nether Drake 1 - 1
Veraku 70 - 70
Veranus 1 - 1
Veranus 1 - 1
Veranus 1 - 1 The Storm Peaks
Veranus 80 - 80
Verdantine Boughguard 62 - 62 The Hinterlands
Verdantine Oracle 61 - 61 The Hinterlands
Verdantine Tree Warder 60 - 60 The Hinterlands
Verdisa 80 - 80 The Oculus
Veridian Netherwing Drake 70 - 70
Vesperon 83 - 83 The Obsidian Sanctum
Vesperon (1) 83 - 83
Violet Netherwing Drake 70 - 70
Violet Proto-Drake 1 - 1
Voranaku 70 - 70 Shattrath City
Vrykul Proto-dragon Mount 1 - 1
Vrykul Proto-dragon Mount 1 - 1
Vrykul Proto-dragon Mount (White) 1 - 1
Vyragosa 80 - 80 The Storm Peaks
Vyragosa 80 - 80 Icecrown
Warbringer Goredrak 73 - 73 Borean Tundra
Warden of the Chamber 76 - 76
Warden of Time 70 - 70 Tanaris
Warrior 1 1 - 1
Warrior 10 1 - 1
Warrior 15 1 - 1
Warrior 20 1 - 1
Warrior 21 1 - 1
Warrior 22 1 - 1
Warrior 23 1 - 1
Warrior 24 1 - 1
Warrior 25 1 - 1
Warrior 26 1 - 1
Warrior 27 1 - 1
Warrior 28 1 - 1
Warrior 29 1 - 1
Warrior 30 1 - 1
Warrior 40 1 - 1
Warrior 40 (More Leash) 1 - 1
Warrior 5 1 - 1
Warrior 60 1 - 1
Weaver 50 - 50
Wild Wyrm 80 - 80 The Storm Peaks
Wily Fey Dragon 26 - 27 Stonetalon Mountains
Wrathful Gladiator's Frost Wyrm 1 - 1
Wyrmcult Blackwhelp 67 - 68 Blade's Edge Mountains
Wyrmcult Blessed 67 - 68 Blade's Edge Mountains
Wyrmcult Broodling 65 - 66 Blade's Edge Mountains
Wyrmkin Dreamwalker 42 - 43 Swamp of Sorrows
Wyrmkin Firebrand 61 - 62 Wetlands
Wyrmrest Defender 1 - 1
Wyrmrest Defender 75 - 75 Dragonblight
Wyrmrest Guardian 73 - 74 Dragonblight
Wyrmrest Protector 80 - 80 Dragonblight
Wyrmrest Protector Visual (Black) 1 - 1
Wyrmrest Protector Visual (Blue) 1 - 1
Wyrmrest Protector Visual (Bronze) 1 - 1
Wyrmrest Protector Visual (Green) 1 - 1
Wyrmrest Protector Visual (Nether) 1 - 1
Wyrmrest Protector Visual (Red) 1 - 1
Wyrmrest Temple Drake 72 - 73 Dragonblight
Wyrmrest Vanquisher 74 - 74
Wyrmrest Vanquisher (Bones) 1 - 1
Wyrmrest Warden Visual (Black) 1 - 1
Wyrmrest Warden Visual (Blue) 1 - 1
Wyrmrest Warden Visual (Bronze) 1 - 1
Wyrmrest Warden Visual (Green) 1 - 1
Wyrmrest Warden Visual (Red) 1 - 1
Yarzill Dragon Form 1 - 1
Ysera 83 - 83 Dragonblight
Ysera 1 - 1
Ysondre 73 - 73 Ashenvale
Zaladormu 70 - 70
Zephyr 70 - 70 Shattrath City
Zidormi 80 - 80 Dalaran
Zoya 70 - 70 Shattrath City
Zyndragosa 1 - 1
[NOT USED] Death Talon Earthshaker 1 - 1
[NOT USED] Death Talon Scalebane 1 - 1
[NOT USED] Death Talon Whelp 1 - 1
[NOT USED] Neltharion 1 - 1
[ph] Coldarra Blue Dragon Patroller 1 - 1
[PH] Coldarra Leyliner 1 - 1
[PH] Dragonblight Black Dragon 1 - 1
[PH] Dragonblight Green Dragon 1 - 1
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