Alchemist Pestlezugg - NPC

Alchemist Pestlezugg <Alchemy Supplies>

Informations générales

  • Level 45
  • Faction: Gadgetzan
  • Humanoid
  • Life: 2218
This NPC can be found in Tanaris.
Name Level Stock Sell Price:
Empty Vial 1 1
Leaded Vial 25 10
Recipe: Nature Protection Potion 38 50
Crystal Vial 35 125
Recipe: Philosopher's Stone 45 200
Recipe: Transmute Iron to Gold 45 200
Recipe: Transmute Mithril to Truesilver 45 200
Recipe: Transmute Arcanite 55 125
Imbued Vial 55 150
Enchanted Vial 75 250
Name ILVL Required Level Faction
Insect Part Analysis 48 39 Alliance & Horde
Bungle in the Jungle 53 50 Alliance & Horde
Pawn Captures Queen 54 50 Alliance & Horde
Calm Before the Storm 54 50 Alliance
Calm Before the Storm 54 50 Horde
Name Level Required Level Faction
Noxious Lair Investigation 47 39 Alliance & Horde
Insect Part Analysis 48 39 Alliance & Horde
March of the Silithid 53 50 Alliance
March of the Silithid 53 50 Horde
Bungle in the Jungle 53 50 Alliance & Horde
Pawn Captures Queen 54 50 Alliance & Horde

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