Fela - NPC

Fela <Heavy Armor Merchant>

Informations générales

  • Level 30
  • Faction: Thunder Bluff
  • Humanoid
  • Reaction: Horde
  • Life: 1003
This NPC can be found in Mulgore.
Name Level Stock Sell Price:
Polished Scale Belt 27 581
Polished Scale Boots 27 879
Polished Scale Bracers 27 586
Polished Scale Gloves 27 588
Polished Scale Leggings 27 1181
Polished Scale Vest 27 1185
Augmented Chain Vest 37 3134
Augmented Chain Leggings 37 3146
Augmented Chain Belt 37 1578
Augmented Chain Boots 37 2387
Augmented Chain Bracers 37 1590
Augmented Chain Gloves 37 1596
Brigandine Vest 50 8554
Brigandine Belt 50 4292
Brigandine Leggings 50 8615
Brigandine Boots 50 6513
Brigandine Bracers 50 4029
Brigandine Gloves 50 4044
Kite Shield 27 1236
Heavy Pavise 37 3231
Crested Heater Shield 50 8725
Augmented Chain Helm 37 2456
Brigandine Helm 50 5997
Platemail Belt 50 2667
Platemail Boots 50 4016
Platemail Bracers 50 2687
Platemail Gloves 50 2697
Platemail Helm 50 4062
Platemail Leggings 50 5437
Platemail Armor 50 5458
Metal Buckler 34 248
Ornate Buckler 47 6921
Reinforced Targe 24 879

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