Ahn'kahar Slasher - NPC

Ahn'kahar Slasher

Informations générales

  • Level 73
  • Rank: Elite
  • Faction: Monster
  • Undead
  • Life: 39760
This NPC can be found in Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom.
Name ILVL Type % Loot
Scourge Curio 1 Quest 33 %
Jessera's Fungus Lined Bracers 13 Mail 32.2 %
Frostweave Cloth 70 Cloth 32.2 %
Honey-Spiced Lichen 75 Bandages 7.8 %
Pungent Seal Whey 80 Bandages 4.1 %
Froststeel Lockbox 73 Junk 1.3 %
Glowworm Cavern Bindings 167 Mail 1.9 %
Super Healing Potion 65 Potion 2.2 %
Spored Tendrils Spaulders 167 Mail 1.7 %
Name ILVL Type % Loot
Frostweave Cloth 70 Cloth 33 %
Scourge Curio 1 Quest 33 %
Jessera's Fungus Lined Bracers 13 Mail 33 %
Sparkling Frostcap 85 Bandages 7 %
Runic Healing Potion 80 Potion
Web Winder Gloves 200 Plate
Honeymint Tea 85 Bandages

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