Les résultats de votre recherche concernant les créatures de type Undead.
Les affichages sont limités à 1000 entités, utilisez la recherche pour affiner votre recherche.
Name Level Area
"Patches" 80 - 80 Icecrown
(PH) Dreadweave Spinner 1 - 1
Abjurist Belmara 68 - 68 Netherstorm
Abominable Messenger 1 - 1
Abomination 71 - 71
Accursed Apparition 64 - 65 Terokkar Forest
Acherus Deathcharger 55 - 55
Acherus Deathcharger 55 - 55
Acherus Ghoul 62 - 66
Acherus Necromancer 70 - 70 Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave
Acherus Necromancer 70 - 70 Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave
Acherus Necromancer 70 - 70 Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave
Acherus Scourge Proxy 1 - 1
Acolyte of Agony 75 - 76 Zul'Drak
Acolyte of Pain 75 - 76 Zul'Drak
Aelthalyste 60 - 60 Undercity
Agitated Orc Spirit 66 - 67 Nagrand
Ahn'kahar Channeler 73 - 73 Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom
Ahn'kahar Guardian 74 - 74
Ahn'kahar Guardian (1) 81 - 81
Ahn'kahar Slasher 73 - 73 Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom
Ahn'kahar Slasher (1) 80 - 81
Ahn'kahar Spell Flinger 73 - 73 Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom
Ahn'kahar Spell Flinger (1) 80 - 81
Ahn'kahar Swarmer 74 - 74 Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom
Ahn'kahar Swarmer 74 - 74
Ahn'kahar Swarmer (1) 80 - 80
Ahn'kahar Swarmer (1) 80 - 80
Ahn'kahar Watcher 80 - 80 Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom
Ahn'kahar Watcher (1) 80 - 81
Ahn'kahar Web Winder 73 - 73 Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom
Ahn'kahar Web Winder (1) 80 - 81
Alarmed Blightguard 74 - 75
Aldur'thar Sentry 79 - 80
Aldur'thar Sentry 79 - 80 Icecrown
Algar the Chosen 1 - 1 Zul'Drak
Algernon 30 - 30 Undercity
Althen the Historian 59 - 59 Hellfire Peninsula
Alumeth the Ascended 81 - 81
Amal'thazad 80 - 80 Eastern Plaguelands
Amal'thazad 80 - 80 Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave
Ambassador Bloodrage 35 - 35 The Barrens
Ambassador Malcin 35 - 35 Thousand Needles
Amber Provost 1 - 1
Amnennar the Coldbringer 37 - 37 Razorfen Downs
Anaya Dawnrunner 16 - 16 Darkshore
Ancient Draenei Spirit 1 - 70
Ancient Drakkari King 73 - 73
Ancient Drakkari Soothsayer 73 - 73 Grizzly Hills
Ancient Drakkari Warmonger 73 - 73 Grizzly Hills
Ancient Shadowmoon Spirit 72 - 72 Shadowmoon Valley
Ancient Skeletal Soldier 79 - 80 Icecrown Citadel
Ancient Skeletal Soldier (1) 80 - 80
Anger'rel 55 - 55
Angered Skeleton 66 - 66 Auchenai Crypts
Angered Skeleton (1) 70 - 72
Angershade 7 - 8
Angrathar Aberration 76 - 77
Angrathar Geist 71 - 72 Dragonblight
Anguished Dead 31 - 31
Anguished Highborne 55 - 56 Winterspring
Animated Bones 73 - 73
Animated Bones (1) 80 - 81
Animated Laborer 78 - 79 Icecrown
Annhylde the Caller 72 - 72
Annhylde the Caller (1) 80 - 81
Anok'ra the Manipulator 72 - 72 Dragonblight
Anok'suten 11 - 11
Antiok's Mount 1 - 1
Anub'ar Ambusher 71 - 72 Dragonblight
Anub'ar Assassin 73 - 73
Anub'ar Assassin (1) 80 - 81
Anub'ar Blightbeast 71 - 72 Dragonblight
Anub'ar Brood Keeper 72 - 72 Azjol-Nerub
Anub'ar Brood Keeper (1) 80 - 81
Anub'ar Champion 73 - 73
Anub'ar Champion 73 - 73
Anub'ar Champion 73 - 73
Anub'ar Champion 73 - 73
Anub'ar Champion (1) 81 - 81
Anub'ar Champion (1) 80 - 81
Anub'ar Champion (1) 80 - 81
Anub'ar Champion (1) 80 - 81
Anub'ar Crusher 74 - 74
Anub'ar Crusher (1) 80 - 81
Anub'ar Crypt Fiend 73 - 73
Anub'ar Crypt Fiend 73 - 73
Anub'ar Crypt Fiend 73 - 73
Anub'ar Crypt Fiend 73 - 73
Anub'ar Crypt Fiend (1) 81 - 81
Anub'ar Crypt Fiend (1) 80 - 81
Anub'ar Crypt Fiend (1) 80 - 81
Anub'ar Crypt Fiend (1) 81 - 81
Anub'ar Darter 73 - 73
Anub'ar Darter 73 - 73 Azjol-Nerub
Anub'ar Darter (1) 80 - 81
Anub'ar Darter (1) 80 - 81
Anub'ar Dreadweaver 71 - 72 Dragonblight
Anub'ar Guardian 73 - 73
Anub'ar Guardian (1) 80 - 81
Anub'ar Invader 70 - 71
Anub'ar Necromancer 73 - 73
Anub'ar Necromancer 73 - 73
Anub'ar Necromancer 73 - 73
Anub'ar Necromancer 73 - 73
Anub'ar Necromancer (1) 80 - 80
Anub'ar Necromancer (1) 80 - 81
Anub'ar Necromancer (1) 80 - 81
Anub'ar Necromancer (1) 80 - 81
Anub'ar Prime Guard 74 - 74 Azjol-Nerub
Anub'ar Prime Guard (1) 80 - 81
Anub'ar Shadowcaster 72 - 72
Anub'ar Shadowcaster (1) 80 - 81
Anub'ar Skirmisher 72 - 72 Azjol-Nerub
Anub'ar Skirmisher (1) 80 - 81
Anub'ar Slayer 71 - 72 Dragonblight
Anub'ar Underlord 71 - 72 Dragonblight
Anub'ar Venomancer 73 - 73
Anub'ar Venomancer (1) 80 - 81
Anub'ar Warrior 72 - 72 Azjol-Nerub
Anub'ar Warrior (1) 80 - 81
Anub'ar Webspinner 72 - 72 Azjol-Nerub
Anub'ar Webspinner (1) 80 - 81
Anub'arak 83 - 83 Trial of the Crusader
Anub'arak 83 - 83
Anub'arak 74 - 74 Azjol-Nerub
Anub'arak (1) 83 - 83
Anub'arak (1) 83 - 83
Anub'arak (1) 82 - 82
Anub'arak (2) 83 - 83
Anub'arak (2) 83 - 83
Anub'arak (3) 83 - 83
Anub'arak (3) 83 - 83
Anub'Rekhan 83 - 83 Naxxramas
Anub'Rekhan (1) 83 - 83
Anub'shiah 52 - 52
Apprentice Osterkilgr 80 - 80 Icecrown
Arados the Damned 35 - 35
Araj the Summoner 61 - 61 Western Plaguelands
Arakkoa Bonewalker (Black) 1 - 1
Arakkoa Bonewalker (Green) 1 - 1
Arakkoa Bonewalker (Red) 1 - 1
Arakkoa Bonewalker (Yellow) 1 - 1
Arcane Nightmare 1 - 1
Arcane Nightmare (1) 1 - 1
Arch Mage Xintor 61 - 61 Hellfire Peninsula
Army of the Dead Ghoul 80 - 80
Arthas, Dark 1 - 1
Arthas, Lich King 1 - 1
Artist Renfray 12 - 12 Western Plaguelands
Artruis the Heartless 77 - 77 Sholazar Basin
Asghar 68 - 68 Shadowmoon Valley
Aspect of Banality 60 - 60
Aspect of Corruption 60 - 60
Aspect of Malice 60 - 60
Aspect of Shadow 60 - 60
Atal'ai Corpse Eater 48 - 48
Atal'ai Deathwalker 48 - 49
Atal'ai Deathwalker's Spirit 48 - 49
Atal'ai Skeleton 49 - 49
Attumen the Huntsman 73 - 73
Attumen the Huntsman 73 - 73 Karazhan
Avatar of the Martyred 67 - 67
Avatar of the Martyred (1) 72 - 72
Avenging Spirit 80 - 80
Avenging Spirit (1) 80 - 80
Azshir the Sleepless 32 - 32
Baelok 80 - 80 Icecrown
Baelok 80 - 80 Icecrown
Baker Masterson 37 - 37
Balzaphon 60 - 60
Banal Spirit 60 - 60
Bane 70 - 70 Borean Tundra
Baneflight 75 - 75
Banshee 70 - 70
Banshee Soulclaimer 75 - 76 The Storm Peaks
Banshee Soulclaimer 75 - 76 Zul'Drak
Banshee Soulclaimer 75 - 76 Zul'Drak
Banshee Soulclaimer 75 - 76 The Storm Peaks
Barnes 70 - 70 Karazhan
Barnes (Tuxedo) 1 - 1
Baron Bloodbane 59 - 59
Baron Rafe Dreuger 72 - 72
Baron Rivendare 62 - 62 Stratholme
Baron Rivendare 83 - 83 Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave
Baron Rivendare 83 - 83 Naxxramas
Baron Rivendare 83 - 83 Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave
Baron Rivendare 83 - 83 Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave
Baron Rivendare (1) 83 - 83
Baron Silverlaine 20 - 20 Shadowfang Keep
Baron Titus Rivendare 1 - 1
Baroness Anastari 59 - 59 Stratholme
Baroness Dorothea Millstipe 70 - 70
Basalt 61 - 61
Battle Boar Horror 36 - 36
Battle-Mage Dathric 68 - 68 Netherstorm
Bennett 70 - 70 Karazhan
Berthold 70 - 70 Karazhan
Bethod Feigr 80 - 80 Icecrown
Bile Golem 80 - 81 The Culling of Stratholme
Bile Golem (1) 81 - 81
Bile Retcher 81 - 81 Naxxramas
Bile Retcher (1) 81 - 81
Bile Spewer 59 - 60
Bileblow 80 - 80 Icecrown
Black Conrad's Ghost 71 - 71
Black Guard Executioner 1 - 1
Black Guard Sentry 58 - 59
Black Guard Swordsmith 61 - 62
Black Guard Warrior 1 - 1
Black Knight's Gryphon 80 - 80
Black Knight's Gryphon 1 - 1
Black Knight's Skeletal Gryphon 80 - 80
Black Skeletal Horse 1 - 2
Black Skeletal Horse 1 - 2
Black Skeletal Warhorse 1 - 1
Bladespire Evil Spirit 66 - 66 Blade's Edge Mountains
Blazing Skeleton 83 - 83
Blazing Skeleton (1) 83 - 83
Blazing Skeleton (2) 83 - 83
Blazing Skeleton (3) 83 - 83
Bleeding Hollow Skeleton 60 - 61
Bleeding Hollow Soul 59 - 60
Bleeding Horror 9 - 10 Tirisfal Glades
Blight Aberration 1 - 1
Blight Geist 74 - 75 The Storm Peaks
Blight Geist 74 - 75 Zul'Drak
Blightblood Troll 77 - 77 Zul'Drak
Blightblood Troll 77 - 77 The Storm Peaks
Blighted Abomination 80 - 80 Icecrown Citadel
Blighted Abomination (1) 80 - 80
Blighted Corpse 76 - 77 Sholazar Basin
Blighted Corpse 76 - 77 Sholazar Basin
Blighted Dead 1 - 1
Blighted Zombie 52 - 53 Western Plaguelands
Blightguard 74 - 75 Zul'Drak
Blightguard 74 - 75 The Storm Peaks
Blind Mary 40 - 40 Duskwood
Blistering Zombie 80 - 80
Blistering Zombie (1) 80 - 80
Blistering Zombie (2) 80 - 80
Blistering Zombie (3) 80 - 80
Bloated Abomination 75 - 76 Zul'Drak
Blood Shade 69 - 70 Howling Fjord
Blood Wraith 55 - 56
Blood-Queen Lana'thel 83 - 83 Icecrown Citadel
Blood-Queen Lana'thel 83 - 83 Icecrown Citadel
Blood-Queen Lana'thel 1 - 1
Blood-Queen Lana'thel (1) 83 - 83
Blood-Queen Lana'thel (2) 83 - 83
Blood-Queen Lana'thel (3) 83 - 83
Bloodcursed Voyager 16 - 17
Bloodletter 57 - 58
Bloodmage Thalnos 32 - 32 Scarlet Monastery
Bloodmaul Evil Spirit 66 - 66 Blade's Edge Mountains
Bloodsunder 80 - 80 Icecrown
Bloodsunder 80 - 80 Icecrown
Blue Skeletal Horse 1 - 1
Blue Skeletal Horse 1 - 2 Tirisfal Glades
Blue Skeletal Warhorse 1 - 1
Boltskull 80 - 80 Icecrown
Bone Caster 57 - 59
Bone Chewer 26 - 27 Duskwood
Bone Construct 60 - 60
Bone Giant 80 - 80 Icecrown
Bone Gryphon 80 - 80 Icecrown
Bone Gryphon 1 - 1
Bone Guard 80 - 80 Icecrown
Bone Mage 60 - 60
Bone Minion 60 - 60
Bone Sentinel 80 - 80 Icecrown
Bone Spike 80 - 80
Bone Spike 80 - 80
Bone Spike 80 - 80
Bone Spike (1) 80 - 80
Bone Spike (1) 80 - 80
Bone Spike (1) 80 - 80
Bone Spike (2) 80 - 80
Bone Spike (2) 80 - 80
Bone Spike (2) 80 - 80
Bone Spike (3) 80 - 80
Bone Spike (3) 80 - 80
Bone Spike (3) 80 - 80
Bone Warder 57 - 59
Bone Warrior 70 - 71 Borean Tundra
Bone Warrior 70 - 71 Sholazar Basin
Bone Witch 61 - 61
Boneflayer Ghoul 36 - 36
Bonegrinder 74 - 74 Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom
Bonegrinder (1) 81 - 81
Boneguard Commander 80 - 80 Icecrown
Boneguard Footman 80 - 80 Icecrown
Boneguard Lieutenant 80 - 80 Icecrown
Boneguard Scout 80 - 80 Icecrown
Bonescythe Ravager 75 - 76 Sholazar Basin
Bony Construct 81 - 81 Naxxramas
Bony Construct (1) 81 - 81
Boralstone Gargoyle 1 - 1
Boralstone Skyhunter 1 - 1
Borgoth the Bloodletter 20 - 20
Boss Teron Gorefiend (Mounted) 1 - 1
Boyle 30 - 30 Undercity
Brain Eater 28 - 29 Duskwood
Brian Birmingham 1 - 1
Brittle Skeleton 71 - 71
Brittlebones Skeleton 1 - 1
Broken Cadaver 55 - 56
Broken Sentinel 71 - 71 Magisters' Terrace
Broken Sentinel (1) 71 - 71
Broken Skeleton 64 - 65 Terokkar Forest
Brown Skeletal Horse 1 - 1
Brown Skeletal Horse 1 - 2 Tirisfal Glades
Bug 181860 1 - 1
Buried Prisoner 1 - 1
Burning Skeleton 1 - 1
Burning Skimmer 75 - 76
Bythius the Flesh-Shaper 80 - 80 Sholazar Basin
Cackle Flamebone 1 - 1
Caer Darrow Cannoneer 50 - 54
Caer Darrow Citizen 20 - 59
Caer Darrow Guardsman 51 - 55
Caer Darrow Horseman 52 - 56
Caged Geist 72 - 73 Zul'Drak
Calliard 70 - 70 Karazhan
Cannibal Ghoul 54 - 55 Eastern Plaguelands
Cannibal Wight 1 - 1
Captain Arnath 1 - 1
Captain Arnath (1) 1 - 1
Captain Brandon 1 - 1
Captain Brandon (1) 1 - 1
Captain Dargol 13 - 13 Tirisfal Glades
Captain Grayson 30 - 30 Westfall
Captain Grondel 1 - 1
Captain Grondel (1) 1 - 1
Captain Halyndor 30 - 30 Wetlands
Captain Jacobs 69 - 69 Borean Tundra
Captain Redpath 60 - 60
Captain Rupert 1 - 1
Captain Rupert (1) 1 - 1
Captive Abomination 20 - 20 Undercity
Captive Ghoul 10 - 10 Undercity
Captive Zombie 8 - 8 Undercity
Carnage 80 - 80
Carrion Abomination 1 - 1
Carrion Beetle 74 - 74
Carrion Beetle (1) 82 - 82
Carrion Eater 75 - 76 Zul'Drak
Carrion Gargoyle 1 - 1
Carrion Ghoul 1 - 1
Carrion Hunter 80 - 80 Icecrown
Carrion Scarab 55 - 55
Cauldron Lord Bilemaw 53 - 53
Cauldron Lord Malvinious 55 - 55
Cauldron Lord Razarch 56 - 56
Cauldron Lord Soulwrath 58 - 58
Cerberon 78 - 78 Sholazar Basin
Chained Abomination 80 - 80 Icecrown
Chained Spirit 60 - 60
Chillmaw 82 - 82 Icecrown
Chosen Zealot 80 - 80 Icecrown
Chucky "Ten Thumbs" 44 - 44 Stranglethorn Vale
Citadel Watcher 79 - 80 Icecrown
Cleric of Karabor 69 - 70 Shadowmoon Valley
Cohlien Frostweaver 68 - 68 Netherstorm
Cohlien Frostweaver with Hat 1 - 1
Cold Wraith 54 - 55
Cold Wraith [FILMING] 1 - 1
Coldwraith 1 - 1
Coldwraith 55 - 56
Colossal Abomination 76 - 78 Dragonblight
Commander Felstrom 32 - 32 Duskwood
Commander Hogarth 59 - 59 Hellfire Peninsula
Commander Springvale 20 - 20 Shadowfang Keep
Condemned Acolyte 57 - 58 Hillsbrad Foothills
Condemned Cleric 59 - 60 Hillsbrad Foothills
Condemned Monk 58 - 59 Hillsbrad Foothills
Conjurer Luminrath 68 - 68 Netherstorm
Conquered Soul of the Blightcaller 58 - 59
Converted Hero 80 - 80 Icecrown
Coprous the Defiled 82 - 82 Icecrown
Corp'rethar Guardian 80 - 80 Icecrown
Corpse Eater 1 - 1
Corpse Explosion Rubble 1 - 1
Corpsedust 75 - 75 Zul'Drak
Corpulent Horror 80 - 80 Icecrown
Corpulous 56 - 56
Corrosion 75 - 75 Zul'Drak
Corrupted Champion 80 - 80
Corrupted Champion (1) 80 - 80
Corrupted Scarlet Onslaught 79 - 80
Corrupted Spectre[PH] 1 - 1
Corrupted Spirit 59 - 60
Corrupted Ymirjar 80 - 80
Corrupted Ymirjar (1) 80 - 80
Covetous Geist 71 - 72 Dragonblight
Cowardly Acherus Geist 1 - 1
Cracked Skull Soldier 8 - 9 Tirisfal Glades
Crippler 65 - 65 Terokkar Forest
Cruel Overseer 80 - 80 Icecrown
Crusader Dargath 80 - 80 Zul'Drak
Crypt Beast 59 - 60
Crypt Crawler 68 - 69 Borean Tundra
Crypt Crawler 58 - 59
Crypt Fiend 80 - 80 The Culling of Stratholme
Crypt Fiend 70 - 70
Crypt Fiend (1) 80 - 80
Crypt Guard 81 - 81
Crypt Guard (1) 81 - 81
Crypt Guardian 55 - 55
Crypt Horror 57 - 58 Eastern Plaguelands
Crypt Raider 1 - 1
Crypt Reaver 81 - 81 Naxxramas
Crypt Reaver (1) 81 - 81
Crypt Slayer 58 - 59 Eastern Plaguelands
Crypt Stalker 53 - 54 Eastern Plaguelands
Crypt Walker 55 - 56 Eastern Plaguelands
Cultist Acolyte 80 - 80 Icecrown
Curse of the Eye (Female) 1 - 1
Curse of the Eye (Male) 1 - 1
Cursed Highborne 10 - 11 Darkshore
Cursed Justicar 59 - 60 Hillsbrad Foothills
Cursed Mage 54 - 55 Eastern Plaguelands
Cursed Marine 27 - 28 Wetlands
Cursed Paladin 57 - 58 Hillsbrad Foothills
Cursed Sailor 26 - 27 Wetlands
Cursed Spirit 66 - 66 Blade's Edge Mountains
Custodian Dieworth 68 - 68 Netherstorm
Dahlia Suntouch 75 - 75 Dragonblight
Damned Soul 68 - 69 Deadwind Pass
Damned Taunka Spirit 70 - 70
Daniel Ulfman 3 - 3 Tirisfal Glades
Danielle Koppen 1 - 1
Dansel Adams 1 - 1
Dar'Khan Drathir 21 - 21
Dark Caster 56 - 57 Eastern Plaguelands
Dark Conclave Harbinger 68 - 68 Shadowmoon Valley
Dark Conclave Hawkeye 67 - 67 Shadowmoon Valley
Dark Conclave Ravenguard 68 - 68 Shadowmoon Valley
Dark Conclave Ritualist 67 - 68 Shadowmoon Valley
Dark Conclave Scorncrow 67 - 68 Shadowmoon Valley
Dark Conclave Shadowmancer 67 - 68 Shadowmoon Valley
Dark Conclave Talonite 67 - 67 Shadowmoon Valley
Dark Rider Mount Fixed 1 - 1
Dark Rider of Acherus 55 - 55
Dark Rider of Acherus 55 - 56
Dark Rider of Acherus 55 - 56
Dark Shade 60 - 60
Darkeye Bonecaster 7 - 8 Tirisfal Glades
Darkfallen Advisor 82 - 82 Icecrown Citadel
Darkfallen Advisor (1) 82 - 82
Darkfallen Archmage 82 - 82 Icecrown Citadel
Darkfallen Archmage (1) 82 - 82
Darkfallen Blood Knight 82 - 82 Icecrown Citadel
Darkfallen Blood Knight (1) 82 - 82
Darkfallen Bloodbearer 72 - 72 Borean Tundra
Darkfallen Commander 82 - 82 Icecrown Citadel
Darkfallen Commander (1) 82 - 82
Darkfallen Deathblade 72 - 72 Borean Tundra
Darkfallen Lieutenant 82 - 82 Icecrown Citadel
Darkfallen Lieutenant (1) 82 - 82
Darkfallen Noble 82 - 82 Icecrown Citadel
Darkfallen Noble (1) 82 - 82
Darkfallen Tactician 82 - 82 Icecrown Citadel
Darkfallen Tactician (1) 82 - 82
Darkheart 70 - 70
Darkmender's Ghoul 78 - 78
Darkscreecher Akkarai 72 - 72
Darkwraith 9 - 10
Darmuk 76 - 76 Zul'Drak
Darrowshire Betrayer 57 - 58
Darrowshire Defender 57 - 58
Darrowshire Poltergeist 56 - 57
Darrowshire Spirit 56 - 57
David Test Creature 1235 1 - 1
Davil Crokford 60 - 60
Davil Lightfire 60 - 60
Deadwind Villager 69 - 70
Death Knight 56 - 56
Death Knight 56 - 56
Death Knight 81 - 81 Naxxramas
Death Knight 56 - 56
Death Knight 56 - 56
Death Knight (1) 81 - 81
Death Knight Adept 80 - 80 Icecrown
Death Knight Adept 80 - 80
Death Knight Adept 80 - 80 Icecrown
Death Knight Captain 81 - 81 Naxxramas
Death Knight Captain (1) 81 - 81
Death Knight Cavalier 81 - 81 Naxxramas
Death Knight Cavalier (1) 81 - 81
Death Knight Champion 72 - 72 Grizzly Hills
Death Knight Champion 72 - 72 Dragonblight
Death Knight Champion 56 - 56
Death Knight Champion 56 - 56
Death Knight Darkreaver 62 - 62
Death Knight Initiate 80 - 80 Icecrown
Death Knight Initiate 80 - 80 Icecrown
Death Knight Initiate 80 - 80 Icecrown
Death Knight Initiate 80 - 80 Icecrown
Death Knight Initiate 55 - 55
Death Knight Master 79 - 80 Icecrown
Death Knight Mount 1 - 1
Death Knight Mount, Ebon Hold 1 - 1
Death Knight Overseer 1 - 1
Death Knight Soulbearer 1 - 1
Death Knight Vindicator 62 - 62
Death Knight Warhorse 1 - 1
Death Lord 61 - 61
Death Shade 80 - 80
Death Singer 57 - 59 Eastern Plaguelands
Death Siren 56 - 57
Deathbound Ward 81 - 82 Icecrown Citadel
Deathbound Ward (1) 82 - 82
Deathbringer Saurfang 83 - 83 Icecrown Citadel
Deathbringer Saurfang (1) 83 - 83
Deathbringer Saurfang (2) 83 - 83
Deathbringer Saurfang (3) 83 - 83
Deathcage Scryer 9 - 11
Deathcage Sorcerer 16 - 18
Deathcaller Majestis 1 - 1
Deathcharger 40 - 40
Deathcharger Steed 81 - 81 Naxxramas
Deathcharger Steed (1) 81 - 81
Deathchill Servant 81 - 81
Deathchill Servant (1) 81 - 81
Deathdrip 69 - 69 Zul'Drak
Deathless Watcher 70 - 71 Grizzly Hills
Deathspeaker Disciple 82 - 82 Icecrown Citadel
Deathspeaker Disciple (1) 82 - 82
Deathspeaker High Priest 81 - 82 Icecrown Citadel
Deathspeaker High Priest (1) 82 - 82
Deathsworn Captain 21 - 21
Deathtalon Spirit 64 - 64 Terokkar Forest
Decaying Colossus 80 - 80 Icecrown Citadel
Decaying Colossus (1) 80 - 80
Decaying Corpse 1 - 1
Decaying Ghoul 75 - 76 Zul'Drak
Decaying Warrior 1 - 1
Decaying Wight 1 - 1
Decomposed Ghoul 79 - 80 Icecrown
Decomposing Ghoul 68 - 68 Howling Fjord
Decrepit Ghoul 1 - 1
Decrepit Guardian 55 - 56
Defias Drone 22 - 22 Westfall
Deformed Fanatic 82 - 82
Deformed Fanatic (1) 82 - 82
Deformed Fanatic (2) 82 - 82
Deformed Fanatic (3) 82 - 82
Derek the Undying 58 - 58
Devlin Agamand 9 - 9 Tirisfal Glades
Devourer of Souls 81 - 82 The Forge of Souls
Devourer of Souls 1 - 1
Devourer of Souls 1 - 1
Devourer of Souls (1) 82 - 82
Devouring Ghoul 77 - 80 The Culling of Stratholme
Devouring Ghoul (1) 80 - 80
Devouring Wight 1 - 1
Diseased Drakkari 73 - 73 Grizzly Hills
Diseased Flayer 58 - 59 Eastern Plaguelands
Diseased Ghoul 58 - 59
Disembodied Exarch 67 - 68 Netherstorm
Disembodied Protector 67 - 68 Netherstorm
Disembodied Vindicator 67 - 68 Netherstorm
Disturbed Soul 75 - 76 Zul'Drak
DK (Blood Elf Female) 1 - 1
DK (Blood Elf Male) 1 - 1
DK (Draenei Female) 1 - 1
DK (Draenei Male) 1 - 1
DK (Dwarf Female) 1 - 1
DK (Dwarf Male) 1 - 1
DK (Forsaken Female) 1 - 1
DK (Forsaken Male) 1 - 1
DK (Gnome Female) 1 - 1
DK (Gnome Male) 1 - 1
DK (Human Female) 1 - 1
DK (Human Male) 1 - 1
DK (Night Elf Female) 1 - 1
DK (Night Elf Male) 1 - 1
DK (Orc Female) 1 - 1
DK (Orc Male) 1 - 1
DK (Tauren Female) 1 - 1
DK (Tauren Male) 1 - 1
DK (Troll Female) 1 - 1
DK (Troll Male) 1 - 1
Doctor Gutrick 69 - 69 Shadowmoon Valley
Doctor Maleficus 69 - 69
Doctor Razorgrin 72 - 72 Borean Tundra
Doctor Sabnok 80 - 80
Doom Wraith 54 - 55
Doom'rel 56 - 56
Dope'rel 56 - 56
Dorothee 73 - 73
Dr. Terrible 80 - 80
Dr. Whitherlimb 18 - 18
Draenei Spirit [PH] 1 - 1
Drained Moonrest Highborne 70 - 70 Dragonblight
Drakkari Captive 75 - 76
Drakkari Corpse 75 - 76 Zul'Drak
Drakkari Plague Spreader 73 - 73 Grizzly Hills
Drakkari Plaguebringer 73 - 73 Grizzly Hills
Drakuru Berserker 75 - 75 Zul'Drak
Drakuru Blood Drinker 74 - 75 Zul'Drak
Drakuru Prophet 74 - 75 Zul'Drak
Drakuru Raptor Rider 74 - 75 Zul'Drak
Drakuru's Guard 75 - 76 Zul'Drak
Drakuru's Guard 75 - 76 The Storm Peaks
Dread Commander Thalanor 80 - 80 Eastern Plaguelands
Dread Relic Thrall 60 - 60
Dread Sorcerer 1 - 1
Dread Weaver 58 - 59 Eastern Plaguelands
Dreadbone Construct 72 - 73 Dragonblight
Dreadbone Invader 72 - 72 Grizzly Hills
Dreadbone Invader 72 - 72 Dragonblight
Dreadbone Sentinel 17 - 18
Dreadbone Skeleton 10 - 19
Dreadwhisper 58 - 58
Dreadwind 75 - 75 Icecrown
Dream Portal 80 - 80
Dream Portal (Pre-effect) 80 - 80
Drowned Guardian 69 - 70
Drudge Ghoul 76 - 77
Drudge Ghoul (1) 1 - 1
Drudge Ghoul (2) 1 - 1
Drudge Ghoul (3) 1 - 1
Duke Ragereaver 1 - 1
Dusty Skeleton [PH] 1 - 1
Ebon Gargoyle 1 - 80
Ebon Knight 1 - 1
Ebonlocke 70 - 70 Karazhan
Echo of Medivh 70 - 70 Karazhan
Eidolon Watcher 1 - 1
Eidolon Watcher 80 - 80 Icecrown
Elder Nadox 75 - 75 Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom
Elder Nadox (1) 82 - 82
Eldreth 80 - 80
Eldreth Apparition 57 - 58
Eldreth Lichling 1 - 1
Eldreth Phantasm 58 - 59
Eldreth Seether 58 - 59
Eldreth Sorcerer 58 - 59
Eldreth Spectre 58 - 59
Eldreth Spirit 57 - 58
Eldreth Wraith 59 - 60
Eliza 30 - 30 Duskwood
Eliza's Guard 28 - 29 Duskwood
Emberwyrm 75 - 75 Dragonblight
Emissary Mordiba 59 - 59 Hellfire Peninsula
En'kilah Abomination 71 - 71 Borean Tundra
En'kilah Crypt Fiend 70 - 71 Borean Tundra
En'kilah Gargoyle 71 - 71 Borean Tundra
En'kilah Ghoul 70 - 70 Borean Tundra
En'kilah Unit 1 - 1
Engorged Blight Worm 75 - 75
Enraged Apparition 71 - 72 Dragonblight
Enraged Fleshrender 80 - 80 Icecrown
Enraged Fleshrender 80 - 80 Icecrown
Enraged Skeleton 80 - 80
Enraged Wraith 9 - 10
Enraging Ghoul 80 - 80 The Culling of Stratholme
Enraging Ghoul (1) 80 - 80
Enslaved Soul 70 - 70
Eris Havenfire 60 - 60
Ethenial Moonshadow 73 - 73 Dragonblight
Eva Sarkhoff 54 - 54 Western Plaguelands
Evil Koi-Koi 67 - 68 Blade's Edge Mountains
Eydis Darkbane 83 - 83
Eydis Darkbane 83 - 83 Icecrown
Eydis Darkbane (1) 83 - 83
Eydis Darkbane (2) 83 - 83
Eydis Darkbane (3) 83 - 83
Eye of Dar'Khan 19 - 20
Eye of Naxxramas 55 - 57
Eye of Taldaram 73 - 73 Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom
Eye of Taldaram (1) 80 - 81
Eyeless Watcher 57 - 58 Eastern Plaguelands
Fairbanks Transformed 1 - 1
Fallen Ally 71 - 71
Fallen Champion 33 - 33
Fallen Hero 59 - 60
Fallen Hero's Spirit 79 - 79 Icecrown
Fallen Ranger 15 - 15
Fallen Spiderlord 80 - 80 Icecrown
Fallen Warrior 80 - 80
Fallen Warrior 79 - 80 Pit of Saron
Fallen Warrior (1) 80 - 80
Falric 81 - 82 Halls of Reflection
Falric (1) 82 - 82
Famished Scourge Troll 73 - 73
Farmer Dalson 56 - 56
Father Jhadras 80 - 80
Fearsome Horror 70 - 71 Grizzly Hills
Fel Spirit 61 - 62
Fellicent's Shade 12 - 12 Tirisfal Glades
Felmyst 73 - 73
Felmyst Visual 1 - 1
Fengir the Disgraced 71 - 71 Howling Fjord
Fester 56 - 56
Festergut 83 - 83 Icecrown Citadel
Festergut (1) 83 - 83
Festergut (2) 83 - 83
Festergut (3) 83 - 83
Festering Ghoul 70 - 71 Borean Tundra
Festering Ghoul 70 - 71 Sholazar Basin
Fetid Corpse 29 - 30 Duskwood
Fetid Troll Corpse 74 - 75
Fetid Troll Corpse (1) 80 - 80
Fetid Zombie 54 - 56 Western Plaguelands
Feugen 83 - 83 Naxxramas
Feugen (1) 83 - 83
Fiery Warhorse 1 - 1
Fineous 72 - 72 Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave
First Mate Snellig 29 - 29 Wetlands
Fjola Lightbane 83 - 83
Fjola Lightbane 83 - 83 Icecrown
Fjola Lightbane (1) 83 - 83
Fjola Lightbane (2) 83 - 83
Fjola Lightbane (3) 83 - 83
Flameshocker 53 - 55
Flesh Behemoth 70 - 70 Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave
Flesh Eater 24 - 25 Duskwood
Flesh Giant B [PH] 1 - 1
Flesh Golem 56 - 57 Western Plaguelands
Flesheating Ghoul 74 - 75 Drak'Tharon Keep
Flesheating Ghoul (1) 80 - 81
Fleshflayer Ghoul 59 - 60
Floon 68 - 68 Terokkar Forest
Flying Fiend 75 - 76 Zul'Drak
Flying Fiend 75 - 76 The Storm Peaks
Flying Fiend 1 - 1
Force-Commander Steeljaw 71 - 71
Foreman Thistlenettle 18 - 18 Westfall
Forgemaster Garfrost 80 - 82 Pit of Saron
Forgemaster Garfrost (1) 82 - 82
Forgotten Captain 72 - 73 Dragonblight
Forgotten Depths Acolyte 77 - 78 Crystalsong Forest
Forgotten Depths Ambusher 77 - 78
Forgotten Depths High Priest 77 - 78 Icecrown
Forgotten Depths High Priest 77 - 78 Icecrown
Forgotten Depths High Priest 77 - 78 Icecrown
Forgotten Depths High Priest 1 - 1
Forgotten Depths Slayer 77 - 78 Crystalsong Forest
Forgotten Depths Slayer 1 - 1 Crystalsong Forest
Forgotten Depths Underking 78 - 78 Icecrown
Forgotten Depths Underking 78 - 78 Icecrown
Forgotten Depths Underking 78 - 78 Icecrown
Forgotten Footman 71 - 72 Dragonblight
Forgotten Gryphon 1 - 1
Forgotten Knight 71 - 72 Dragonblight
Forgotten Peasant 71 - 71 Dragonblight
Forgotten Rifleman 71 - 72 Dragonblight
Forgotten Servant 54 - 55
Forgotten Soul 71 - 71
Forlorn Soul 70 - 71 Howling Fjord
Forlorn Spirit 25 - 26 Westfall
Forlorn Spirit 25 - 26 Stormwind City
Forlorn Spirit 25 - 26 Elwynn Forest
Forsaken Prisoner 71 - 71 Dragonblight
Forsaken Prisoner 71 - 71 Dragonblight
Foulmane 52 - 52 Western Plaguelands
Frail Construct 71 - 71
Frail Skeleton 58 - 59
Fras Siabi 61 - 61
Freed Remnant 1 - 1
Freezing Ghoul 55 - 56 Western Plaguelands
Freezing Spirit 36 - 36
Frenzied Abomination 82 - 82 Icecrown Citadel
Frenzied Abomination (1) 82 - 82
Frenzied Gargoyle 76 - 76 Dragonblight
Frenzied Geist 70 - 70 Utgarde Keep
Frenzied Geist (1) 80 - 81
Frenzied Ghoul 69 - 70 Isle of Quel'Danas
Frightened Ghoul 1 - 1
Frigid Abomination 73 - 74
Frigid Abomination Attacker 73 - 74 Dragonblight
Frigid Bones 54 - 55
Frigid Geist 72 - 73 Dragonblight
Frigid Geist Attacker 72 - 73 Dragonblight
Frigid Ghoul 71 - 72
Frigid Ghoul Attacker 71 - 72
Frost Cage Reaver 1 - 1
Frost Cage Skeleton 1 - 1
Frost Drake 80 - 80
Frost Spectre 37 - 37
Frost Wyrm 72 - 72
Frost Wyrm Raptor 1 - 1
Frostbitten Corpse 76 - 77 Sholazar Basin
Frostbringer 73 - 73 Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom
Frostbringer (1) 80 - 81
Frostbrood Destroyer 1 - 1
Frostbrood Destroyer 1 - 1 Crystalsong Forest
Frostbrood Destroyer 1 - 1
Frostbrood Matriarch 83 - 83 Icecrown
Frostbrood Sentry 80 - 80 Icecrown
Frostbrood Sentry 80 - 80 Icecrown
Frostbrood Skytalon 80 - 80
Frostbrood Skytalon 80 - 80 Icecrown
Frostbrood Slayer 83 - 83
Frostbrood Spawn 80 - 80 Icecrown
Frostbrood Spawn 80 - 80 The Storm Peaks
Frostbrood Vanquisher 62 - 62
Frostbrood Whelp 80 - 80 The Storm Peaks
Frostbrood Whelp 80 - 80 Icecrown
Frosthowl Screecher 75 - 76 Sholazar Basin
Frostrock Gargoyle (UNUSED) 1 - 1
Frostskull Magus 80 - 80 Icecrown
Frostsworn General 79 - 80 Halls of Reflection
Frostsworn General (1) 80 - 80
Frostwing Whelp 80 - 80 Icecrown Citadel
Frostwing Whelp (1) 80 - 80
Frostwyrm (Dragonblight) 1 - 1
Frostwyrm Rider 1 - 1
Frosty Bones 1 - 1
Frozen Shade 1 - 1
Frozen Shade, Climax 1 - 1
Frozen Soul 35 - 36
Fury 80 - 80
Fury 80 - 80
Gangled Cannibal 12 - 13
Gangled Flesheater 10 - 11
Gangled Golem 58 - 59 Eastern Plaguelands
Gangrenus 56 - 56
Gargoyle 70 - 70
Gargoyle Ambusher 80 - 80 Icecrown
Gargoyle Ambusher 80 - 80 Icecrown
Gasher 49 - 49
Geirrvif 80 - 80 Icecrown
Geist Ambusher 79 - 80 Pit of Saron
Geist Ambusher (1) 80 - 80
Gelk 42 - 42
General Lightsbane 80 - 80
Geness Half-Soul 80 - 80
Gharsul the Remorseless 8 - 8
Ghastly Haunt 72 - 72 Karazhan
Ghost of the Past 55 - 55
Ghostly Baker 71 - 71 Karazhan
Ghostly Citizen 56 - 57
Ghostly Denizen 11 - 60
Ghostly Marauder 42 - 42 Desolace
Ghostly Philanthropist 72 - 72 Karazhan
Ghostly Priest 78 - 80
Ghostly Priest (1) 80 - 80
Ghostly Raider 40 - 40 Desolace
Ghostly Sage 69 - 70 Borean Tundra
Ghostly Steward 71 - 71 Karazhan
Ghostrider of Karabor 70 - 70 Shadowmoon Valley
Ghoul 70 - 70
Ghoul Berserker 59 - 60
Ghoul Invader 1 - 1
Ghoul Minion 80 - 80
Ghoul Minion 82 - 82
Ghoul Minion (1) 82 - 82
Ghoul Ravener 58 - 59
Ghoul Tormentor 72 - 73 Drak'Tharon Keep
Ghoul Tormentor (1) 80 - 81
Giant Scarab 1 - 1
Gibbering Ghoul 56 - 57 Eastern Plaguelands
Gish the Unmoving 56 - 56 Eastern Plaguelands
Gjalerbron Gargoyle 71 - 71
Gjalerbron Skeleton 66 - 71
Gjonner the Merciless 80 - 80 Icecrown
Glacial Bonelord 80 - 80 Icecrown
Glacion 71 - 71 Grizzly Hills
Glonn 78 - 78 Sholazar Basin
Gloom'rel 56 - 56
Glory 80 - 80 Crystalsong Forest
Gluth 83 - 83 Naxxramas
Gluth (1) 83 - 83
Glutton 37 - 37 Razorfen Downs
Gluttonous Abomination 83 - 83
Gluttonous Abomination (1) 83 - 83
Gluttonous Abomination (2) 83 - 83
Gluttonous Abomination (3) 83 - 83
Gluttonous Geist 53 - 54
Gooey Ghoul Drool 75 - 76 Zul'Drak
Gordo 30 - 30 Tirisfal Glades
Gordok Spirit 60 - 60
Gorebag 75 - 75 Zul'Drak
Gothik the Harvester 80 - 80 Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave
Gothik the Harvester 83 - 83 Naxxramas
Gothik the Harvester 80 - 80 Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave
Gothik the Harvester 80 - 80 Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave
Gothik the Harvester (1) 83 - 83
Gradav 70 - 70 Karazhan
Grand Necrolord Antiok 75 - 75 Dragonblight
Greater Phantasm 1 - 1
Greatfather Aldrimus 70 - 70 Terokkar Forest
Green Skeletal Warhorse 1 - 2 Tirisfal Glades
Gregor Agamand 10 - 10 Tirisfal Glades
Gri'lek 1 - 1
Gri'lek 73 - 73
Griegen 75 - 75 Zul'Drak
Grimkor's Hound 80 - 80
Grimmr Hound 79 - 80
Grimwing 75 - 75 Eastern Plaguelands
Gristlegut 74 - 75 Zul'Drak
Grobbulus 83 - 83 Naxxramas
Grobbulus (1) 83 - 83
Guardian of Backus 1 - 1
Guardian of Icecrown 80 - 80
Guardian of Icecrown (1) 80 - 80
Gunther's Minion 8 - 8
Hailscorn 80 - 80 Sholazar Basin
Halloween Female Ghost 1 - 1
Halloween Male Ghost 1 - 1
Halloween Undead Pirate 1 - 1
Halof the Deathbringer 1 - 1
Hand of Drakuru 1 - 1
Hand of Ravenclaw 15 - 16 Silverpine Forest
Hansen's Warhorse 70 - 70 Dragonblight
Harbinger of Horror 80 - 80 Icecrown
Hargus the Gimp 72 - 72 Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave
Hastings 70 - 70 Karazhan
Hate Shrieker 55 - 57 Eastern Plaguelands
Hate'rel 55 - 55
Hath'ar Broodmaster 75 - 76 Zul'Drak
Hath'ar Necromagus 75 - 76 Grizzly Hills
Hath'ar Necromagus 75 - 76 Zul'Drak
Hath'ar Skimmer 75 - 76 Grizzly Hills
Hath'ar Skimmer 75 - 76 Zul'Drak
Haunted Servitor 18 - 19
Haunting Phantasm 31 - 31
Haunting Spirit 20 - 20
Haunting Vision 57 - 58 Western Plaguelands
Hazza'rah 63 - 63
Headless Horseman's Mount 1 - 1
Headless Horseman's Mount 1 - 1
Headless Horseman's Mount 70 - 70
Hearthsinger Forresten 57 - 57 Stratholme
Hed'mush the Rotting 57 - 57 Eastern Plaguelands
Heigan the Unclean 83 - 83 Naxxramas
Heigan the Unclean (1) 83 - 83
Helcular's Remains 44 - 44 Hillsbrad Foothills
Hideous Plaguebringer 1 - 1
High Inquisitor Fairbanks 40 - 40 Scarlet Monastery
High Invoker Basaleph 1 - 1
High Priest Hawinni 77 - 77 Zul'Drak
High Priest Mu'funu 77 - 77 Zul'Drak
High Priest Naferset 72 - 72 Borean Tundra
High Priest Talet-Kha 72 - 72 Borean Tundra
High Priest Yath'amon 79 - 79 Icecrown
High Priestess Tua-Tua 77 - 77 Zul'Drak
High Thane Jorfus 80 - 80 Icecrown
Highborne Apparition 45 - 46 Azshara
Highborne Lamenter 70 - 70
Highborne Lichling 46 - 47 Azshara
Highborne Summoner 55 - 55
Highlord Alexandros Mograine 83 - 83
Highlord Alexandros Mograine 1 - 1
Highlord Darion Mograine 83 - 83 Icecrown Citadel
Highlord Darion Mograine 83 - 83 Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave
Highlord Darion Mograine 83 - 83 Eastern Plaguelands
Highlord Darion Mograine 83 - 83 Eastern Plaguelands
Highlord Darion Mograine 83 - 83 Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave
Highlord Mograine 73 - 73
Highlord Mograine 63 - 63
Hildana Deathstealer 80 - 80 Icecrown
Hissing Ghoul 26 - 26
Horgus the Ravager 60 - 60
Horvon the Armorer 62 - 62 Terokkar Forest
Howling Geist 58 - 58
Hukku 49 - 49
Hulking Abomination 80 - 80 Icecrown
Hulking Atrocity 74 - 74 Dragonblight
Hulking Atrocity 74 - 74 Zul'Drak
Hulking Corpse 74 - 75
Hulking Corpse (1) 80 - 81
Hulking Horror 79 - 80 Icecrown
Hulking Horror 79 - 80 Icecrown
Hungering Dead 7 - 8 Tirisfal Glades
Hungering Dead 70 - 71 Dragonblight
Hungering Dead 70 - 71 Dragonblight
Hungering Ghoul 80 - 80 Pit of Saron
Hungering Ghoul (1) 80 - 80
Hungering Plaguehound 80 - 80 Icecrown
Hungering Plaguehound 80 - 80 Icecrown
Hungering Soul Fragment 72 - 72 Black Temple
Hungering Wraith 56 - 58 Western Plaguelands
Icefury 80 - 80 Icecrown
Icefury 80 - 80 Icecrown
Iceskin Sentry 80 - 80 Icecrown
Iceskin Sentry 80 - 80 Icecrown
Icestorm 73 - 73
Ick 81 - 82 Pit of Saron
Ick (1) 82 - 82
Icy Ghoul 80 - 80 Icecrown
Illusion of Jandice Barov 61 - 61
Illusionary Phantasm 31 - 31
Illusory Wraith 61 - 61
Illyanna Ravenoak 60 - 60 Dire Maul
Image of Anub'rekhan 83 - 83 Dragonblight
Image of Arthas 83 - 83
Image of Arthas (1) 80 - 81
Image of Faerlina 83 - 83
Image of Gluth 83 - 83
Image of Gothik 83 - 83
Image of Grobbulus 83 - 83
Image of Heigan 83 - 83
Image of Kel'Thuzad 83 - 83 Dragonblight
Image of Lady Blaumeux 83 - 83
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