Gal'darah - NPC

Gal'darah <High Prophet of Akali>

Informations générales

  • Level 78
  • Rank: Elite
  • Faction: Monster
  • Humanoid
  • Life: 294250
This NPC can be found in Gundrak.
Name ILVL Type % Loot
Stone Keeper's Shard 1 Money 100 %
Frostweave Cloth 70 Cloth 8.1 %
Jessera's Fungus Lined Bracers 13 Mail 8.1 %
Wolvar Greaves 166 Mail 2 %
Wolvar Armor 166 Mail 2 %
Wolvar Belt 166 Mail 2 %
Pygmy Shoulders 170 Leather 2 %
Pygmy Pants 170 Leather 2 %
Wolvar Fists 166 Mail 2 %
Pygmy Bindings 170 Leather 2 %
Wolvar Legguards 166 Mail 2 %
Cormorant Waistband 170 Mail 2 %
Cormorant Footwraps 170 Mail 2 %
Wolvar Bindings 166 Mail 2 %
Wolvar Shoulderguards 166 Mail 2 %
Pygmy Helmet 170 Leather 2 %
Wolvar Helmet 166 Mail 2 %
Pygmy Tunic 170 Leather 2 %
Ghrino Vest 166 Leather 2 %
Ghrino Gloves 166 Leather 2 %
Ghrino Boots 166 Leather 2 %
Ghrino Belt 166 Leather 2 %
Dyed Taffeta Cape 170 Cloth 2 %
Ghrino Cover 166 Leather 2 %
Ghrino Britches 166 Leather 2 %
Pygmy Boots 170 Leather 2 %
Cormorant Chain Vest 170 Mail 2 %
Pygmy Belt 170 Leather 2 %
Ghrino Bracers 166 Leather 2 %
Ghrino Pauldrons 166 Leather 2 %
Pygmy Gloves 170 Leather 2 %
Cormorant Helm 170 Mail 2 %
Kraken Epaulets 170 Plate 2 %
Kraken Vambraces 170 Plate 2 %
Kraken Legplates 170 Plate 2 %
Kraken Helm 170 Plate 2 %
Kraken Breastplate 170 Plate 2 %
Kraken Gauntlets 170 Plate 2 %
Plated Bulwark 170 Shields 2 %
Flying Knives 166 Thrown 2 %
Chilled Wand 166 Wands 2 %
Wasteland Wand 170 Wands 2 %
Horrific Crossbow 170 Crossbows 2 %
Arbalest Crossbow 166 Crossbows 2 %
Dragon's Teeth 170 Thrown 2 %
Kraken Greaves 170 Plate 2 %
Kraken Girdle 170 Plate 2 %
Cormorant Bracelets 170 Mail 2 %
Magnataur Girdle 166 Plate 2 %
Cormorant Mantle 170 Mail 2 %
Cormorant Leggings 170 Mail 2 %
Condor Bindings 170 Cloth 2 %
Magnataur Sabatons 166 Plate 2 %
Magnataur Breastplate 166 Plate 2 %
Magnataur Pauldrons 166 Plate 2 %
Magnataur Bracers 166 Plate 2 %
Magnataur Legplates 166 Plate 2 %
Magnataur Helm 166 Plate 2 %
Magnataur Gauntlets 166 Plate 2 %
Cormorant Gloves 170 Mail 2 %
Condor Pants 170 Cloth 2 %
Piercing Glaive 166 Polearms 2 %
Abandoned Spear 170 Polearms 2 %
Arctic War Hammer 170 Two-Handed Maces 2 %
Lumbering Bludgeon 166 Two-Handed Maces 2 %
Serene Hammer 170 One-Handed Maces 2 %
Primitive Scimitar 166 One-Handed Swords 2 %
Craggy Machete 170 One-Handed Swords 2 %
Tenacious Vine Staff 166 Staves 2 %
Desecrated Staff 170 Staves 2 %
Spiked Greatstaff 166 Staves 2 %
Chilled Warblade 170 Two-Handed Swords 2 %
Trollish Destroyer 166 Two-Handed Swords 2 %
Adamant Mallet 170 One-Handed Maces 2 %
Remedial Mace 166 One-Handed Maces 2 %
Wolvar Handaxe 170 One-Handed Axes 2 %
Fracturing Battleaxe 166 Two-Handed Axes 2 %
Dire Axe 166 One-Handed Axes 2 %
Cincture of Woven Reeds 20 Cloth 2 %
Kessel's Cinch Wrap 15 Cloth 2 %
Planate Broadaxe 170 Two-Handed Axes 2 %
Acute Shortbow 166 Bows 2 %
Brass-Bound Cudgel 166 One-Handed Maces 2 %
Muzzled Musket 170 Guns 2 %
Mammoth Gun 166 Guns 2 %
Harnessed Longbow 170 Bows 2 %
Condor Shoulderpads 170 Cloth 2 %
Cascading Water Staff 170 Staves 2 %
Oracle Leggings 166 Cloth 2 %
Oracle Mantle 166 Cloth 2 %
Oracle Circlet 166 Cloth 2 %
Oracle Gloves 166 Cloth 2 %
Gilded Fangs 166 Fist Weapons 2 %
Oracle Bracelets 166 Cloth 2 %
Fleece Cloak 166 Cloth 2 %
Condor Gloves 170 Cloth 2 %
Condor Headpiece 170 Cloth 2 %
Condor Robe 170 Cloth 2 %
Condor Sandals 170 Cloth 2 %
Condor Belt 170 Cloth 2 %
Oracle Slippers 166 Cloth 2 %
Oracle Robe 166 Cloth 2 %
Mandible Edge 170 Daggers 2 %
Oracle Belt 166 Cloth 2 %
Runed Talon 166 Daggers 2 %
Parrying Dagger 166 Daggers 2 %
Six-Fingered Claws 170 Fist Weapons 2 %
Stirrup Ring 166 Miscellaneous 2 %
Singing Dagger 170 Daggers 2 %
Lidless Orb 170 Miscellaneous 2 %
Gold Clasped Chain 166 Miscellaneous 2 %
Engraved Ring 170 Miscellaneous 2 %
Glistening Star 166 Miscellaneous 2 %
Pearl Woven Choker 170 Miscellaneous 2 %
Shroud of Akali 179 Cloth
Amulet of the Stampede 179 Miscellaneous
Gal'darah's Signet 179 Miscellaneous

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