Frenzyheart Hunter - NPC

Frenzyheart Hunter

Informations générales

  • Level 77-78
  • Humanoid
  • Life: 5690-5885
This NPC can be found in Borean Tundra.
Name ILVL Type % Loot
Salted Venison 75 Bandages 23.7 %
Honeymint Tea 85 Bandages 17.8 %
Tainted Crystal 1 Quest 10 %
Runic Healing Potion 80 Potion 8.4 %
Scroll of Spirit VI 70 Scroll (OBSOLETE) 1 %
Scroll of Stamina VI 70 Scroll (OBSOLETE) 1 %
Scroll of Strength VI 70 Scroll (OBSOLETE) 1 %
Scroll of Protection VI 70 Scroll (OBSOLETE) 1 %
Scroll of Agility VI 70 Scroll (OBSOLETE) 1 %
Snowserpent Mail Helm 277 Mail 1 %
Golden Engagement Ring 1 Quest 1 %
Dementia Vest 93 Leather 1.5 %
Scroll of Intellect VI 70 Scroll (OBSOLETE) 1 %

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