Risen Drakkari Handler - NPC

Risen Drakkari Handler

Informations générales

  • Level 74-75
  • Rank: Elite
  • Faction: Monster
  • Undead
  • Life: 41128-42540
This NPC can be found in Drak'Tharon Keep.
Name ILVL Type % Loot
Scourge Curio 1 Quest 33 %
Frostweave Cloth 70 Cloth 30.4 %
Jessera's Fungus Lined Bracers 13 Mail 30.4 %
Honey-Spiced Lichen 75 Bandages 7.6 %
Pungent Seal Whey 80 Bandages 5.2 %
Amberpine Chain Vest 150 Mail 2 %
Amberpine Gauntlets 150 Mail 2 %
Amberpine Greaves 150 Mail 2 %
Taunka Armguards 154 Leather 2 %
Amberpine Girdle 150 Mail 2 %
Taunka Spaulders 154 Leather 2 %
Amberpine Helmet 150 Mail 2 %
Amberpine Bracers 150 Mail 2 %
Trapper Footwraps 154 Mail 2 %
Trapper Chain Vest 154 Mail 2 %
Trapper Belt 154 Mail 2 %
Taunka Legguards 154 Leather 2 %
Amberpine Spaulders 150 Mail 2 %
Amberpine Legguards 150 Mail 2 %
Taunka Tunic 154 Leather 2 %
Vileprey Gloves 150 Leather 2 %
Vileprey Hood 150 Leather 2 %
Vileprey Armor 150 Leather 2 %
Vileprey Boots 150 Leather 2 %
Vileprey Cord 150 Leather 2 %
Vileprey Leggings 150 Leather 2 %
Vileprey Pauldrons 150 Leather 2 %
Trapper Gloves 154 Mail 2 %
Taunka Gloves 154 Leather 2 %
Taunka Boots 154 Leather 2 %
Taunka Belt 154 Leather 2 %
Vileprey Bracers 150 Leather 2 %
Taunka Hat 154 Leather 2 %
Trapper Shoulderguards 154 Mail 2 %
Bloodmar Vambraces 154 Plate 2 %
Strapped Heater Shield 150 Shields 2 %
Bloodmar Pauldrons 154 Plate 2 %
Bloodmar Legplates 154 Plate 2 %
Bloodmar Gauntlets 154 Plate 2 %
Bloodmar Helm 154 Plate 2 %
Kamagua Shield 154 Shields 2 %
Threatening Darts 150 Thrown 2 %
Melted Wand 150 Wands 2 %
Enigmatic Wand 154 Wands 2 %
Palisade Crossbow 154 Crossbows 2 %
Slingshot Crossbow 150 Crossbows 2 %
Venture Co. Throwing Axe 154 Thrown 2 %
Bloodmar Breastplate 154 Plate 2 %
Bloodmar Sabatons 154 Plate 2 %
Grizzlemaw Belt 150 Plate 2 %
Grizzlemaw Sabatons 150 Plate 2 %
Trapper Bracers 154 Mail 2 %
Crushed Velvet Cloak 154 Cloth 2 %
Trapper Leggings 154 Mail 2 %
Grizzlemaw Armor 150 Plate 2 %
Grizzlemaw Gauntlets 150 Plate 2 %
Grizzlemaw Vambraces 150 Plate 2 %
Bloodmar Girdle 154 Plate 2 %
Grizzlemaw Epaulets 150 Plate 2 %
Grizzlemaw Legplates 150 Plate 2 %
Grizzlemaw Helm 150 Plate 2 %
Trapper Helm 154 Mail 2 %
Icemist Pants 154 Cloth 2 %
Grizzly Glaive 150 Polearms 2 %
Wind Scythe 154 Polearms 2 %
Iron-Molded Fist 154 Two-Handed Maces 2 %
Vaulted Mace 150 Two-Handed Maces 2 %
Refreshing Hammer 154 One-Handed Maces 2 %
Chopping Wideblade 150 One-Handed Swords 2 %
Shimmering Sabre 154 One-Handed Swords 2 %
Melting Icestaff 150 Staves 2 %
Pulsing Quarterstaff 154 Staves 2 %
Promised Staff 150 Staves 2 %
Dragon's Rib Sword 154 Two-Handed Swords 2 %
Tempered-Steel Blade 150 Two-Handed Swords 2 %
Furbolg Truncheon 154 One-Handed Maces 2 %
Sacrosanct Mace 150 One-Handed Maces 2 %
Beaked Axe 150 One-Handed Axes 2 %
Disk Axe 154 One-Handed Axes 2 %
Darkweb Bindings 171 Mail 1.3 %
Flutterer Silk Handwraps 20 Cloth 2 %
Scholar's Gloves 13 Cloth 2 %
Bone Plate Axe 150 Two-Handed Axes 2 %
Winged Axe 154 Two-Handed Axes 2 %
Noisy Blaster 154 Guns 2 %
Peaked Club 150 One-Handed Maces 2 %
Haggard Gun 150 Guns 2 %
Astral Light Bow 154 Bows 2 %
Twisted Longbow 150 Bows 2 %
Tusked Greatstaff 154 Staves 2 %
Blue-Nailed Claws 150 Fist Weapons 2 %
Voldrune Mantle 150 Cloth 2 %
Voldrune Bracelets 150 Cloth 2 %
Voldrune Legs 150 Cloth 2 %
Voldrune Crown 150 Cloth 2 %
Voldrune Gloves 150 Cloth 2 %
Reversible Wool Cape 150 Cloth 2 %
Icemist Sash 154 Cloth 2 %
Icemist Circlet 154 Cloth 2 %
Icemist Mantle 154 Cloth 2 %
Icemist Gloves 154 Cloth 2 %
Icemist Robe 154 Cloth 2 %
Icemist Slippers 154 Cloth 2 %
Voldrune Robe 150 Cloth 2 %
Voldrune Slippers 150 Cloth 2 %
Snobold Ripper 154 Daggers 2 %
Sockeye Dagger 154 Daggers 2 %
Old Tooth 150 Daggers 2 %
Frosty Talon 150 Daggers 2 %
Gloved Talons 154 Fist Weapons 2 %
Filigree Ring 150 Miscellaneous 2 %
Jasper Bead Necklace 150 Miscellaneous 2 %
Figaro Chain 154 Miscellaneous 2 %
Evergreen Branch 154 Miscellaneous 2 %
Icemist Bracelets 154 Cloth 2 %
Posy Ring 154 Miscellaneous 2 %
Darkened Scepter 150 Miscellaneous 2 %
Voldrune Sash 150 Cloth 2 %
Scytheclaw Boots 171 Leather 1 %
Name ILVL Type % Loot
Jessera's Fungus Lined Bracers 13 Mail 34 %
Frostweave Cloth 70 Cloth 34 %
Scourge Curio 1 Quest 33 %
Sparkling Frostcap 85 Bandages 8 %
Honeymint Tea 85 Bandages 4 %

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