Shoveltusk Calf - NPC

Shoveltusk Calf

Informations générales

  • Level 68
  • Beast
  • Life: 6986
This NPC can be found in Howling Fjord.
Name ILVL Type % Loot
Shoveltusk Flank 70 Cooking 50 %
Pristine Shoveltusk Hide 1 Quest 40 %
Shoveltusk Meat 75 Quest 33 %
Northern Ivory 1 Quest 33 %
Chilled Meat 70 Cooking 16.4 %
Shoveltusk Ligament 1 Quest 10 %
Gladiator's Linked Gauntlets 123 Mail 3 %
Gladiator's Linked Leggings 123 Mail 3 %
Daggercap Trousers 130 Leather 1 %
Daggercap Cover 130 Leather 1 %
Daggercap Gloves 130 Leather 1 %
Daggercap Spaulders 130 Leather 1 %
Daggercap Jerkin 130 Leather 1 %
Garmaul Footwraps 130 Mail 1 %
Daggercap Bracers 130 Leather 1 %
Garmaul Waistband 130 Mail 1 %
Farshire Shoulderpads 130 Cloth 1 %
Farshire Pants 130 Cloth 1 %
Farshire Hood 130 Cloth 1 %
Farshire Gloves 130 Cloth 1 %
Garmaul Chestpiece 130 Mail 1 %
Farshire Cuffs 130 Cloth 1 %
Daggercap Waistband 130 Leather 1 %
Riding Cloak 130 Cloth 1 %
Daggercap Boots 130 Leather 1 %
Garmaul Shoulderguards 130 Mail 1 %
Westguard Bracers 130 Plate 1 %
Westguard Epaulets 130 Plate 1 %
Westguard Legplates 130 Plate 1 %
Riveted Shield 130 Shields 1 %
Forsaken Edge 130 Thrown 1 %
Pearled Wand 130 Wands 1 %
Composite Crossbow 130 Crossbows 1 %
Westguard Helm 130 Plate 1 %
Westguard Gloves 130 Plate 1 %
Farshire Robe 130 Cloth 1 %
Garmaul Legguards 130 Mail 1 %
Garmaul Helmet 130 Mail 1 %
Garmaul Bracers 130 Mail 1 %
Westguard Belt 130 Plate 1 %
Westguard Armor 130 Plate 1 %
Westguard Greaves 130 Plate 1 %
Garmaul Fists 130 Mail 1 %
Oval Ring 130 Miscellaneous 1 %
Horrorblood Treads 130 Mail
Many-Pocketed Belt 134 Leather
Greenhealer's Garb 130 Leather
Wub's Electrospike Spaulders 134 Mail
Legguards of Brutalization 130 Plate
Beneficent Bulwark 130 Shields
Gauntlets of the Cheerful Hearth 134 Plate
Sandals of Broken Dreams 134 Cloth
Helm of the Burning Soul 130 Cloth
Small Dream Shard 80 Enchanting
Elekk Handler's Leathers 11 Leather
Venomous Silk Cover 19 Cloth
Khorium Lockbox 68 Junk
Shocking Claws 134 Fist Weapons
Tooga's Lost Toenail 134 Miscellaneous
Winterfall's Frozen Necklace 130 Miscellaneous
Splicing Axe 130 One-Handed Axes 1 %
Finned Battleaxe 130 Two-Handed Axes 1 %
Pioneer's Dagger 130 Daggers 1 %
Meat Ripper 130 Fist Weapons 1 %
Aquatic Greatstaff 130 Staves 1 %
Eccentric Dagger 130 Daggers 1 %
Painted Wooden Beads 130 Miscellaneous 1 %
Farshire Belt 130 Cloth 1 %
Icy Orb 130 Miscellaneous 1 %
Survival Stick 130 Staves 1 %
Unearthed Broadsword 130 Two-Handed Swords 1 %
Stone-Headed Gavel 130 One-Handed Maces 1 %
Bound Musket 130 Guns 1 %
Honorable Longbow 130 Bows 1 %
Enshrined Mace 130 One-Handed Maces 1 %
Granite Maul 130 Two-Handed Maces 1 %
Raider's Cutlass 130 One-Handed Swords 1 %
Ocean Trident 130 Polearms 1 %
Farshire Footpads 130 Cloth 1 %

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