Name | Level | Area |
1 - 1 | ||
"Count" Ungula | 63 - 64 | Zangarmarsh |
"Lunchbox" | 71 - 71 | Borean Tundra |
"Scoodles" | 71 - 71 | Howling Fjord |
(PH) Duskhowl Stalker | 1 - 1 | |
(PH) Grizzly Test Low Aggro Worg | 1 - 1 | |
(PH) Scryers Ride | 1 - 1 | |
(PH) Wildlife Test Bear | 1 - 1 | |
(PH) Wildlife Test Doe | 1 - 1 | |
(PH) Wildlife Test Worg | 1 - 1 | |
Abandoned Pack Mule | 1 - 2 | |
Acherus Deathcharger | 1 - 1 | |
Acidmaw | 83 - 83 | |
Acidmaw (1) | 83 - 83 | |
Acidmaw (2) | 83 - 83 | |
Acidmaw (3) | 83 - 83 | |
Acidmaw (Mobile) | 1 - 1 | |
Adult Plainstrider | 6 - 7 | Mulgore |
Adult Plainstrider | 6 - 7 | Desolace |
Aerie Gryphon | 60 - 70 | |
Aerie Gryphon (1) | 60 - 70 | |
Aerie Gryphon (2) | 1 - 1 | |
Aerie Gryphon (3) | 1 - 1 | |
Aether Ray | 71 - 71 | Blade's Edge Mountains |
Afrazi Forest Strider | 70 - 70 | Terokkar Forest |
Agam'ar | 24 - 25 | |
Agathelos the Raging | 27 - 27 | Razorfen Kraul |
Aged Clefthoof | 66 - 67 | Nagrand |
Aged Kodo | 34 - 35 | Desolace |
Akil'zon | 1 - 1 | |
Akil'zon | 1 - 1 | |
Akkarai Hatchling | 70 - 70 | |
Aku'mai Fisher | 22 - 23 | |
Aku'mai Snapjaw | 23 - 23 | |
Alterac Ram | 60 - 61 | Alterac Valley |
Alterac Ram (1) | 60 - 61 | |
Alterac Ram (1) | 71 - 71 | |
Alterac Ram (2) | 70 - 71 | |
Alterac Ram (3) | 80 - 80 | |
Alystros the Verdant Keeper | 74 - 74 | Dragonblight |
Amani Bear | 70 - 70 | Zul'Aman |
Amani Bear Mount | 70 - 70 | |
Amani Bear Spirit | 73 - 73 | |
Amani Crocolisk | 70 - 70 | Zul'Aman |
Amani Dragonhawk | 70 - 70 | Zul'Aman |
Amani Dragonhawk Hatchling | 70 - 70 | |
Amani Dragonhawk Spirit | 73 - 73 | |
Amani Eagle | 70 - 70 | |
Amani Eagle Spirit | 73 - 73 | |
Amani Elder Lynx | 70 - 70 | Zul'Aman |
Amani Lynx | 69 - 71 | Zul'Aman |
Amani Lynx Cub | 70 - 70 | Zul'Aman |
Amani Lynx Spirit | 73 - 73 | |
Amani Snake | 70 - 70 | |
Amani War Bear | 1 - 1 | |
Ambereye Basilisk | 40 - 41 | Desolace |
Ambereye Reaver | 41 - 42 | Desolace |
Amberpelt Clefthoof | 71 - 72 | Blade's Edge Mountains |
Ambient Minion of Terokk | 65 - 65 | Shattrath City |
Ancestral Spirit Wolf | 1 - 1 | |
Ancient Coral Shell | 1 - 1 | |
Ancient Core Hound | 62 - 62 | |
Ancient Equine Spirit | 60 - 60 | |
Ancient Frostsaber | 1 - 1 | |
Ancient Grimtotem Spirit Guide | 36 - 37 | |
Ancient Grimtotem Spirit Wolf | 1 - 1 | |
Ancient Kodo | 36 - 37 | Desolace |
Angerclaw Bear | 47 - 48 | Felwood |
Angerclaw Grizzly | 51 - 52 | Felwood |
Angerclaw Mauler | 49 - 50 | Felwood |
Angered Arakkoa Protector | 65 - 66 | Blade's Edge Mountains |
Anmarie | 75 - 75 | Icecrown |
Antilos | 50 - 50 | Azshara |
Antilus the Soarer | 48 - 48 | Feralas |
Antlered Courser | 22 - 23 | Stonetalon Mountains |
Anzuli Hatchling | 68 - 69 | |
Aotona | 75 - 75 | Sholazar Basin |
Aquatic Form (Night Elf Druid) | 1 - 1 | |
Aquatic Form (Tauren Druid) | 1 - 1 | |
Araga | 35 - 35 | Hillsbrad Foothills |
Arakkoa Test Summon Bird | 1 - 1 | |
Arakkoa Ward | 1 - 1 | |
Arash-ethis | 49 - 49 | Feralas |
Arcane Chimaerok | 60 - 62 | Feralas |
Archimindy | 1 - 2 | |
Arctic Condor (Northrend) | 1 - 1 | |
Arctic Grizzly | 72 - 73 | Dragonblight |
Arctic Grizzly Credit | 1 - 1 | |
Arctic Grizzly Cub | 69 - 70 | Dragonblight |
Arctic Ram | 72 - 73 | Dragonblight |
Arctic Ram | 72 - 73 | Crystalsong Forest |
Arctic Riding Wolf | 10 - 10 | The Barrens |
Arctic Riding Wolf | 10 - 10 | Winterspring |
Arcturis | 74 - 74 | Grizzly Hills |
Arena Battle-Bear | 1 - 1 | |
Argent Charger | 1 - 1 | |
Argent Charger | 1 - 1 | |
Argent Colt | 1 - 1 | |
Argent Hippogryph | 1 - 1 | |
Argent Hippogryph | 80 - 80 | Icecrown |
Argent Hippogryph (Bombing Run) | 1 - 1 | |
Argent Hippogryph (Herald Mount) | 1 - 1 | |
Argent Horse | 1 - 1 | |
Argent Warhorse | 80 - 80 | |
Argent Warhorse | 1 - 1 | |
Argent Warhorse | 1 - 1 | |
Argent Warhorse | 60 - 60 | |
Arikara | 28 - 28 | Thousand Needles |
Arion | 70 - 70 | The Culling of Stratholme |
Armored Blade Stinger | 70 - 71 | |
Armored Blue Wind Rider | 70 - 70 | |
Armored Brown Bear | 70 - 70 | |
Armored Brown Bear | 70 - 70 | Dalaran |
Armored Ebon Gryphon | 1 - 1 | |
Armored Gryphon Destroyer | 70 - 70 | |
Armored Scorpid | 7 - 8 | Durotar |
Armored Snowy Gryphon | 70 - 70 | Dalaran |
Armored Wyvern Destroyer | 70 - 70 | |
Arra'chea | 11 - 11 | Mulgore |
Arthorn's Sparrowhawk | 2 - 2 | |
Arvoar the Rapacious | 72 - 72 | Shadowmoon Valley |
Ashenvale Bear | 21 - 22 | Ashenvale |
Ashmane Boar | 48 - 49 | Blasted Lands |
Aspatha the Broodmother | 71 - 71 | Borean Tundra |
Aspect of the Raven | 70 - 70 | |
Attack Hound | 1 - 1 | |
Attracted Reef Bull | 70 - 70 | |
Avatar of Terokk | 65 - 65 | |
Avian Darkhawk | 67 - 67 | Sethekk Halls |
Avian Darkhawk (1) | 69 - 70 | |
Avian Flyer | 67 - 67 | |
Avian Flyer (1) | 67 - 67 | |
Avian Ripper | 67 - 67 | Sethekk Halls |
Avian Ripper (1) | 70 - 70 | |
Avian Warhawk | 68 - 68 | Sethekk Halls |
Avian Warhawk (1) | 70 - 71 | |
Ay'mon | 1 - 1 | |
Azure Deathcharger | 1 - 1 | |
Azure Mage Slayer | 75 - 75 | |
Azure Mage Slayer | 75 - 75 | |
Azure Mage Slayer | 75 - 75 | |
Azure Mage Slayer (1) | 80 - 80 | |
Azure Mage Slayer (1) | 80 - 80 | |
Azure Mage Slayer (1) | 80 - 80 | |
Azurebeak | 68 - 68 | |
Azuremyst Pink Elekk | 1 - 1 | |
Azzere the Skyblade | 25 - 25 | The Barrens |
Baby Riven Widow | 65 - 68 | |
Bach'lor | 67 - 67 | Nagrand |
Backbiter | 75 - 75 | |
Balargarde Elite Proto-Drake | 1 - 1 | |
Banthar | 67 - 67 | Nagrand |
Barash the Den Mother | 72 - 72 | Shadowmoon Valley |
Barbed Crawler | 7 - 9 | |
Barbed Crustacean | 23 - 23 | |
Barbscale Crocolisk | 68 - 69 | Netherstorm |
Barnabus | 38 - 38 | Badlands |
Barrens Giraffe | 15 - 16 | The Barrens |
Barrens Kodo | 19 - 20 | The Barrens |
Basking Shark | 41 - 42 | |
Bat Taxi (Howling Fjord) | 1 - 1 | |
Battle-Tiger | 61 - 61 | |
Battleboar | 3 - 4 | Mulgore |
Battlescarred Frostworg | 79 - 80 | The Storm Peaks |
Bear Form (Night Elf Druid) | 1 - 1 | |
Bear Form (Tauren Druid) | 1 - 1 | |
Beau | 69 - 69 | Howling Fjord |
Beibei | 1 - 1 | |
Bellygrub | 24 - 24 | Redridge Mountains |
Ben | 1 - 1 | |
Bengal Tiger | 1 - 1 | |
Besseleth | 21 - 21 | Stonetalon Mountains |
Bessy | 68 - 68 | Netherstorm |
Bhag'thera | 40 - 40 | Stranglethorn Vale |
Big Battle Bear | 1 - 1 | |
Big Blizzard Bear | 1 - 1 | |
Big Roy | 71 - 71 | Howling Fjord |
Big Samras | 27 - 27 | Hillsbrad Foothills |
Big Shirl | 83 - 83 | |
Bittertide Hydra | 75 - 76 | Sholazar Basin |
Bjarn | 12 - 12 | Dun Morogh |
Bjomolf | 72 - 72 | Grizzly Hills |
Black Bear | 6 - 7 | |
Black Bear Patriarch | 16 - 17 | Loch Modan |
Black Drake Corpse | 1 - 1 | |
Black Hawkstrider | 70 - 70 | Eversong Woods |
Black Kingsnake | 1 - 1 | |
Black Mammoth Mount | 1 - 1 | |
Black Nightsaber | 1 - 1 | |
Black Polar Bear Mount | 1 - 1 | |
Black Ram | 1 - 1 | |
Black Ram | 1 - 1 | |
Black Ravager | 24 - 25 | Duskwood |
Black Ravager Mastiff | 25 - 26 | Duskwood |
Black Riding Wolf | 10 - 10 | |
Black Scorpid | 1 - 1 | |
Black Slayer | 47 - 48 | Blasted Lands |
Black Stallion | 1 - 1 | |
Black Stallion | 1 - 2 | Wetlands |
Black War Bear | 1 - 1 | |
Black War Bear | 1 - 1 | |
Black War Elekk | 1 - 1 | |
Black War Kodo | 1 - 1 | |
Black War Mammoth | 1 - 1 | |
Black War Mammoth | 1 - 1 | |
Black War Ram | 1 - 1 | |
Black War Raptor | 1 - 1 | |
Black War Steed | 1 - 1 | |
Black War Tiger | 1 - 1 | |
Black War Wolf | 1 - 1 | |
Black Widow Hatchling | 24 - 25 | Duskwood |
Black Wolf | 10 - 10 | |
Blackbeak | 1 - 1 | |
Blackened Basilisk | 23 - 24 | Stonetalon Mountains |
Blackfang Tarantula | 67 - 68 | The Black Morass |
Blackfang Tarantula (1) | 67 - 68 | |
Blackfang Tarantula Specimen | 67 - 68 | |
Blackrock Worg | 54 - 55 | Burning Steppes |
Blacksting | 62 - 62 | Zangarmarsh |
Blackwind Sabercat | 70 - 71 | Terokkar Forest |
Blackwind Sabercat | 70 - 71 | Shadowmoon Valley |
Blackwind Warp Chaser | 69 - 70 | Terokkar Forest |
Bladespine Basilisk | 71 - 72 | Blade's Edge Mountains |
Bladespire Raptor | 65 - 66 | Blade's Edge Mountains |
Bladespire Ravager | 67 - 67 | Blade's Edge Mountains |
Bladestalker | 70 - 71 | |
Bladewing Bloodletter | 65 - 66 | Blade's Edge Mountains |
Blazing Hippogryph | 1 - 1 | |
Bleak Worg | 18 - 19 | |
Bleeding Hollow Riding Worg | 61 - 61 | |
Bleeding Hollow Worg | 60 - 60 | Hellfire Peninsula |
Blighted Elk | 71 - 72 | Dragonblight |
Blighted Proto-Drake | 80 - 80 | Icecrown |
Blighthound | 58 - 59 | Eastern Plaguelands |
Blind Hunter | 27 - 27 | |
Blisterpaw Hyena | 44 - 45 | Tanaris |
Blood Beast | 82 - 82 | |
Blood Beast (1) | 82 - 82 | |
Blood Beast (2) | 82 - 82 | |
Blood Beast (3) | 82 - 82 | |
Blood Seeker | 20 - 20 | |
Bloodaxe Worg | 56 - 57 | |
Bloodaxe Worg Pup | 52 - 53 | |
Bloodbane's Mount | 1 - 1 | |
Bloodfalcon | 69 - 69 | The Botanica |
Bloodfalcon (1) | 70 - 70 | |
Bloodfen Lashtail | 38 - 39 | The Barrens |
Bloodfen Lashtail | 38 - 39 | Dustwallow Marsh |
Bloodfen Raptor | 36 - 37 | Dustwallow Marsh |
Bloodfen Razormaw | 39 - 39 | The Barrens |
Bloodfen Razormaw | 39 - 39 | Dustwallow Marsh |
Bloodfen Screecher | 36 - 37 | Dustwallow Marsh |
Bloodfen Scytheclaw | 37 - 38 | Dustwallow Marsh |
Bloodmaul Battle Worg | 67 - 67 | Blade's Edge Mountains |
Bloodmaul Dire Wolf | 65 - 65 | Blade's Edge Mountains |
Bloodmist | 75 - 75 | Dragonblight |
Bloodmyst Hatchling | 10 - 11 | |
Bloodmyst Ravager | 13 - 14 | |
Bloodscalp Panther | 34 - 35 | |
Bloodscalp Tiger | 34 - 35 | Stranglethorn Vale |
Bloodseeker Bat | 60 - 60 | |
Bloodshot | 54 - 54 | Western Plaguelands |
Bloodsnout Worg | 16 - 17 | Silverpine Forest |
Bloodspore Moth | 68 - 69 | Borean Tundra |
Bloodsting | 1 - 1 | |
Bloodtalon Scythemaw | 8 - 10 | Durotar |
Bloodtalon Taillasher | 6 - 8 | Durotar |
Bloodtalon Taillasher | 6 - 8 | The Barrens |
Bloodthirsty Marshfang | 61 - 62 | Zangarmarsh |
Bloodthirsty Tundra Wolf | 79 - 80 | Utgarde Pinnacle |
Bloodthirsty Tundra Wolf (1) | 80 - 81 | |
Bloodthirsty Worg | 68 - 69 | Howling Fjord |
Blue Dragonhawk | 1 - 1 | |
Blue Flutterer | 9 - 11 | |
Blue Hawkstrider | 70 - 70 | Eversong Woods |
Blue Riding Hippogryph | 1 - 1 | |
Blue Riding Nether Ray | 1 - 1 | |
Blue Scorpid | 1 - 1 | |
Blue Wind Rider | 60 - 60 | Shadowmoon Valley |
Blue Wind Rider | 60 - 60 | |
Bluff Behemoth | 1 - 1 | |
Boar | 1 - 1 | |
Boar Spirit | 16 - 20 | |
Bogflare Needler | 62 - 62 | Zangarmarsh |
Boglash | 61 - 61 | Zangarmarsh |
Bone Spider | 80 - 80 | |
Bonechewer Riding Wolf | 58 - 59 | |
Bonechewer War Wolf | 1 - 1 | |
Bonelasher | 64 - 65 | Terokkar Forest |
Bonepaw Hyena | 33 - 35 | Desolace |
Bonepicker | 49 - 50 | Blasted Lands |
Bonestripper Buzzard | 58 - 59 | Hellfire Peninsula |
Bonestripper Vulture | 61 - 62 | Hellfire Peninsula |
Bor'gorok Wolf | 70 - 70 | Borean Tundra |
Borelgore | 61 - 61 | Eastern Plaguelands |
Borer Beetle | 50 - 51 | |
Brewfest Kodo | 1 - 1 | |
Brewfest Ram | 1 - 1 | |
Brewfest Riding Kodo | 1 - 1 | |
Brightscale Serpent | 1 - 1 | |
Brightscale Serpent (1) | 1 - 1 | |
Brightscale Wyrm | 70 - 70 | Magisters' Terrace |
Brightscale Wyrm (1) | 70 - 70 | |
Bristleback Battleboar | 4 - 5 | Mulgore |
Bristlehide Clefthoof | 62 - 63 | |
Broken Tooth | 37 - 37 | Badlands |
Brokentoe | 65 - 66 | |
Brokentoe (Mount) | 1 - 1 | |
Bronco | 69 - 70 | |
Brontus | 27 - 27 | The Barrens |
Brood of Anzu | 70 - 70 | |
Brown Armored Hippogryph | 1 - 1 | |
Brown Bear | 9 - 10 | |
Brown Elekk | 40 - 40 | |
Brown Horse | 1 - 1 | |
Brown Horse | 1 - 2 | Elwynn Forest |
Brown Horse | 1 - 2 | Dustwallow Marsh |
Brown Horse | 1 - 2 | Wetlands |
Brown Horse | 1 - 2 | Hillsbrad Foothills |
Brown Kodo | 1 - 1 | |
Brown Polar Bear Mount | 1 - 1 | |
Brown Ram | 1 - 2 | Winterspring |
Brown Ram | 1 - 2 | Dun Morogh |
Brown Riding Kodo | 11 - 12 | Mulgore |
Brown Riding Wolf | 10 - 10 | Orgrimmar |
Brown Snake | 1 - 1 | |
Brown Wolf | 1 - 1 | |
Brumeran | 58 - 58 | Winterspring |
Brunnhildar Riding Bear | 79 - 80 | The Storm Peaks |
Brunnhildar Warbear | 80 - 80 | The Storm Peaks |
Buddy | 65 - 65 | Zangarmarsh |
Bull Elekk | 66 - 67 | Nagrand |
Bull Lion Seal | 70 - 70 | Howling Fjord |
Burrowing Thundersnout | 50 - 52 | |
Bushwhacker | 76 - 76 | |
Buzzard | 37 - 39 | Badlands |
Caldemere Snapper | 69 - 70 | |
Canal Frenzy | 60 - 60 | |
Captive Crocolisk | 75 - 75 | Sholazar Basin |
Captive Crocolisk | 1 - 1 | |
Captive Female Kaliri | 1 - 1 | |
Captive Ravager Hatchling | 60 - 65 | |
Captive Sparrowhawk | 70 - 70 | |
Captured Crocolisk | 39 - 39 | |
Captured Jaguar | 36 - 36 | |
Captured Onslaught Gryphon | 1 - 1 | |
Captured Rabid Thistle Bear | 13 - 13 | |
Captured Stallion | 40 - 40 | Desolace |
Captured Tarantula | 41 - 41 | |
Caravan Mule | 50 - 50 | |
Caravan Packhorse | 1 - 1 | |
Carrion Condor | 70 - 71 | Borean Tundra |
Carrion Devourer | 56 - 57 | Eastern Plaguelands |
Carrion Fleshstripper | 76 - 77 | Crystalsong Forest |
Carrion Grub | 54 - 55 | Eastern Plaguelands |
Carrion Horror | 35 - 37 | Desolace |
Carrion Lurker | 52 - 53 | Western Plaguelands |
Carrion Recluse | 25 - 26 | Duskwood |
Carrion Spinner | 81 - 81 | Naxxramas |
Carrion Spinner (1) | 81 - 81 | |
Carrion Swarmer | 57 - 58 | |
Carrion Vulture | 50 - 52 | Western Plaguelands |
Carrion Vulture | 50 - 52 | Tirisfal Glades |
Cat | 80 - 80 | |
Cat (1) | 80 - 80 | |
Cat (2) | 80 - 80 | |
Cat (3) | 80 - 80 | |
Cat Form (Night Elf Druid) | 1 - 1 | |
Cat Form (Tauren Druid) | 1 - 1 | |
Cave Creeper | 50 - 51 | |
Cave Stalker | 22 - 22 | Wetlands |
Cavedweller Worg | 79 - 80 | The Storm Peaks |
Cavern Crawler | 65 - 65 | Blade's Edge Mountains |
Cavern Crawler | 65 - 65 | Zangarmarsh |
Celestial Steed | 1 - 1 | |
Cenarion Sparrowhawk | 2 - 2 | |
Cenarion War Hippogryph | 1 - 1 | |
Centipaar Sandreaver | 49 - 50 | Tanaris |
Charger | 1 - 1 | |
Chatter | 23 - 23 | Redridge Mountains |
Chestnut Mare | 1 - 1 | |
Chestnut Mare | 1 - 2 | Elwynn Forest |
Chestnut Mare | 1 - 2 | Dustwallow Marsh |
Chestnut Mare | 1 - 2 | Wetlands |
Chestnut Mare | 1 - 2 | Hillsbrad Foothills |
Cheveyo | 1 - 1 | |
Chillwind Chimaera | 55 - 57 | Winterspring |
Chillwind Ravager | 57 - 59 | Winterspring |
Chimaera Matriarch | 28 - 28 | Stonetalon Mountains |
Chimaerok | 61 - 61 | Feralas |
Chimaerok Devourer | 61 - 62 | Feralas |
Chomper | 26 - 26 | |
Cistern Slugg | 1 - 1 | |
Clack the Reaver | 53 - 53 | Blasted Lands |
Clattering Crawler | 19 - 20 | Ashenvale |
Clattering Scorpid | 5 - 6 | Durotar |
Claw | 65 - 65 | The Underbog |
Claw (1) | 72 - 72 | |
Cleft Scorpid | 36 - 36 | |
Clefthoof | 64 - 65 | Nagrand |
Clefthoof Bull | 65 - 66 | Nagrand |
Clefthoof Calf | 62 - 63 | Nagrand |
Clefthoof Mount (Test) | 1 - 1 | |
Cliff Lurker | 13 - 14 | Loch Modan |
Cliff Stormer | 15 - 17 | Stonetalon Mountains |
Cloud Serpent | 25 - 26 | Thousand Needles |
Clutchmother Zavas | 54 - 54 | Un'Goro Crater |
Coastal Frenzy | 14 - 16 | Darkshore |
Cobalt Riding Talbuk | 1 - 1 | |
Cobalt Serpent | 68 - 68 | Sethekk Halls |
Cobalt Serpent (1) | 71 - 71 | |
Cobalt War Talbuk | 1 - 2 | |
Coilfang Frenzy | 70 - 70 | |
Coilfang Frenzy Corpse | 1 - 1 | |
Coilfang Ray | 64 - 64 | The Slave Pens |
Coilfang Ray (1) | 70 - 70 | |
Coilfang Strider | 70 - 70 | |
Coilskar Cobra | 68 - 68 | Shadowmoon Valley |
Cold Eye Basilisk | 39 - 40 | Stranglethorn Vale |
Coldmist Stalker | 70 - 70 | Karazhan |
Coldmist Widow | 71 - 71 | Karazhan |
Coral Shark | 46 - 47 | Dustwallow Marsh |
Coral Shell Snapper | 1 - 1 | |
Coral Shell Turtle | 1 - 1 | |
Coralshell Lurker | 53 - 54 | Azshara |
Coralshell Tortoise | 50 - 52 | Azshara |
Core Hound | 61 - 61 | |
Core Rager | 62 - 62 | |
Corpse of the Fallen Worg | 80 - 80 | The Storm Peaks |
Corrupt Courser | 1 - 1 | |
Corrupted Bloodtalon Scythemaw | 10 - 11 | Durotar |
Corrupted Cat | 1 - 1 | |
Corrupted Dreadmaw Crocolisk | 11 - 12 | The Barrens |
Corrupted Mottled Boar | 10 - 11 | Durotar |
Corrupted Saber | 5 - 5 | |
Corrupted Scorpid | 10 - 11 | Durotar |
Corrupted Surf Crawler | 10 - 11 | Durotar |
Cosmetic Drakkari Bat [PH] | 74 - 74 | Drak'Tharon Keep |
Coyote | 10 - 11 | Westfall |
Coyote Packleader | 11 - 12 | Westfall |
Crafticus Rabbitus | 1 - 1 | |
Crafty Snake | 1 - 1 | |
Crafty Snake | 70 - 70 | |
Crafty Snake (1) | 80 - 80 | |
Crag Boar | 5 - 6 | Dun Morogh |
Crag Coyote | 35 - 36 | Badlands |
Crag Stalker | 26 - 26 | Thousand Needles |
Craghide Basilisk | 68 - 68 | Netherstorm |
Cranky Benj | 32 - 32 | Alterac Mountains |
Crash Test Creature | 1 - 1 | |
Crawler | 11 - 12 | Westfall |
Crawler Mount | 1 - 1 | |
Crazed Dragonhawk | 7 - 8 | |
Crazed Sandstrider | 37 - 39 | |
Crazed Stag | 1 - 1 | |
Creepthess | 24 - 24 | Hillsbrad Foothills |
Cricket | 1 - 1 | |
Crimson Deathcharger | 1 - 1 | |
Crimson Snake | 1 - 1 | |
Crunchy | 5 - 5 | |
Crusader's Black Warhorse | 1 - 1 | |
Crusader's White Warhorse | 1 - 1 | |
Crusty | 30 - 32 | |
Crusty Bob | 1 - 1 | |
Crypt Scarab | 1 - 1 | |
Crystal Fang | 60 - 60 | |
Crystal Feeder | 1 - 1 | |
Crystal Spine Basilisk | 34 - 35 | Stranglethorn Vale |
Crystalweb Spitter | 77 - 78 | The Storm Peaks |
Crystalweb Weaver | 77 - 78 | The Storm Peaks |
Cursed Offspring of Har'koa | 76 - 77 | Grizzly Hills |
Cursed Offspring of Har'koa | 76 - 77 | Zul'Drak |
Cursed Scarab | 58 - 59 | |
Cursed Scarab Summoner | 1 - 1 | |
Dadanga | 45 - 45 | Un'Goro Crater |
Daggercap Hammerhead | 68 - 69 | Howling Fjord |
Daggercap Hawk | 5 - 7 | |
Daggermaw Blackhide | 65 - 66 | Blade's Edge Mountains |
Daggermaw Devourer | 66 - 66 | |
Daggermaw Lashtail | 66 - 67 | Blade's Edge Mountains |
Daggermaw Raptor | 65 - 66 | |
Daggertail Lizard | 71 - 73 | Blade's Edge Mountains |
Dagri | 23 - 23 | Ashenvale |
Dalaran Serpent | 14 - 15 | Silverpine Forest |
Dampscale Basilisk | 62 - 63 | Terokkar Forest |
Dampscale Devourer | 63 - 64 | Terokkar Forest |
Dan's Test Mount | 1 - 1 | |
Dappled Stag | 76 - 76 | Crystalsong Forest |
Dappled Stag | 76 - 76 | Dalaran |
Dark Riding Talbuk | 1 - 1 | |
Dark Screecher | 50 - 51 | |
Dark War Talbuk | 1 - 1 | |
Dark Worg | 64 - 65 | Nagrand |
Darkclaw Bat | 70 - 71 | Grizzly Hills |
Darkfang Creeper | 37 - 38 | Dustwallow Marsh |
Darkfang Creeper | 37 - 38 | The Barrens |
Darkfang Lurker | 36 - 37 | Dustwallow Marsh |
Darkfang Spider | 35 - 36 | Dustwallow Marsh |
Darkfang Venomspitter | 36 - 37 | Dustwallow Marsh |
Darkfang Venomspitter | 36 - 37 | The Barrens |
Darkmaw Cub | 68 - 69 | |
Darkmist Hatchling | 37 - 38 | Dustwallow Marsh |
Darkmist Recluse | 36 - 36 | The Barrens |
Darkmist Silkspinner | 36 - 37 | The Barrens |
Darkmist Silkspinner | 36 - 37 | Dustwallow Marsh |
Darkmist Spider | 36 - 37 | The Barrens |
Darkmist Widow | 38 - 38 | The Barrens |
Darkreaver's Fallen Charger | 60 - 60 | |
Darkshore Thresher | 12 - 14 | Darkshore |
Darkspear Raptor | 1 - 1 | |
Darkwater Crocolisk | 67 - 68 | |
Darkwater Crocolisk | 67 - 68 | The Black Morass |
Darkwater Crocolisk (1) | 67 - 68 | |
Darkwater Crocolisk Specimen | 67 - 68 | |
Darkweb Hatchling | 74 - 74 | |
Darkweb Hatchling (1) | 80 - 80 | |
Darkweb Recluse | 74 - 75 | Drak'Tharon Keep |
Darkweb Recluse (1) | 81 - 81 | |
Darnassian Nightsaber | 1 - 1 | |
Dart | 38 - 38 | |
Daughter of Hakkar | 1 - 1 | |
Dawnblade Dragonhawk | 1 - 1 | |
Dawnchaser | 1 - 1 | |
Dawnstar Charger | 69 - 70 | Isle of Quel'Danas |
Dead Clefthoof | 66 - 67 | Terokkar Forest |
Dead Icemaw Bear | 79 - 80 | The Storm Peaks |
Dead Warbear | 80 - 80 | The Storm Peaks |
Deadly Cleft Scorpid | 37 - 38 | |
Deadmire | 41 - 41 | Dustwallow Marsh |
Death Flayer | 11 - 11 | Durotar |
Death Howl | 49 - 49 | Felwood |
Death Ravager | 10 - 10 | |
Death's Door North Warp-Gate | 70 - 70 | Blade's Edge Mountains |
Death's Door South Warp-Gate | 70 - 70 | Blade's Edge Mountains |
Death's Door Warp-Gate Controller | 1 - 1 | |
Deathcharger Steed | 81 - 81 | |
Deathcharger Steed (1) | 81 - 81 | |
Deathclasp | 59 - 59 | Silithus |
Deathclaw | 17 - 17 | |
Deatheye | 49 - 49 | |
Deathhound | 60 - 60 | |
Deathlash Scorpid | 54 - 55 | Burning Steppes |
Deathlash Stinger | 71 - 73 | Blade's Edge Mountains |
Deathmaw | 53 - 53 | |
Deathskitter | 64 - 64 | Terokkar Forest |
Deathstrike Tarantula | 40 - 41 | Swamp of Sorrows |
Decrepit Clefthoof | 64 - 65 | Terokkar Forest |
Deep Borer | 46 - 47 | |
Deep Crawler | 73 - 73 | Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom |
Deep Crawler (1) | 80 - 81 | |
Deep Jormungar | 80 - 80 | |
Deep Pool Threshfin | 22 - 23 | |
Deep Sea Threshadon | 23 - 25 | |
Deep Stinger | 50 - 51 | |
Deepmoss Creeper | 16 - 17 | Stonetalon Mountains |
Deepmoss Hatchling | 14 - 14 | Stonetalon Mountains |
Deepmoss Matriarch | 22 - 22 | Stonetalon Mountains |
Deepmoss Venomspitter | 17 - 18 | Stonetalon Mountains |
Deepmoss Webspinner | 19 - 20 | Stonetalon Mountains |
Defias Companion | 15 - 16 | |
Della | 49 - 49 | Felwood |
Den Mother | 18 - 19 | Felwood |
Designer Island Elekk | 1 - 1 | |
Designer Island Sabercat | 1 - 1 | |
Detrafila | 60 - 60 | Shadowmoon Valley |
Deviate Adder | 18 - 19 | |
Deviate Coiler | 15 - 16 | The Barrens |
Deviate Coiler Hatchling | 11 - 11 | |
Deviate Creeper | 15 - 16 | The Barrens |
Deviate Crocolisk | 18 - 19 | |
Deviate Dreadfang | 19 - 19 | |
Deviate Guardian | 18 - 19 | |
Deviate Horror | 18 - 19 | |
Deviate Lurker | 16 - 17 | The Barrens |
Deviate Moccasin | 19 - 19 | |
Deviate Python | 18 - 19 | |
Deviate Ravager | 18 - 19 | |
Deviate Slayer | 16 - 17 | The Barrens |
Deviate Stalker | 15 - 15 | The Barrens |
Deviate Stinglash | 16 - 17 | The Barrens |
Deviate Venomwing | 19 - 19 | |
Deviate Viper | 19 - 19 | |
Devilsaur | 54 - 55 | Un'Goro Crater |
Devouring Slugg | 68 - 69 | |
Diemetradon | 51 - 52 | Un'Goro Crater |
Dino Meat Feeding Credit | 1 - 1 | |
Dire Condor | 18 - 19 | Redridge Mountains |
Dire Mottled Boar | 6 - 7 | Durotar |
Dire Raven | 67 - 68 | Blade's Edge Mountains |
Dire Riding Wolf | 10 - 10 | Orgrimmar |
Dire Wolf | 1 - 1 | |
Dire Wolf | 73 - 73 | |
Diseased Black Bear | 51 - 52 | Western Plaguelands |
Diseased Black Bear | 51 - 52 | Tirisfal Glades |
Diseased Grizzly | 55 - 56 | Western Plaguelands |
Diseased Maggot | 80 - 80 | Naxxramas |
Diseased Maggot (1) | 80 - 80 | |
Diseased Timber Wolf | 2 - 2 | Elwynn Forest |
Diseased Wolf | 53 - 54 | Western Plaguelands |
Diseased Young Wolf | 1 - 1 | Elwynn Forest |
Disembodied Jormungar | 79 - 80 | |
Dishu | 13 - 13 | The Barrens |
Doomhound Mastiff | 59 - 60 | |
Doomhound Ravager | 57 - 58 | |
Dragon Turtle | 70 - 70 | Black Temple |
Dragonbone Condor | 71 - 72 | Dragonblight |
Dragonflayer Hunting Hound | 68 - 68 | Howling Fjord |
Dragonflayer Worg | 67 - 67 | |
Dragonhawk | 1 - 1 | |
Dragonhawk (Bombing Run) | 1 - 1 | |
Dragonhawk Mount | 1 - 1 | |
Dragonhawk Mount (Black) | 1 - 1 | |
Dragonhawk Protector | 67 - 68 | |
Dragonmaw Moth Mount | 1 - 1 | |
Drained Phase Hunter | 67 - 68 | |
Drakan | 60 - 60 | Alterac Valley |
Drakan | 70 - 70 | |
Drakan (1) | 70 - 70 | |
Drakan (2) | 80 - 80 | |
Drakan (3) | 81 - 81 | |
Drakkari Bat | 75 - 76 | Drak'Tharon Keep |
Drakkari Bat (1) | 80 - 80 | |
Drakkari Bat Mount (For Drakkari Invaders) | 1 - 1 | |
Drakkari Frenzy | 77 - 77 | Gundrak |
Drakkari Frenzy (1) | 80 - 81 | |
Drakkari Gutripper | 74 - 75 | Drak'Tharon Keep |
Drakkari Gutripper (1) | 80 - 81 | |
Drakkari Raptor Mount | 75 - 75 | |
Drakkari Raptor Mount (1) | 80 - 81 | |
Drakkari Rhino | 77 - 77 | Gundrak |
Drakkari Rhino | 77 - 77 | Gundrak |
Drakkari Rhino (1) | 80 - 81 | |
Drakkari Rhino (1) | 80 - 81 | |
Drakkari Scytheclaw | 74 - 74 | Drak'Tharon Keep |
Drakkari Scytheclaw (1) | 80 - 81 | |
Drakkari Snake | 75 - 75 | |
Drakuru Raptor | 74 - 75 | Zul'Drak |
Dread Creeper | 81 - 81 | Naxxramas |
Dread Creeper (1) | 81 - 81 | |
Dread Flyer | 36 - 37 | Desolace |
Dread Flyer | 36 - 37 | Stonetalon Mountains |
Dread Ripper | 40 - 40 | Desolace |
Dread Swoop | 32 - 33 | Desolace |
Dread Swoop | 32 - 33 | Stonetalon Mountains |
Dreadfang Lurker | 63 - 64 | Terokkar Forest |
Dreadfang Widow | 64 - 65 | Terokkar Forest |
Dreadmaw Crocolisk | 9 - 11 | The Barrens |
Dreadmaw Crocolisk | 9 - 11 | Durotar |
Dreadsaber | 75 - 76 | Borean Tundra |
Dreadsaber | 75 - 76 | Sholazar Basin |
Dreadscale | 83 - 83 | |
Dreadscale (1) | 83 - 83 | |
Dreadscale (2) | 83 - 83 | |
Dreadscale (3) | 83 - 83 | |
Dreadscale (Sessile) | 1 - 1 | |
Dreadtalon | 74 - 74 | Dragonblight |
Dredge Crusher | 57 - 58 | Silithus |
Dredge Striker | 55 - 56 | Silithus |
Dredge Worm | 50 - 51 | |
Drywallow Crocolisk | 35 - 36 | Dustwallow Marsh |
Drywallow Daggermaw | 39 - 40 | Dustwallow Marsh |
Drywallow Snapper | 37 - 38 | Dustwallow Marsh |
Drywallow Snapper | 37 - 38 | The Barrens |
Drywallow Vicejaw | 36 - 37 | Dustwallow Marsh |
Dubu | 60 - 60 | Blade's Edge Mountains |
Ducal's Horse | 74 - 74 | |
Duke | 70 - 70 | The Culling of Stratholme |
Durnholde Tracking Hound | 65 - 65 | Hyjal Past |
Durnholde Tracking Hound (1) | 68 - 69 | |
Duros | 60 - 60 | Alterac Valley |
Duros | 70 - 70 | |
Duros (1) | 70 - 70 | |
Duros (2) | 80 - 80 | |
Duros (3) | 81 - 81 | |
Durotar Tiger | 7 - 8 | The Barrens |
Durotar Tiger | 7 - 8 | Durotar |
Duskbat | 1 - 2 | Tirisfal Glades |
Duskhowl Prowler | 72 - 73 | Grizzly Hills |
Duskstalker | 9 - 9 | Teldrassil |
Duskwing | 60 - 60 | Eastern Plaguelands |
Duskwing Eagle | 69 - 70 | Howling Fjord |
Dusky | 70 - 70 | Shattrath City |
Dying Kodo | 35 - 36 | Desolace |
Eagle Spirit | 70 - 70 | |
Earthborer | 13 - 14 | |
Earthen Ring Guide | 1 - 1 | |
Earthen Ring Guide Wolf Form | 1 - 1 | |
Ebon Gryphon | 60 - 60 | Shadowmoon Valley |
Ebon Gryphon | 60 - 60 | |
Echeyakee | 16 - 16 | The Barrens |
Echo Isle Animal | 1 - 1 | |
Eclipsion Dragonhawk | 67 - 68 | Shadowmoon Valley |
Eclipsion Dragonhawk Hatchling | 66 - 67 | |
Eclipsion Hawkstrider | 70 - 70 | |
El Pollo Grande | 50 - 50 | |
Elder Ashenvale Bear | 25 - 26 | Ashenvale |
Elder Barrens Giraffe | 22 - 23 | |
Elder Black Bear | 11 - 12 | Loch Modan |
Elder Brown Bear | 15 - 16 | |
Elder Cloud Serpent | 27 - 29 | Thousand Needles |
Elder Crag Boar | 7 - 8 | Dun Morogh |
Elder Crag Coyote | 39 - 40 | Badlands |
Elder Darkshore Thresher | 16 - 18 | Darkshore |
Elder Diemetradon | 54 - 55 | Un'Goro Crater |
Elder Gray Bear | 25 - 26 | Hillsbrad Foothills |
Elder Gray Bear | 25 - 26 | Alterac Mountains |
Elder Gray Bear | 25 - 26 | Arathi Highlands |
Elder Mesa Buzzard | 37 - 38 | Arathi Highlands |
Elder Mistvale Gorilla | 40 - 41 | Stranglethorn Vale |
Elder Moss Creeper | 26 - 27 | Hillsbrad Foothills |
Elder Mottled Boar | 8 - 9 | Durotar |
Elder Mottled Boar | 8 - 9 | The Barrens |
Elder Mottled Boar | 8 - 9 | Orgrimmar |
Elder Mountain Boar | 16 - 17 | Loch Modan |
Elder Murk Thresher | 37 - 38 | Dustwallow Marsh |
Elder Nightsaber | 8 - 9 | Teldrassil |
Elder Plainstrider | 8 - 9 | Mulgore |
Elder Plainstrider | 8 - 9 | Desolace |
Elder Razormaw | 29 - 29 | Wetlands |
Elder Razormaw | 29 - 29 | Arathi Highlands |
Elder Saltwater Crocolisk | 38 - 38 | Stranglethorn Vale |
Elder Shadowhorn Stag | 26 - 27 | Ashenvale |
Elder Shadowhorn Stag | 26 - 27 | Felwood |
Elder Shadowmaw Panther | 42 - 43 | Stranglethorn Vale |
Elder Shardtooth | 57 - 58 | Winterspring |
Elder Springpaw | 8 - 9 | |
Elder Stranglethorn Tiger | 34 - 35 | Stranglethorn Vale |
Elder Thunder Lizard | 37 - 38 | Desolace |
Elder Thunder Lizard | 37 - 38 | Stonetalon Mountains |
Elekk | 10 - 10 | |
Elekk Demolisher | 69 - 69 | Shadowmoon Valley |
Elekk, Ground Taxi | 1 - 1 | |
Elekk, Mount (Elite) | 1 - 1 | |
Elwynn Forest Wolf | 8 - 8 | |
Elwynn Pink Elekk | 1 - 1 | |
Emaciated Mammoth | 71 - 71 | Dragonblight |
Emaciated Mammoth Bull | 73 - 73 | Dragonblight |
Emaciated Mammoth Calf | 70 - 70 | Dragonblight |
Ember Worg | 51 - 51 | Burning Steppes |
Emerald Raptor | 1 - 1 | |
Emerald Riding Raptor | 2 - 2 | Durotar |
Emerald Skytalon | 73 - 74 | Dragonblight |
Emperor Cobra | 75 - 76 | Sholazar Basin |
Empyrean | 60 - 60 | |
Encrusted Surf Crawler | 9 - 10 | Durotar |
Encrusted Surf Crawler | 9 - 10 | Orgrimmar |
Encrusted Tide Crawler | 18 - 20 | Darkshore |
Enormos | 77 - 77 | |
Enraged Armored Hippogryph | 1 - 1 | |
Enraged Clefthoof | 57 - 58 | |
Enraged Felbat | 65 - 65 | |
Enraged Gryphon | 65 - 65 | |
Enraged Hippogryph | 55 - 65 | |
Enraged Mammoth | 76 - 77 | Zul'Drak |
Enraged Panther | 30 - 30 | Thousand Needles |
Enraged Ravager | 16 - 17 | |
Enraged Reef Crawler | 30 - 32 | Desolace |
Enraged Silverback Gorilla | 41 - 41 | |
Enraged Stanley | 24 - 24 | |
Enraged Wyvern | 65 - 65 | |
Eskhandar | 1 - 1 | |
Ethereal Frostworg | 1 - 1 | |
Eva | 70 - 70 | Shadowmoon Valley |
Eversong Pink Elekk | 5 - 5 | |
Exodar Elekk | 1 - 1 | |
Eye of Honor Hold | 48 - 49 | |
Eye of Thrallmar | 48 - 49 | |
Faithful Mule | 1 - 1 | |
Falcon Spirit | 1 - 1 | |
Fanged Pit Viper | 1 - 1 | |
Fanged Pit Viper (1) | 1 - 1 | |
Fanggore Worg | 70 - 71 | Howling Fjord |
Fanggore Worg | 70 - 71 | Grizzly Hills |
Fanggore Worg Disguise | 1 - 1 | |
Farunn | 76 - 76 | Sholazar Basin |
Fast Black War Ram | 1 - 1 | |
Fast Black War Wolf | 1 - 1 | |
Fathom Sporebat | 71 - 71 | |
Fei Fei | 1 - 1 | |
Fel Steed | 19 - 20 | |
Felfire Diemetradon | 67 - 68 | Shadowmoon Valley |
Felinni | 10 - 10 | Elwynn Forest |
Felinni | 10 - 10 | Mulgore |
Felpaw Ravager | 51 - 52 | Felwood |
Felpaw Scavenger | 49 - 50 | Felwood |
Felpaw Wolf | 47 - 48 | Felwood |
Felspine the Greater | 70 - 70 | Shadowmoon Valley |
Felsworn Daggermaw | 67 - 68 | Blade's Edge Mountains |
Felsworn Scalewing | 66 - 67 | Blade's Edge Mountains |
Female Frost Leopard | 1 - 1 | |
Female Icepaw Bear | 1 - 1 | |
Female Kaliri Hatchling | 62 - 62 | Hellfire Peninsula |
Fen Ray | 64 - 64 | The Underbog |
Fen Ray (1) | 71 - 71 | |
Fen Strider | 61 - 62 | Zangarmarsh |
Fenclaw Thrasher | 62 - 63 | Zangarmarsh |
Feng | 60 - 60 | Hellfire Peninsula |
Fenglow Stinger | 62 - 63 | Zangarmarsh |
Fenrus the Devourer | 21 - 21 | Shadowfang Keep |
Feral Crag Coyote | 37 - 38 | Badlands |
Feral Defender | 83 - 83 | |
Feral Defender (1) | 83 - 83 | |
Feral Dragonhawk Hatchling | 5 - 6 | |
Feral Mountain Lion | 27 - 28 | Hillsbrad Foothills |
Feral Nightsaber | 10 - 11 | Teldrassil |
Fern Feeder Moth | 73 - 73 | Grizzly Hills |
Ferocious Grizzled Bear | 11 - 12 | Silverpine Forest |
Ferocious Rhino | 80 - 80 | |
Ferocious Rhino (1) | 82 - 82 | |
Ferra | 60 - 60 | |
Fire Roc | 43 - 45 | Tanaris |
Firetail Scorpid | 56 - 57 | Burning Steppes |
First Fragment Guardian | 70 - 70 | |
Fish | 1 - 1 | |
Fizzles | 1 - 1 | Stormwind City |
Fjord Beetle | 1 - 1 | |
Fjord Crawler | 70 - 70 | Grizzly Hills |
Fjord Crawler | 70 - 70 | Howling Fjord |
Fjord Crow | 68 - 68 | Howling Fjord |
Fjord Hawk | 68 - 70 | Howling Fjord |
Fjord Hawk Matriarch | 71 - 71 | Howling Fjord |
Fjord Monarch | 1 - 1 | |
Fjord Rock Snake | 1 - 1 | |
Flatland Cougar | 7 - 8 | Mulgore |
Flatland Cougar | 7 - 8 | Desolace |
Flatland Prowler | 9 - 9 | Mulgore |
Flatland Prowler | 9 - 9 | Desolace |
Fledgling Chillwind | 53 - 55 | Winterspring |
Fledgling Chimaera | 25 - 27 | Stonetalon Mountains |
Fledgling Pterrordax | 48 - 50 | Un'Goro Crater |
Fleeting Plainstrider | 12 - 13 | The Barrens |
Fleshripper | 13 - 14 | Westfall |
Flik's Frog | 5 - 5 | Mulgore |
Flying Black Qiraji Battle Tank | 1 - 1 | |
Flying Carpet | 1 - 1 | |
Flying Mounted Reindeer | 1 - 1 | |
Fnort | 1 - 1 | |
Fordragon Armored Gryphon | 70 - 70 | |
Fordragon Battle Steed | 75 - 75 | Dragonblight |
Fordragon Stallion | 70 - 70 | |
Forest Lurker | 10 - 11 | Loch Modan |
Forest Moss Creeper | 20 - 21 | Hillsbrad Foothills |
Forest Spider | 5 - 6 | Elwynn Forest |
Forest Stalker | 9 - 10 | |
Forest Strider | 65 - 66 | |
Foreststrider | 14 - 16 | Darkshore |
Foreststrider Fledgling | 11 - 13 | Darkshore |
Forsaken Warhorse | 1 - 1 | |
Foxy | 69 - 69 | Howling Fjord |
Frayfeather Hippogryph | 43 - 44 | Feralas |
Frayfeather Patriarch | 46 - 47 | Feralas |
Frayfeather Skystormer | 45 - 46 | Feralas |
Frayfeather Stagwing | 44 - 45 | Feralas |
Frenzied Bat | 80 - 80 | Naxxramas |
Frenzied Bat (1) | 80 - 80 | |
Frenzied Bloodseeker Bat | 60 - 60 | |
Frenzied Pterrordax | 52 - 54 | Un'Goro Crater |
Frenzied Pterrordax | 52 - 54 | Silithus |
Frenzied Worgen | 80 - 80 | |
Frenzied Worgen (1) | 82 - 82 | |
Frightwing | 1 - 1 | |
Frog Transform | 1 - 1 | |
Froggle | 75 - 75 | The Storm Peaks |
Frost Leopard | 76 - 77 | Zul'Drak |
Frost Leopard | 76 - 77 | Grizzly Hills |
Frost Ram | 1 - 1 | |
Frost Ram | 1 - 1 | |
Frostbite | 79 - 79 | The Storm Peaks |
Frostbite | 1 - 1 | |
Frostfang | 78 - 78 | |
Frostfin | 71 - 71 | |
Frosthorn Kid | 70 - 70 | Grizzly Hills |
Frosthorn Kid | 70 - 70 | Howling Fjord |
Frosthorn Ram | 70 - 71 | Howling Fjord |
Frosthorn Ram | 70 - 71 | Grizzly Hills |
Frosthound | 1 - 1 | |
Frostsaber | 56 - 57 | Winterspring |
Frostsaber Companion | 50 - 50 | Teldrassil |
Frostsaber Cub | 55 - 56 | Winterspring |
Frostsaber Huntress | 58 - 59 | Winterspring |
Frostsaber Pride Watcher | 59 - 60 | Winterspring |
Frostsaber Stalker | 59 - 60 | Winterspring |
Frostsabre Vehicle | 1 - 1 | |
Frostwing Chimaera | 70 - 71 | Howling Fjord |
Frostwolf | 50 - 51 | Alterac Valley |
Frostwolf (1) | 60 - 61 | |
Frostwolf (2) | 70 - 71 | |
Frostwolf (3) | 80 - 80 | |
Frostwolf Bloodhound | 53 - 54 | Alterac Valley |
Frostwolf Bloodhound (1) | 63 - 64 | |
Frostwolf Bloodhound (2) | 73 - 74 | |
Frostwolf Bloodhound (3) | 80 - 80 | |
Frostwolf Howler | 1 - 1 | |
Frostworg | 79 - 80 | The Storm Peaks |
Frostworg | 79 - 80 | The Storm Peaks |
Frostworg Denmother | 80 - 80 | The Storm Peaks |
Frosty Flying Carpet | 1 - 1 | |
Galak Packhound | 24 - 24 | Thousand Needles |
Gammerita | 48 - 48 | The Hinterlands |
Gar'mak | 78 - 78 | Dragonblight |
Garadar Riding Wolf | 1 - 1 | |
Garwal | 66 - 71 | Grizzly Hills |
Garwal - Worgen Transform | 1 - 1 | |
Gezzarak the Huntress | 72 - 72 | |
Ghamoo-ra | 23 - 23 | Blackfathom Deeps |
Ghaz'an | 65 - 65 | The Underbog |
Ghaz'an (1) | 72 - 72 | |
Ghost Howl | 12 - 12 | Desolace |
Ghost Saber | 19 - 20 | |
Ghostclaw Lynx | 13 - 14 | |
Ghostclaw Ravager | 16 - 17 | |
Ghostpaw Alpha | 27 - 28 | Ashenvale |
Ghostpaw Alpha | 27 - 28 | Felwood |
Ghostpaw Howler | 23 - 24 | Ashenvale |
Ghostpaw Runner | 19 - 20 | Ashenvale |
Ghostpaw Runner | 19 - 20 | Stonetalon Mountains |
Giant Ashenvale Bear | 29 - 30 | Ashenvale |
Giant Black Wolf | 1 - 1 | |
Giant Buzzard | 39 - 41 | Badlands |
Giant Chicken | 1 - 1 | |
Giant Darkfang Spider | 39 - 40 | Dustwallow Marsh |
Giant Ember Worg | 55 - 56 | Burning Steppes |
Giant Foreststrider | 17 - 19 | Darkshore |
Giant Foreststrider | 17 - 19 | Ashenvale |
Giant Foreststrider | 17 - 19 | Felwood |
Giant Grey Wolf | 1 - 1 | |
Giant Grizzled Bear | 12 - 13 | Silverpine Forest |
Giant Moss Creeper | 24 - 25 | Hillsbrad Foothills |
Giant Moss Creeper | 24 - 25 | Alterac Mountains |
Giant Plague Lurker | 1 - 1 | |
Giant Plains Creeper | 35 - 36 | Arathi Highlands |
Giant Red Wolf | 1 - 1 | |
Giant Surf Glider | 48 - 50 | |
Giant Tidecrawler | 68 - 69 | Howling Fjord |
Giant Venom Mist Lurker | 1 - 1 | |
Giant Webwood Spider | 10 - 11 | Teldrassil |
Giant Wetlands Crocolisk | 25 - 26 | Wetlands |
Giant White Wolf | 1 - 1 | |
Giggler | 34 - 34 | Desolace |
Gimorak | 80 - 80 | The Storm Peaks |
Giraffe | 1 - 1 | |
Githyiss the Vile | 5 - 5 | Teldrassil |
Gizelton Caravan Kodo | 35 - 35 | Desolace |
Gizrul the Slavener | 60 - 60 | Blackrock Spire |
Glacier | 50 - 50 | Winterspring |
Glasshide Basilisk | 42 - 43 | Tanaris |
Glasshide Gazer | 45 - 46 | Tanaris |
Glasshide Petrifier | 48 - 49 | Tanaris |
Glassweb Spider | 43 - 45 | Searing Gorge |
Glenrunner | 1 - 1 | |
Glibb | 62 - 62 | Silithus |
Glimmer Bay Orca | 70 - 71 | Borean Tundra |
Glrggl | 71 - 71 | Borean Tundra |
Gnashjaw | 60 - 60 | |
Gnomeregan Mechanostrider | 1 - 1 | |
Goblin Pack Kodo | 1 - 1 | |
Golden Crawler | 1 - 1 | |
Golden Gryphon | 60 - 60 | Shadowmoon Valley |
Golden Gryphon | 1 - 1 | |
Golden Sabercat | 1 - 1 | |
Golden Scorpid | 1 - 1 | |
Gondria | 77 - 77 | Grizzly Hills |
Gondria | 77 - 77 | Zul'Drak |
Goodie | 6 - 7 | |
Gordok Hyena | 52 - 54 | Feralas |
Gordok Mastiff | 57 - 59 | |
Gore-Scythe Ravager | 63 - 63 | Blade's Edge Mountains |
Goreclaw the Ravenous | 39 - 39 | |
Gorefang | 13 - 13 | Silverpine Forest |
Goremaw | 75 - 75 | Grizzly Hills |
Goreripper | 1 - 1 | |
Goretalon Matriarch | 78 - 78 | Sholazar Basin |
Goretalon Roc | 75 - 76 | Sholazar Basin |
Goretooth | 65 - 65 | Nagrand |
Goretusk | 14 - 15 | Westfall |
Gorged Lurking Basilisk | 75 - 76 | |
Gorilla Test | 1 - 1 | |
Gorishi Hive Guard | 54 - 54 | |
Gorishi Reaver | 51 - 53 | Un'Goro Crater |
Grand Black War Mammoth | 1 - 1 | |
Grand Black War Mammoth | 1 - 1 | |
Grand Caravan Mammoth | 1 - 1 | |
Grand Caravan Mammoth | 1 - 1 | |
Grand Ice Mammoth | 1 - 1 | |
Grand Ice Mammoth | 1 - 1 | |
Grand Silkwing | 66 - 67 | |
Granistad | 40 - 40 | Hillsbrad Foothills |
Gray Bear | 21 - 22 | Hillsbrad Foothills |
Gray Elekk | 40 - 40 | |
Gray Forest Wolf | 7 - 8 | Elwynn Forest |
Gray Kodo | 1 - 1 | |
Gray Ram | 1 - 1 | |
Gray Ram | 2 - 2 | Dun Morogh |
Gray Riding Kodo | 11 - 12 | Mulgore |
Gray Riding Wolf | 10 - 10 | |
Gray Wolf | 1 - 1 | |
Graymist Hunter | 73 - 74 | Grizzly Hills |
Graymist Hunter | 73 - 74 | Dragonblight |
Great Bear Spirit | 70 - 70 | Moonglade |
Great Blue Elekk | 60 - 60 |