Proto-Drake Handler - NPC

Proto-Drake Handler

Informations générales

  • Level 70
  • Rank: Elite
  • Humanoid
  • Life: 35928
This NPC can be found in Utgarde Keep.

Members Screenshots

Name ILVL Type % Loot
Jessera's Fungus Lined Bracers 13 Mail 29.5 %
Frostweave Cloth 70 Cloth 29.5 %
Salted Venison 75 Bandages 8.2 %
Gladiator's Linked Leggings 123 Mail 6 %
Pungent Seal Whey 80 Bandages 4.2 %
Super Healing Potion 65 Potion 3.1 %
Garmaul Fists 130 Mail 2 %
Garmaul Footwraps 130 Mail 2 %
Garmaul Chestpiece 130 Mail 2 %
Garmaul Waistband 130 Mail 2 %
Winterfin Shoulderguards 134 Leather 2 %
Winterfin Bindings 134 Leather 2 %
Garmaul Helmet 130 Mail 2 %
Garmaul Bracers 130 Mail 2 %
Njord Boots 134 Mail 2 %
Njord Chain Vest 134 Mail 2 %
Njord Belt 134 Mail 2 %
Winterfin Legguards 134 Leather 2 %
Garmaul Shoulderguards 130 Mail 2 %
Garmaul Legguards 130 Mail 2 %
Winterfin Boots 134 Leather 2 %
Daggercap Gloves 130 Leather 2 %
Daggercap Cover 130 Leather 2 %
Daggercap Jerkin 130 Leather 2 %
Daggercap Boots 130 Leather 2 %
Daggercap Waistband 130 Leather 2 %
Daggercap Trousers 130 Leather 2 %
Daggercap Spaulders 130 Leather 2 %
Winterfin Chestpiece 134 Leather 2 %
Winterfin Gloves 134 Leather 2 %
Njord Gauntlets 134 Mail 2 %
Winterfin Cord 134 Leather 2 %
Daggercap Bracers 130 Leather 2 %
Winterfin Cowl 134 Leather 2 %
Njord Shoulderguards 134 Mail 2 %
Coldrock Bracers 134 Plate 2 %
Riveted Shield 130 Shields 2 %
Coldrock Pauldrons 134 Plate 2 %
Coldrock Legplates 134 Plate 2 %
Coldrock Gauntlets 134 Plate 2 %
Coldrock Helmet 134 Plate 2 %
Forged-Iron Shield 134 Shields 2 %
Forsaken Edge 130 Thrown 2 %
Pearled Wand 130 Wands 2 %
Darkened Wand 134 Wands 2 %
Under-Arm Crossbow 134 Crossbows 2 %
Composite Crossbow 130 Crossbows 2 %
Howling Throwing Knives 134 Thrown 2 %
Coldrock Breastplate 134 Plate 2 %
Coldrock Sabatons 134 Plate 2 %
Westguard Belt 130 Plate 2 %
Westguard Greaves 130 Plate 2 %
Njord Bracers 134 Mail 2 %
Suede Cloak 134 Cloth 2 %
Njord Leggings 134 Mail 2 %
Westguard Armor 130 Plate 2 %
Westguard Gloves 130 Plate 2 %
Westguard Bracers 130 Plate 2 %
Coldrock Girdle 134 Plate 2 %
Westguard Epaulets 130 Plate 2 %
Westguard Legplates 130 Plate 2 %
Westguard Helm 130 Plate 2 %
Njord Helm 134 Mail 2 %
Bloodspore Hood 134 Cloth 2 %
Ocean Trident 130 Polearms 2 %
Village Scythe 134 Polearms 2 %
Ungainly Mace 134 Two-Handed Maces 2 %
Granite Maul 130 Two-Handed Maces 2 %
Conifer Club 134 One-Handed Maces 2 %
Ambrosial Hammer 134 One-Handed Maces 2 %
Raider's Cutlass 130 One-Handed Swords 2 %
Tribal Blade 134 One-Handed Swords 2 %
Aquatic Greatstaff 130 Staves 2 %
Journeyed Staff 134 Staves 2 %
Survival Stick 130 Staves 2 %
Whetted Ironblade 134 Two-Handed Swords 2 %
Unearthed Broadsword 130 Two-Handed Swords 2 %
Enshrined Mace 130 One-Handed Maces 2 %
Stone-Headed Gavel 130 One-Handed Maces 2 %
Khorium Lockbox 68 Junk 1.1 %
Splicing Axe 130 One-Handed Axes 2 %
Skein Woven Mantle 155 Cloth 1.6 %
Vrykul Shackles 155 Leather 1.7 %
Farmhand's Vest 11 Cloth 2 %
Dinged Cleaver 134 One-Handed Axes 2 %
Finned Battleaxe 130 Two-Handed Axes 2 %
Bound Musket 130 Guns 2 %
Flintlock Gun 134 Guns 2 %
Yew Bow 134 Bows 2 %
Honorable Longbow 130 Bows 2 %
Wreaking Battleaxe 134 Two-Handed Axes 2 %
Conifer Cone Staff 134 Staves 2 %
Meat Ripper 130 Fist Weapons 2 %
Farshire Shoulderpads 130 Cloth 2 %
Farshire Cuffs 130 Cloth 2 %
Farshire Pants 130 Cloth 2 %
Farshire Hood 130 Cloth 2 %
Farshire Gloves 130 Cloth 2 %
Riding Cloak 130 Cloth 2 %
Bloodspore Sash 134 Cloth 2 %
Bloodspore Leggings 134 Cloth 2 %
Bloodspore Mantle 134 Cloth 2 %
Bloodspore Gloves 134 Cloth 2 %
Bloodspore Robe 134 Cloth 2 %
Bloodspore Sandals 134 Cloth 2 %
Farshire Robe 130 Cloth 2 %
Farshire Footpads 130 Cloth 2 %
Engraved Dagger 134 Daggers 2 %
Gypsy Blade 134 Daggers 2 %
Eccentric Dagger 130 Daggers 2 %
Pioneer's Dagger 130 Daggers 2 %
Curved Scratcher 134 Fist Weapons 2 %
Oval Ring 130 Miscellaneous 2 %
Painted Wooden Beads 130 Miscellaneous 2 %
Northern Star 134 Miscellaneous 2 %
Farshire Belt 130 Cloth 2 %
Silver Rope Chain 134 Miscellaneous 2 %
Floral Loop 134 Miscellaneous 2 %
Icy Orb 130 Miscellaneous 2 %
Bloodspore Bracelets 134 Cloth 2 %
Name ILVL Type % Loot

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