Taskmaster Varkule Dragonbreath - NPC

Taskmaster Varkule Dragonbreath

Informations générales

This NPC can be found in Shadowmoon Valley.

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Name ILVL Required Level Faction
Netherwing Crystals 70 70 Alliance
Nethermine Flayer Hide 70 70 Alliance
Netherdust Pollen 70 70 Alliance
Nethercite Ore 70 70 Alliance
Rise, Overseer! 70 70
The Netherwing Mines 70 70
Stand Tall, Captain! 70 70
Hail, Commander! 70 70
Bow to the Highlord 70 70
Name Level Required Level Faction
Enter the Taskmaster 70 70 Alliance
Netherwing Crystals 70 70 Alliance
Nethermine Flayer Hide 70 70 Alliance
Netherdust Pollen 70 70 Alliance
Nethercite Ore 70 70 Alliance

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