Coilskar Harpooner - NPC

Coilskar Harpooner

Informations générales

This NPC can be found in Black Temple.
Name ILVL Type % Loot
Fish Oil 1 Junk 34.15 %
Shiny Fish Scales 1 Junk 24.39 %
Empyrean Sapphire 70 Blue 15 %
Lionseye 70 Yellow 15 %
Crimson Spinel 70 Intellect 15 %
Shadowsong Amethyst 70 Purple 15 %
Seaspray Emerald 70 Green 15 %
Granite Ring 62 Miscellaneous 15 %
Pyrestone 70 Green 15 %
Band of Devastation 151 Miscellaneous 4.88 %
Chestguard of Relentless Storms 141 Mail 4.88 %
Illidari Runeshield 141 Shields 1.5 %
Pillager's Gauntlets 141 Plate 1.5 %
Shroud of the Final Stand 141 Cloth 1.5 %
Native Sash 12 Cloth 1.5 %
Choker of Serrated Blades 141 Miscellaneous 2.44 %
Swiftsteel Bludgeon 141 One-Handed Maces 1.5 %
Ring of Ancient Knowledge 151 Miscellaneous 1.5 %
Treads of the Den Mother 141 Leather 1.5 %
Blessed Band of Karabor 151 Miscellaneous 1.5 %
Girdle of the Lightbearer 141 Plate 1.5 %

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