Netherweave Cloth
60 |
Cloth |
25.7 %
Shiny Fish Scales
1 |
Junk |
19.84 %
50 |
Trade Goods |
12.41 %
Formula: Enchant Bracer - Superior Healing
65 |
Enchanting |
5 %
Recipe: Elixir of Major Agility
66 |
Alchemy |
5 %
Scroll of Intellect V
60 |
Scroll (OBSOLETE) |
2 %
Scroll of Agility V
60 |
Scroll (OBSOLETE) |
2 %
Super Healing Potion
65 |
Potion |
2 %
Scroll of Spirit V
60 |
Scroll (OBSOLETE) |
2 %
Super Mana Potion
68 |
Potion |
2 %
Scroll of Protection V
60 |
Scroll (OBSOLETE) |
2 %
Filtered Draenic Water
70 |
Bandages |
2.05 %
Scroll of Stamina V
60 |
Scroll (OBSOLETE) |
2 %
Sunspring Carp
65 |
Bandages |
2.39 %
Zangar Caps
65 |
Bandages |
2.04 %
Sparkling Star of Elune
70 |
Blue |
2 %
Scroll of Strength V
60 |
Scroll (OBSOLETE) |
2 %
Fenclaw Waistband
96 |
Mail |
1 %
Fenclaw Footwraps
96 |
Mail |
1 %
Fenclaw Armor
96 |
Mail |
1 %
Fenclaw Fists
96 |
Mail |
1 %
Murkblood Pants
114 |
Leather |
1 %
Fenclaw Helm
96 |
Mail |
1 %
Murkblood Cover
114 |
Leather |
1 %
Murkblood Shoulderguards
114 |
Leather |
1 %
Murkblood Bracers
114 |
Leather |
1 %
Marshcreeper Leggings
99 |
Mail |
1 %
Marshcreeper Gloves
99 |
Mail |
1 %
Marshcreeper Helm
99 |
Mail |
1 %
Murkblood Gloves
114 |
Leather |
1 %
Marshcreeper Fen-Vest
99 |
Mail |
1 %
Marshcreeper Sludgeboots
99 |
Mail |
1 %
Fenclaw Mantle
96 |
Mail |
1 %
Fenclaw Bindings
96 |
Mail |
1 %
Marshcreeper Belt
99 |
Mail |
1 %
Fenclaw Legguards
96 |
Mail |
1 %
Boneshredder Jerkin
111 |
Leather |
1 %
Clefthoof Shoulderguards
108 |
Leather |
1 %
Clefthoof Bracers
108 |
Leather |
1 %
Boneshredder Belt
111 |
Leather |
1 %
Clefthoof Britches
108 |
Leather |
1 %
Clefthoof Cover
108 |
Leather |
1 %
Clefthoof Wanderboots
108 |
Leather |
1 %
Clefthoof Hidemantle
108 |
Leather |
1 %
Clefthoof Gloves
108 |
Leather |
1 %
Boneshredder Boots
111 |
Leather |
1 %
Marshcreeper Mantle
99 |
Mail |
1 %
Boneshredder Wristguards
111 |
Leather |
1 %
Murkblood Belt
114 |
Leather |
1 %
Murkblood Boots
114 |
Leather |
1 %
Boneshredder Shoulderguards
111 |
Leather |
1 %
Boneshredder Britches
111 |
Leather |
1 %
Boneshredder Gloves
111 |
Leather |
1 %
Boneshredder Skullcap
111 |
Leather |
1 %
Murkblood Chestpiece
114 |
Leather |
1 %
Ironspine Belt
105 |
Mail |
1 %
Talhide Stitched-Belt
117 |
Mail |
1 %
Talhide Lined-Boots
117 |
Mail |
1 %
Talhide Chestpiece
117 |
Mail |
1 %
Tortured Bracer
114 |
Mail |
1 %
Sundered Spaulders
114 |
Mail |
1 %
Sundered Gauntlets
114 |
Mail |
1 %
Sundered Helmet
114 |
Mail |
1 %
Sundered Legguards
114 |
Mail |
1 %
Talhide Lined-Gloves
117 |
Mail |
1 %
Talhide Helmet
117 |
Mail |
1 %
Netherstorm Chestpiece
120 |
Mail |
1 %
Netherstorm Gauntlets
120 |
Mail |
1 %
Netherstorm Helm
120 |
Mail |
1 %
Netherstorm Greaves
120 |
Mail |
1 %
Netherstorm Belt
120 |
Mail |
1 %
Talhide Lined-Leggings
117 |
Mail |
1 %
Talhide Shoulderguards
117 |
Mail |
1 %
Talhide Lined-Bracers
117 |
Mail |
1 %
Sundered Chestpiece
114 |
Mail |
1 %
Sundered Footwraps
114 |
Mail |
1 %
Blood Knight Greaves
102 |
Mail |
1 %
Blood Knight Pauldrons
102 |
Mail |
1 %
Blood Knight Bracers
102 |
Mail |
1 %
Blood Knight Helm
102 |
Mail |
1 %
Blood Knight Gauntlets
102 |
Mail |
1 %
Blood Knight Girdle
102 |
Mail |
1 %
Blood Knight Boots
102 |
Mail |
1 %
Blood Knight Breastplate
102 |
Mail |
1 %
Clefthoof Belt
108 |
Leather |
1 %
Ironspine Greaves
105 |
Mail |
1 %
Ironspine Shoulderguards
105 |
Mail |
1 %
Ironspine Bracelets
105 |
Mail |
1 %
Sundered Waistband
114 |
Mail |
1 %
Ironspine Legguards
105 |
Mail |
1 %
Ironspine Helm
105 |
Mail |
1 %
Ironspine Chain Vest
105 |
Mail |
1 %
Ironspine Gloves
105 |
Mail |
1 %
Marshcreeper Bracelets
99 |
Mail |
1 %
Expedition Shoulderguards
117 |
Leather |
1 %
Sunroc Gloves
96 |
Leather |
1 %
Sunroc Mask
96 |
Leather |
1 %
Sunroc Pants
96 |
Leather |
1 %
Sunroc Chestpiece
96 |
Leather |
1 %
Sunroc Boots
96 |
Leather |
1 %
Murkblood Cape
111 |
Cloth |
1 %
Ambusher's Cloak
114 |
Cloth |
1 %
Sunroc Waistband
96 |
Leather |
1 %
Sunroc Shoulderguards
96 |
Leather |
1 %
Sunroc Armguards
96 |
Leather |
1 %
Ranger Pants
99 |
Leather |
1 %
Ranger Pauldrons
99 |
Leather |
1 %
Ranger Armguards
99 |
Leather |
1 %
Ranger Hat
99 |
Leather |
1 %
Ranger Gloves
99 |
Leather |
1 %
Ranger Belt
99 |
Leather |
1 %
Ranger Boots
99 |
Leather |
1 %
Ranger Jerkin
99 |
Leather |
1 %
Farseer Cloak
108 |
Cloth |
1 %
Eldr'naan Bracelets
114 |
Cloth |
1 %
Shadow Council Gloves
111 |
Cloth |
1 %
Shadow Council Cowl
111 |
Cloth |
1 %
Shadow Council Pants
111 |
Cloth |
1 %
Shadow Council Tunic
111 |
Cloth |
1 %
Shadow Council Boots
111 |
Cloth |
1 %
Consortium Mantle
108 |
Cloth |
1 %
Consortium Bracer
108 |
Cloth |
1 %
Shadow Council Chain
111 |
Cloth |
1 %
Shadow Council Mantle
111 |
Cloth |
1 %
Shadow Council Bracer
111 |
Cloth |
1 %
Eldr'naan Hood
114 |
Cloth |
1 %
Eldr'naan Pants
114 |
Cloth |
1 %
Eldr'naan Shoulderpads
114 |
Cloth |
1 %
Eldr'naan Gloves
114 |
Cloth |
1 %
Eldr'naan Jerkin
114 |
Cloth |
1 %
Eldr'naan Belt
114 |
Cloth |
1 %
Eldr'naan Boot
114 |
Cloth |
1 %
Daggerfen Belt
102 |
Leather |
1 %
Daggerfen Boots
102 |
Leather |
1 %
Expedition Tunic
117 |
Leather |
1 %
Expedition Gloves
117 |
Leather |
1 %
Expedition Hood
117 |
Leather |
1 %
Expedition Boots
117 |
Leather |
1 %
Expedition Girdle
117 |
Leather |
1 %
Murkblood Pants
114 |
Leather |
1 %
Murkblood Shoulderguards
114 |
Leather |
1 %
Murkblood Bracers
114 |
Leather |
1 %
Expedition Pants
117 |
Leather |
1 %
Netherstorm Legguards
120 |
Mail |
1 %
Dragonhawk Hat
120 |
Leather |
1 %
Dragonhawk Pants
120 |
Leather |
1 %
Dragonhawk Shoulderguards
120 |
Leather |
1 %
Dragonhawk Gloves
120 |
Leather |
1 %
Dragonhawk Tunic
120 |
Leather |
1 %
Expedition Bracers
117 |
Leather |
1 %
Dragonhawk Belt
120 |
Leather |
1 %
Dragonhawk Boots
120 |
Leather |
1 %
Murkblood Cover
114 |
Leather |
1 %
Murkblood Gloves
114 |
Leather |
1 %
Daggerfen Bindings
102 |
Leather |
1 %
Umbrafen Waistband
105 |
Leather |
1 %
Umbrafen Boots
105 |
Leather |
1 %
Daggerfen Pauldrons
102 |
Leather |
1 %
Daggerfen Stitchpants
102 |
Leather |
1 %
Daggerfen Battlevest
102 |
Leather |
1 %
Daggerfen Gloves
102 |
Leather |
1 %
Daggerfen Cowl
102 |
Leather |
1 %
Umbrafen Tunic
105 |
Leather |
1 %
Umbrafen Gloves
105 |
Leather |
1 %
Murkblood Belt
114 |
Leather |
1 %
Murkblood Boots
114 |
Leather |
1 %
Murkblood Chestpiece
114 |
Leather |
1 %
Umbrafen Bindings
105 |
Leather |
1 %
Umbrafen Shoulderguards
105 |
Leather |
1 %
Umbrafen Cap
105 |
Leather |
1 %
Umbrafen Britches
105 |
Leather |
1 %
Dragonhawk Bands
120 |
Leather |
1 %
Der'izu Spaulders
108 |
Mail |
1 %
Conqueror's Epaulets
114 |
Plate |
1 %
Conqueror's Vambraces
114 |
Plate |
1 %
Modani War-Shield
96 |
Shields |
1 %
Conqueror's Legplates
114 |
Plate |
1 %
Conqueror's Helmet
114 |
Plate |
1 %
Conqueror's Greaves
114 |
Plate |
1 %
Conqueror's Breastplate
114 |
Plate |
1 %
Conqueror's Gauntlets
114 |
Plate |
1 %
Zangari Shield
99 |
Shields |
1 %
Outland Shield
102 |
Shields |
1 %
Fel-Iron Shield
111 |
Shields |
1 %
Smouldering Shield
114 |
Shields |
1 %
Jagged Guillotine
96 |
Thrown |
1 %
Bayeaux Shield
108 |
Shields |
1 %
Dragonscale Shield
120 |
Shields |
1 %
Spell-Breaker Shield
105 |
Shields |
1 %
Smouldering Shield
114 |
Shields |
1 %
Zeth'Gor Shield
117 |
Shields |
1 %
Conqueror's Girdle
114 |
Plate |
1 %
Bloodfist Vambraces
111 |
Plate |
1 %
Warmaul Breastplate
108 |
Plate |
1 %
Warmaul Gloves
108 |
Plate |
1 %
Warmaul Helmet
108 |
Plate |
1 %
Warmaul Greaves
108 |
Plate |
1 %
Warmaul Belt
108 |
Plate |
1 %
Warlord's Iron-Legplates
120 |
Plate |
1 %
Warlord's Iron-Epaulets
120 |
Plate |
1 %
Warlord's Iron-Vambraces
120 |
Plate |
1 %
Warmaul Legplates
108 |
Plate |
1 %
Warmaul Epaulets
108 |
Plate |
1 %
Bloodfist Helmet
111 |
Plate |
1 %
Bloodfist Legplates
111 |
Plate |
1 %
Bloodfist Epaulets
111 |
Plate |
1 %
Bloodfist Gloves
111 |
Plate |
1 %
Bloodfist Breastplate
111 |
Plate |
1 %
Warmaul Vambraces
108 |
Plate |
1 %
Bloodfist Girdle
111 |
Plate |
1 %
Bloodfist Greaves
111 |
Plate |
1 %
Wildhammer Throwing Axe
99 |
Thrown |
1 %
Forked Shuriken
102 |
Thrown |
1 %
Flawless Wand
120 |
Wands |
1 %
Nobility Torch
108 |
Wands |
1 %
111 |
Wands |
1 %
Dragonscale Wand
117 |
Wands |
1 %
Draenethyst Wand
114 |
Wands |
1 %
Conjurer's Wand
99 |
Wands |
1 %
Majestic Wand
102 |
Wands |
1 %
Solitaire Wand
105 |
Wands |
1 %
Draenethyst Wand
114 |
Wands |
1 %
Recipe: Heroic Potion
70 |
Alchemy |
Formula: Enchant Weapon - Battlemaster
72 |
Enchanting |
Formula: Enchant Weapon - Spellsurge
72 |
Enchanting |
Formula: Enchant Chest - Major Resilience
69 |
Enchanting |
Formula: Enchant Weapon - Potency
70 |
Enchanting |
Formula: Enchant Shield - Resistance
72 |
Enchanting |
Recipe: Haste Potion
70 |
Alchemy |
Recipe: Destruction Potion
70 |
Alchemy |
Recipe: Elixir of Major Mageblood
71 |
Alchemy |
Magician's Wand
96 |
Wands |
1 %
Barreled Crossbow
114 |
Crossbows |
1 %
111 |
Thrown |
1 %
Heartseeker Knives
114 |
Thrown |
1 %
Pattern: Drums of Restoration
70 |
Leatherworking |
Arakkoa Talon-Axe
108 |
Thrown |
1 %
Assassin's Shuriken
120 |
Thrown |
1 %
Razor-Edged Boomerang
105 |
Thrown |
1 %
Heartseeker Knives
114 |
Thrown |
1 %
Dreghood Throwing Axe
117 |
Thrown |
1 %
Collapsible Crossbow
96 |
Crossbows |
1 %
Archer's Crossbow
99 |
Crossbows |
1 %
Rampant Crossbow
120 |
Crossbows |
1 %
Assassins' Silent Crossbow
108 |
Crossbows |
1 %
Pocket Ballista
111 |
Crossbows |
1 %
Well-Balanced Crossbow
117 |
Crossbows |
1 %
Barreled Crossbow
114 |
Crossbows |
1 %
Mighty Crossbow
102 |
Crossbows |
1 %
Battle Damaged Crossbow
105 |
Crossbows |
1 %
Warlord's Iron-Helm
120 |
Plate |
1 %
Warlord's Iron-Gauntlets
120 |
Plate |
1 %
Tortured Bracer
114 |
Mail |
1 %
Khan'aish Girdle
96 |
Plate |
1 %
Khan'aish Greaves
96 |
Plate |
1 %
Sundered Spaulders
114 |
Mail |
1 %
Sundered Legguards
114 |
Mail |
1 %
Sundered Chestpiece
114 |
Mail |
1 %
Sundered Gauntlets
114 |
Mail |
1 %
Sundered Helmet
114 |
Mail |
1 %
Khan'aish Breastplate
96 |
Plate |
1 %
Khan'aish Gloves
96 |
Plate |
1 %
Talonguard Greaves
99 |
Plate |
1 %
Talonguard Armor
99 |
Plate |
1 %
Talonguard Gloves
99 |
Plate |
1 %
Talonguard Girdle
99 |
Plate |
1 %
Khan'aish Bracers
96 |
Plate |
1 %
Khan'aish Helmet
96 |
Plate |
1 %
Khan'aish Legplates
96 |
Plate |
1 %
Khan'aish Epaulets
96 |
Plate |
1 %
Sundered Footwraps
114 |
Mail |
1 %
Sundered Waistband
114 |
Mail |
1 %
Der'izu Helm
108 |
Mail |
1 %
Der'izu Legguards
108 |
Mail |
1 %
Consortium Pants
108 |
Cloth |
1 %
Der'izu Fists
108 |
Mail |
1 %
Der'izu Chestpiece
108 |
Mail |
1 %
Netherstorm Bracer
120 |
Mail |
1 %
Der'izu Belt
108 |
Mail |
1 %
Der'izu Greaves
108 |
Mail |
1 %
Der'izu Bracer
108 |
Mail |
1 %
Skettis Belt
111 |
Mail |
1 %
Skettis Legguards
111 |
Mail |
1 %
Skettis Spaulders
111 |
Mail |
1 %
Skettis Bracer
111 |
Mail |
1 %
Skettis Helmet
111 |
Mail |
1 %
Skettis Gauntlets
111 |
Mail |
1 %
Skettis Footwraps
111 |
Mail |
1 %
Skettis Chestpiece
111 |
Mail |
1 %
Talonguard Helmet
99 |
Plate |
1 %
Talonguard Legplates
99 |
Plate |
1 %
Conqueror's Epaulets
114 |
Plate |
1 %
Conqueror's Vambraces
114 |
Plate |
1 %
Shattered Hand Belt
117 |
Plate |
1 %
Conqueror's Legplates
114 |
Plate |
1 %
Conqueror's Helmet
114 |
Plate |
1 %
Conqueror's Greaves
114 |
Plate |
1 %
Conqueror's Breastplate
114 |
Plate |
1 %
Conqueror's Gauntlets
114 |
Plate |
1 %
Shattered Hand Sabatons
117 |
Plate |
1 %
Shattered Hand Breastplate
117 |
Plate |
1 %
Warlord's Iron-Girdle
120 |
Plate |
1 %
Warlord's Sabatons
120 |
Plate |
1 %
Warlord's Iron-Breastplate
120 |
Plate |
1 %
Shattered Hand Vambraces
117 |
Plate |
1 %
Shattered Hand Epaulets
117 |
Plate |
1 %
Shattered Hand Gauntlets
117 |
Plate |
1 %
Shattered Hand Helmet
117 |
Plate |
1 %
Shattered Hand Legplates
117 |
Plate |
1 %
Conqueror's Girdle
114 |
Plate |
1 %
Boulderfist Bracers
105 |
Plate |
1 %
Reaver Gloves
102 |
Plate |
1 %
Reaver Helmet
102 |
Plate |
1 %
Reaver Legplates
102 |
Plate |
1 %
Reaver Armor
102 |
Plate |
1 %
Reaver Greaves
102 |
Plate |
1 %
Talonguard Epaulets
99 |
Plate |
1 %
Talonguard Bracers
99 |
Plate |
1 %
Reaver Girdle
102 |
Plate |
1 %
Reaver Epaulets
102 |
Plate |
1 %
Reaver Bracers
102 |
Plate |
1 %
Boulderfist Helm
105 |
Plate |
1 %
Boulderfist Legplates
105 |
Plate |
1 %
Boulderfist Epaulets
105 |
Plate |
1 %
Boulderfist Gloves
105 |
Plate |
1 %
Boulderfist Armor
105 |
Plate |
1 %
Boulderfist Belt
105 |
Plate |
1 %
Boulderfist Greaves
105 |
Plate |
1 %
Netherstorm Shoulderguards
120 |
Mail |
1 %
Amber Cape
120 |
Cloth |
1 %
Dragonbreath Musket
102 |
Guns |
1 %
Tauren Runed Musket
105 |
Guns |
1 %
Sen'jin Longrifle
114 |
Guns |
1 %
Game Hunter Musket
117 |
Guns |
1 %
Cliffjumper Shotgun
99 |
Guns |
1 %
Sawed-Off Shotgun
96 |
Guns |
1 %
Ranger's Recurved Bow
108 |
Bows |
1 %
Rocslayer Longbow
111 |
Bows |
1 %
Orc Flatbow
114 |
Bows |
1 %
Big-Boar Battle Rifle
120 |
Guns |
1 %
Sporting Rifle
108 |
Guns |
1 %
Spirit-Clad Mace
99 |
One-Handed Maces |
1 %
Dreaded Mace
102 |
One-Handed Maces |
1 %
Khorium Plated Bludgeon
105 |
One-Handed Maces |
1 %
Restorative Mace
96 |
One-Handed Maces |
1 %
Rockshard Club
99 |
One-Handed Maces |
1 %
Nessingwary Longrifle
111 |
Guns |
1 %
Sen'jin Longrifle
114 |
Guns |
1 %
Silvermoon War-Mace
96 |
One-Handed Maces |
1 %
Windspear Longbow
120 |
Bows |
1 %
Dream Catcher Bow
117 |
Bows |
1 %
Rending Claw
102 |
Two-Handed Axes |
1 %
Glorious War-Axe
105 |
Two-Handed Axes |
1 %
Windcaller Hatchet
114 |
Two-Handed Axes |
1 %
Silver-Edged Axe
99 |
Two-Handed Axes |
1 %
Amani Tomahawk
114 |
One-Handed Axes |
1 %
Rockbiter Cutter
120 |
One-Handed Axes |
1 %
Shadowmoon Cleaver
108 |
One-Handed Axes |
1 %
Bladespire Broadaxe
111 |
One-Handed Axes |
1 %
Slavemaster Axe
117 |
Two-Handed Axes |
1 %
Deepforge Broadaxe
120 |
Two-Handed Axes |
1 %
Expert's Bow
102 |
Bows |
1 %
Talbuk Hunting Bow
105 |
Bows |
1 %
Orc Flatbow
114 |
Bows |
1 %
Thalassian Compound Bow
99 |
Bows |
1 %
Razorsong Bow
96 |
Bows |
1 %
Ghostly Battle Axe
108 |
Two-Handed Axes |
1 %
Ceremonial Slayer's Axe
111 |
Two-Handed Axes |
1 %
Windcaller Hatchet
114 |
Two-Handed Axes |
1 %
Lesser Sledgemace
102 |
One-Handed Maces |
1 %
Ancestral Hammer
105 |
One-Handed Maces |
1 %
Telaari Polearm
105 |
Polearms |
1 %
Nether Trident
114 |
Polearms |
1 %
Hellfire War Spear
117 |
Polearms |
1 %
Battle Scythe
102 |
Polearms |
1 %
War Glaive
99 |
Polearms |
1 %
Blood Knight Maul
111 |
Two-Handed Maces |
1 %
Algaz Battle Hammer
114 |
Two-Handed Maces |
1 %
Fel-Wrought Halberd
96 |
Polearms |
1 %
Legend's Glaive
120 |
Polearms |
1 %
Ethereal-Etched Glaive
108 |
Polearms |
1 %
Honor Hold Saber
105 |
One-Handed Swords |
1 %
Gladiator Greatblade
114 |
One-Handed Swords |
1 %
Blood Groove Blade
117 |
One-Handed Swords |
1 %
Baron's Broadsword
102 |
One-Handed Swords |
1 %
Bone Collector Sword
99 |
One-Handed Swords |
1 %
Grim Scythe
111 |
Polearms |
1 %
Nether Trident
114 |
Polearms |
1 %
Skystrider Katana
96 |
One-Handed Swords |
1 %
Draenethyst Mallet
108 |
Two-Handed Maces |
1 %
Halaani Hammer
120 |
Two-Handed Maces |
1 %
Ascendant's Scepter
120 |
One-Handed Maces |
1 %
Boneshredder Mace
108 |
One-Handed Maces |
1 %
Footman Mace
111 |
One-Handed Maces |
1 %
Knight's War Hammer
120 |
One-Handed Maces |
1 %
Lordly Scepter
117 |
One-Handed Maces |
1 %
Retro-Spike Club
114 |
One-Handed Maces |
1 %
Anvilmar Hammer
117 |
One-Handed Maces |
1 %
Divine Hammer
114 |
One-Handed Maces |
1 %
Retro-Spike Club
114 |
One-Handed Maces |
1 %
Tranquility Mace
108 |
One-Handed Maces |
1 %
Blood Stained Hammer
105 |
Two-Handed Maces |
1 %
Algaz Battle Hammer
114 |
Two-Handed Maces |
1 %
Commanding Mallet
117 |
Two-Handed Maces |
1 %
Clefthoof Mace
102 |
Two-Handed Maces |
1 %
Highmountain Hammer
99 |
Two-Handed Maces |
1 %
Queen's Insignia
111 |
One-Handed Maces |
1 %
Divine Hammer
114 |
One-Handed Maces |
1 %
Stormwind Maul
96 |
Two-Handed Maces |
1 %
Double-Bladed Axe
117 |
One-Handed Axes |
1 %
Amani Tomahawk
114 |
One-Handed Axes |
1 %
Girdle of Divine Blessing
100 |
Plate |
Legguards of the Shattered Hand
115 |
Plate |
Shield of the Wayward Footman
100 |
Shields |
Gauntlets of the Skullsplitter
97 |
Plate |
Headdress of Inner Rage
100 |
Mail |
Leggings of the Sacred Crest
115 |
Cloth |
Leggings of the Sly
100 |
Leather |
Boots of the Pathfinder
97 |
Mail |
Pattern: Unyielding Bracers
70 |
Tailoring |
Pattern: Bracers of Havok
70 |
Tailoring |
Formula: Enchant Boots - Cat's Swiftness
72 |
Enchanting |
Design: Thick Felsteel Necklace
71 |
Jewelcrafting |
Design: Living Ruby Pendant
71 |
Jewelcrafting |
Design: Delicate Eternium Ring
71 |
Jewelcrafting |
Pattern: White Remedy Cape
70 |
Tailoring |
Pattern: Blackstrike Bracers
70 |
Tailoring |
Pattern: Cloak of the Black Void
70 |
Tailoring |
Pattern: Cloak of Eternity
70 |
Tailoring |
Abyss Walker's Boots
100 |
Cloth |
Band of Dominion
109 |
Miscellaneous |
Dried Mushroom Rations
65 |
Bandages |
Eternium Lockbox
60 |
Junk |
Four of Beasts
1 |
Junk |
Pendant of Frozen Flame
114 |
Miscellaneous |
Major Mana Potion
59 |
Potions, Flask, Elixirs |
Footman's Waterskin
55 |
Consumable |
1 %
Major Healing Potion
55 |
Potions, Flask, Elixirs |
Purified Draenic Water
75 |
Bandages |
Tome of Conjure Water IX
70 |
Book & Codex |
Seven of Beasts
1 |
Junk |
Blade of Unquenched Thirst
97 |
Daggers |
Ced's Carver
115 |
Daggers |
Amulet of Sanctification
97 |
Miscellaneous |
The Bringer of Death
115 |
Staves |
Braxxis' Staff of Slumber
97 |
Staves |
Valanos' Longbow
115 |
Bows |
The Gunblade
100 |
Guns |
The Essence Focuser
115 |
One-Handed Maces |
Design: Braided Eternium Chain
72 |
Jewelcrafting |
Formula: Enchant Boots - Boar's Speed
72 |
Enchanting |
Design: Enduring Talasite
70 |
Jewelcrafting |
Design: Radiant Talasite
70 |
Jewelcrafting |
Design: Dazzling Talasite
70 |
Jewelcrafting |
Design: Glinting Noble Topaz
70 |
Jewelcrafting |
Design: Luminous Noble Topaz
70 |
Jewelcrafting |
Design: Royal Nightseye
70 |
Jewelcrafting |
Design: Inscribed Noble Topaz
70 |
Jewelcrafting |
Design: Potent Noble Topaz
70 |
Jewelcrafting |
Design: Jagged Talasite
70 |
Jewelcrafting |
Design: Great Dawnstone
70 |
Jewelcrafting |
Colossal War Axe
99 |
One-Handed Axes |
1 %
Silvermoon Crescent Axe
102 |
One-Handed Axes |
1 %
Berserker Axe
105 |
One-Handed Axes |
1 %
Chipped Woodchopper
96 |
One-Handed Axes |
1 %
Design: Wicked Noble Topaz
70 |
Jewelcrafting |
Design: Balanced Nightseye
70 |
Jewelcrafting |
Design: Infused Nightseye
70 |
Jewelcrafting |
Design: Veiled Noble Topaz
70 |
Jewelcrafting |
Design: Glowing Nightseye
70 |
Jewelcrafting |
Design: Shifting Nightseye
70 |
Jewelcrafting |
Design: Runed Living Ruby
70 |
Jewelcrafting |
Design: Subtle Living Ruby
70 |
Jewelcrafting |
Design: Flashing Living Ruby
70 |
Jewelcrafting |
Design: Teardrop Living Ruby
70 |
Jewelcrafting |
Design: Delicate Living Ruby
70 |
Jewelcrafting |
Design: Eye of the Night
72 |
Jewelcrafting |
Design: Bright Living Ruby
70 |
Jewelcrafting |
Design: Bold Living Ruby
70 |
Jewelcrafting |
Design: Solid Star of Elune
70 |
Jewelcrafting |
Design: Sparkling Star of Elune
70 |
Jewelcrafting |
Design: Gleaming Dawnstone
70 |
Jewelcrafting |
Design: Thick Dawnstone
70 |
Jewelcrafting |
Design: Sovereign Nightseye
70 |
Jewelcrafting |
Design: Rigid Dawnstone
70 |
Jewelcrafting |
Design: Smooth Dawnstone
70 |
Jewelcrafting |
Design: Lustrous Star of Elune
70 |
Jewelcrafting |
Design: Stormy Star of Elune
70 |
Jewelcrafting |
Design: Brilliant Dawnstone
70 |
Jewelcrafting |
Iron Skull Sword
120 |
One-Handed Swords |
1 %
Assassins' Short Blade
108 |
One-Handed Swords |
1 %
Feralfen Pants
99 |
Cloth |
1 %
Feralfen Amice
99 |
Cloth |
1 %
Feralfen Cuffs
99 |
Cloth |
1 %
Feralfen Hood
99 |
Cloth |
1 %
Feralfen Hand
99 |
Cloth |
1 %
Feralfen Sash
99 |
Cloth |
1 %
Feralfen Sandals
99 |
Cloth |
1 %
Feralfen Jerkin
99 |
Cloth |
1 %
Silver-Lined Cloak
96 |
Cloth |
1 %
Boulderfist Cloak
99 |
Cloth |
1 %
Mistyreed Pants
102 |
Cloth |
1 %
Mistyreed Shoulderpads
102 |
Cloth |
1 %
Mistyreed Bracer
102 |
Cloth |
1 %
Mistyreed Hood
102 |
Cloth |
1 %
Mistyreed Gloves
102 |
Cloth |
1 %
Mistyreed Belt
102 |
Cloth |
1 %
Mistyreed Boot
102 |
Cloth |
1 %
Mistyreed Tunic
102 |
Cloth |
1 %
Slavehandler Wristguards
96 |
Cloth |
1 %
Slavehandler Amice
96 |
Cloth |
1 %
Alexandrite Ring
114 |
Miscellaneous |
1 %
Diopside Beads
108 |
Miscellaneous |
1 %
Kunzite Necklace
111 |
Miscellaneous |
1 %
Sodalite Band
111 |
Miscellaneous |
1 %
Lazuli Ring
108 |
Miscellaneous |
1 %
Amber Band
120 |
Miscellaneous |
1 %
Tanzanite Pendant
120 |
Miscellaneous |
1 %
Draenei Crystal Rod
120 |
Miscellaneous |
1 %
Epidote Stone Necklace
114 |
Miscellaneous |
1 %
Archmage Orb
108 |
Miscellaneous |
1 %
Slavehandler Handwraps
96 |
Cloth |
1 %
Slavehandler Cap
96 |
Cloth |
1 %
Slavehandler Pants
96 |
Cloth |
1 %
Slavehandler Jerkin
96 |
Cloth |
1 %
Slavehandler Footpads
96 |
Cloth |
1 %
Elementalist Star
111 |
Miscellaneous |
1 %
Astralaan Orb
114 |
Miscellaneous |
1 %
Slavehandler Belt
96 |
Cloth |
1 %
Astralaan Belt
105 |
Cloth |
1 %
Astralaan Boots
105 |
Cloth |
1 %
Nether Cloak
117 |
Cloth |
1 %
Elementalist Belt
120 |
Cloth |
1 %
Elementalist Boots
120 |
Cloth |
1 %
Ambusher's Cloak
114 |
Cloth |
1 %
Archmage Bracelets
117 |
Cloth |
1 %
Archmage Headpiece
117 |
Cloth |
1 %
Archmage Pants
117 |
Cloth |
1 %
Archmage Mantle
117 |
Cloth |
1 %
Elementalist Tunic
120 |
Cloth |
1 %
Elementalist Gloves
120 |
Cloth |
1 %
Consortium Boot
108 |
Cloth |
1 %
Consortium Robe
108 |
Cloth |
1 %
Consortium Gloves
108 |
Cloth |
1 %
Consortium Sash
108 |
Cloth |
1 %
Elementalist Bracelets
120 |
Cloth |
1 %
Elementalist Skullcap
120 |
Cloth |
1 %
Elementalist Leggings
120 |
Cloth |
1 %
Elementalist Mantle
120 |
Cloth |
1 %
Archmage Gloves
117 |
Cloth |
1 %
Archmage Robe
117 |
Cloth |
1 %
Astralaan Bracer
105 |
Cloth |
1 %
Patched Cape
102 |
Cloth |
1 %
Forest Shroud
105 |
Cloth |
1 %
Astralaan Shoulderpads
105 |
Cloth |
1 %
Astralaan Pants
105 |
Cloth |
1 %
Astralaan Robe
105 |
Cloth |
1 %