Temporus - NPC


Informations générales

The location of this NPC is unknown.

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Name ILVL Type % Loot
Shattered Hand Helmet 117 Plate 100 %
Khadgar's Kilt of Abjuration 112 Cloth 16.67 %
Laughing Skull Battle-Harness 112 Mail 16.67 %
Star-Heart Lamp 112 Miscellaneous 16.67 %
Hourglass of the Unraveller 112 Miscellaneous 16.67 %
Millennium Blade 112 One-Handed Swords 16.67 %
Epoch-Mender 112 Staves 16.67 %
Name ILVL Type % Loot
Badge of Justice 70 Junk 100 %
Shattered Hand Helmet 117 Plate 100 %
Glinting Fire Opal 70 Green 20 %
Glimmering Fire Opal 70 Green 20 %
Glowing Tanzanite 70 Purple 20 %
Khadgar's Kilt of Abjuration 112 Cloth 16.67 %
Laughing Skull Battle-Harness 112 Mail 16.67 %
Star-Heart Lamp 112 Miscellaneous 16.67 %
Epoch-Mender 112 Staves 16.67 %
Hourglass of the Unraveller 112 Miscellaneous 16.67 %
Millennium Blade 112 One-Handed Swords 16.67 %
Smoked Talbuk Venison 65 Bandages 1 %
Name ILVL Type % Loot
Badge of Justice 70 Junk 100 %
Shattered Hand Helmet 117 Plate 100 %
Glinting Fire Opal 70 Green 20 %
Glimmering Fire Opal 70 Green 20 %
Glowing Tanzanite 70 Purple 20 %
Khadgar's Kilt of Abjuration 112 Cloth 16.67 %
Laughing Skull Battle-Harness 112 Mail 16.67 %
Star-Heart Lamp 112 Miscellaneous 16.67 %
Epoch-Mender 112 Staves 16.67 %
Hourglass of the Unraveller 112 Miscellaneous 16.67 %
Millennium Blade 112 One-Handed Swords 16.67 %
Smoked Talbuk Venison 65 Bandages 1 %

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