Magus Zabraxis - NPC

Magus Zabraxis <Reagents>

Informations générales

  • Level 60
  • Faction: Honor Hold
  • Humanoid
  • Life: 2442
The location of this NPC is unknown.
Name Level Stock Sell Price:
Empty Vial 1 1
Leaded Vial 25 10
Crippling Poison 20 13
Mind-numbing Poison 24 18
Infernal Stone 55 1250
Crystal Vial 35 125
Instant Poison V 52 10
Instant Poison VI 60 125
Deadly Poison IV 54 150
Wound Poison IV 56 175
Demonic Figurine 60 250
Arcane Powder 56 250
Wild Berries 50 175
Wild Thornroot 60 250
Holy Candle 48 175
Sacred Candle 60 250
Ankh 30 50
Rune of Teleportation 20 250
Rune of Portals 40 50
Symbol of Divinity 30 50
Maple Seed 20 50
Stranglethorn Seed 30 10
Ashwood Seed 40 20
Hornbeam Seed 50 350
Ironwood Seed 60 50
Imbued Vial 55 150
Deadly Poison V 60 150
Symbol of Kings 60 37
Anesthetic Poison 68 125
Instant Poison VII 68 125
Deadly Poison VI 62 150
Deadly Poison VII 70 150
Wound Poison V 64 175
Flintweed Seed 70 1250
Wild Quillvine 70 375
Corpse Dust 55 125
Enchanted Vial 75 250
Name ILVL Required Level Faction
Fel Embers 70 67 Alliance
Name Level Required Level Faction
Fel Embers 70 67 Alliance

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