Korfax, Champion of the Light - NPC

Korfax, Champion of the Light <Brotherhood of the Light>

Informations générales

  • Level 60
  • Rank: Elite
  • Faction: Argent Dawn
  • Humanoid
  • Life: 610400
This NPC can be found in Eastern Plaguelands.

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Name ILVL Required Level Faction
Dreadnaught Breastplate 60 60 Alliance
Dreadnaught Legplates 60 60 Alliance
Dreadnaught Helmet 60 60 Alliance
Dreadnaught Pauldrons 60 60 Alliance
Dreadnaught Sabatons 60 60 Alliance
Dreadnaught Gauntlets 60 60 Alliance
Dreadnaught Waistguard 60 60 Alliance
Dreadnaught Bracers 60 60 Alliance
Binding the Dreadnaught 60 55 Alliance & Horde
Dark Iron Scraps 60 55 Alliance & Horde
The Fate of Ramaladni 60 60 Alliance & Horde
Ramaladni's Icy Grasp 60 60 Alliance & Horde
Name Level Required Level Faction
Dreadnaught Breastplate 60 60 Alliance
Dreadnaught Legplates 60 60 Alliance
Dreadnaught Helmet 60 60 Alliance
Dreadnaught Pauldrons 60 60 Alliance
Dreadnaught Sabatons 60 60 Alliance
Dreadnaught Gauntlets 60 60 Alliance
Dreadnaught Waistguard 60 60 Alliance
Dreadnaught Bracers 60 60 Alliance
Binding the Dreadnaught 60 55 Alliance & Horde
Dark Iron Scraps 60 55 Alliance & Horde
The Fate of Ramaladni 60 60 Alliance & Horde
Ramaladni's Icy Grasp 60 60 Alliance & Horde

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