Guard Slip'kik - NPC

Guard Slip'kik

Informations générales

  • Level 59
  • Rank: Elite
  • Faction: Ogre
  • Humanoid
  • Life: 23688
This NPC can be found in Dire Maul.

Members Screenshots

Name ILVL Type % Loot
Brutal Gladiator's Heavy Crossbow 154 Crossbows 100 %
Runecloth 50 Trade Goods 25 %
Gordok Shackle Key 1 Junk 13 %
Gordok Nose Ring 60 Miscellaneous 7.69 %
Bulky Iron Spaulders 60 Plate 7.69 %
Denwatcher's Shoulders 60 Mail 7.69 %
Ogre Pocket Knife 60 One-Handed Swords 7.69 %
Unsophisticated Hand Cannon 60 Guns 7.69 %
Sublime Wristguards 60 Cloth 7.69 %
Jagged Bone Fist 60 Fist Weapons 7.69 %
Hedgecutter 60 One-Handed Axes 7.69 %
Heliotrope Cloak 60 Cloth 7.69 %
Gallant's Wristguards 60 Plate 7.69 %
Hyena Hide Belt 60 Leather 7.69 %
Modest Armguards 60 Mail 7.69 %
Robe of Combustion 60 Cloth 7.69 %
The Emerald Dream 60 Junk 2 %
Libram of Focus 50 Book & Codex 2 %
Libram of Rapidity 50 Book & Codex 2 %
Frost Shock and You 60 Junk 2 %
The Arcanist's Cookbook 60 Junk 2 %
Libram of Protection 50 Book & Codex 2 %
Libram of Focus 50 Book & Codex 2 %
Libram of Rapidity 50 Book & Codex 2 %
Brutal Gladiator's Grimoire 159 Miscellaneous 2 %
Happy Fun Rock 1 Consumable 2 %
Garona: A Study on Stealth and Treachery 60 Junk 2 %
Harnessing Shadows 60 Junk 2 %
The Greatest Race of Hunters 60 Junk 2 %
The Light and How to Swing It 60 Junk 2 %
Codex of Defense 60 Junk 2 %
Holy Bologna: What the Light Won't Tell You 60 Junk 2 %
Foror's Compendium of Dragon Slaying 60 Intellect

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