Chromaggus - NPC


Informations générales

This NPC can be found in Blackwing Lair.

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Name ILVL Type % Loot
Primalist's Linked Waistguard 77 Mail 4.55 %
Taut Dragonhide Gloves 77 Leather 4.55 %
Taut Dragonhide Shoulderpads 77 Leather 4.55 %
Epaulets of Ten Storms 76 Mail 4.55 %
Judgement Spaulders 76 Plate 4.55 %
Pauldrons of Wrath 76 Plate 4.55 %
Ashjre'thul, Crossbow of Smiting 77 Crossbows 4.55 %
Elementium Reinforced Bulwark 77 Shields 4.55 %
Girdle of the Fallen Crusader 77 Plate 4.55 %
Chromatic Boots 77 Plate 4.55 %
Dragonstalker's Spaulders 76 Mail 4.55 %
Stormrage Pauldrons 76 Leather 4.55 %
Nemesis Spaulders 76 Cloth 4.55 %
Pauldrons of Transcendence 76 Cloth 4.55 %
Netherwind Mantle 76 Cloth 4.55 %
Claw of Chromaggus 77 Daggers 4.55 %
Empowered Leggings 77 Cloth 4.55 %
Elementium Threaded Cloak 77 Cloth 4.55 %
Bloodfang Spaulders 76 Leather 4.55 %
Shimmering Geta 77 Cloth 4.55 %
Angelista's Grasp 77 Cloth 4.55 %
Chromatically Tempered Sword 77 One-Handed Swords 4.55 %

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