Scalebane Lieutenant - NPC

Scalebane Lieutenant

Informations générales

This NPC can be found in Wetlands.
Name ILVL Type % Loot
Pauldrons of Arcane Rage 85 Cloth 40 %
Star Ruby 50 Trade Goods 40 %
Formula: Enchant Chest - Exceptional Stats 69 Enchanting 9 %
Shadowrend Longblade 85 One-Handed Swords 9 %
Figurine - Living Ruby Serpent 115 Miscellaneous 9 %
Roasted Quail 55 Consumable 6 %
Morning Glory Dew 55 Consumable 3 %
Major Healing Potion 55 Potions, Flask, Elixirs 2 %
Major Mana Potion 59 Potions, Flask, Elixirs 2 %
Journeyman's Backpack 45 Bag
Troll-hide Bag 45 Bag
Dementia Cord 93 Leather 1 %
Design: Eye of the Night 72 Jewelcrafting 1 %
Pumpkin Bag 1 Bag
Delicate Eternium Ring 101 Miscellaneous 1 %

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