Cataclysm Classic Beta : Zones, Donjons, Montée en niveaux et Archéologie

Un nouveau build vient d'être déployé sur la Beta fermée de Cataclysm Classic. Celui-ci ajoute les zones et donjons de l'extension, la montée en niveaux afin que l'Archéologie. Retrouvez les détails dans le patch notes ci-dessous.
Today, we’ve updated the Cataclysm Beta to build 53973, which includes the 80-85 Cataclysm leveling experience, the character copy function, and templates to get you straight into the endgame.
At this time, the following features have been added:
- Level 80-85 zones are unlocked.
- Vash’jir (Level 80-82)
- Mount Hyjal (Level 80-82)
- Deepholm (82-83)
- Uldum (83-84)
- Twilight Highlands (84-85)
- Leveling Dungeons
- Level 80 players will begin to gain experience.
- Character copy
- Archaeology
The following features are still a work-in-progress, and are unavailable for now:
- Reforging
- Transmogrification
- Guild system updates
- Dungeon Journal
- Tol Barad
We’re currently tracking the following known issues:
- The cinematic doesn’t play properly during “The Eye of the Storm”, causing the player to be stuck for ~4 minutes without being able to interact with the questgiver.
- The quest “Be Raptor” is not completable.
- Some cinematics don’t play properly, requiring players to Esc out of them.
Class & Combat:
- Players can still learn some weapon skills.
- Resistances aren’t calculating properly.
- Druid - The Euphoria proc rate when casting Starfire and Wrat is significantly lower than it should be.
- Druid - Mangle (cat & bear) are unlearned on logout.
- Druid – Rejuvenation is doing significantly lower healing than it should.
- Death Knight – Raise Dead doesn’t raise a ghoul
- Death Knight - Rune Tap does not activate a rune immediately.
- Goblin – Rocket Barrage doesn’t scale with attack power
- Paladin & Warrior - Block only block 1 damage.
- Warlock – Blood Pact gives strength instead of stamina
- Some Orc and Gnome NPCs are displaying untextured pink facial hair (questionable fashion choice)