Chandelle d'Élune - Quêtes

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Chandelle d'Élune

Elune's candle is an artifact of great reverence to the disciples of the Lunar Festival. Stored within the candle is true moonlight, ready to be unleashed!

This light is harmless to most creatures, but you will find that Omen and his minions are burned and dazzled by it.

Fin de la quête

Very well then - I accept these coins of ancestry. Please take Elune's candle with my blessing. Also, please enjoy these complimentary fireworks.

May your Lunar Festival be joyous and filled with merriment, <nom>.

And if you choose to face Omen and his minions, you will find Elune's candle quite useful...
L'intégralité de cette quête se déroule à Reflet-de-Lune

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