La Horde a besoin de plus de cuir épais ! - Quêtes

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La Horde a besoin de plus de cuir épais !

Apportez 10 morceaux de Cuir épais au Sergent Umala dans la Vallée des Esprits d'Orgrimmar.


Druid, as you can see I still need to gather up more thick leather. Once again I ask your help with this task, and promise that if you complete it, you will be recognized for your efforts.

Time is of the essence! Return to me with the thick leather so that we can finish our preparations and go to war, hero!

Fin de la quête

You did it, <nom>, I knew that you would! Once again, thank you on behalf of the entire Horde. Your efforts have been noted and are greatly appreciated. And if you find yourself with more thick leather that you'd like to donate, bring them to me here.

Lok'tar Ogar, <classe>!

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