Les rubans de sacrifice - Quêtes

Informations supplémentaires

  • Niveau : 39
  • Niveau requis : 10
  • Difficulté : 10 35 37 42 46
  • Faction : Horde
  • Races : Orc, Mort-vivant, Tauren, Troll

Les rubans de sacrifice

Bring the Ribbons of Sacrifice to Captain Shatterskull so that the Outriders may reward you for acting on our behalf.


I understand that it can be difficult at times to come out on top in Warsong Gulch. Still, your effort on our behalf - even when victory is not achieved - is important.

Should you complete one of the trials inside Warsong Gulch and not achieve victory, you will still receive a Ribbons of Sacrifice. Bring it to me so that the Outriders may reward you for acting on our behalf... even if you weren't able to win this time.

Fin de la quête

Well, you did not flee in the face of defeat. You stood your ground, <nom>, and when it comes right down to it, that is what makes for a true hero. No doubt you will win next time... but nonetheless we thank you for your effort.
En achevant cette quête, vous gagnerez aussi :
  • 9500 points d'expérience.

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