Pièces zuliennes, razzashi et hakkari - Quêtes

Informations supplémentaires

  • Niveau : 60
  • Niveau requis : 58
  • Faction : Alliance & Horde
  • Début : Vinchaxa
  • Fin : Vinchaxa

Pièces zuliennes, razzashi et hakkari

I seek the Paragons of Power known as the Coins of the Tribes. They are the currency used by the various denizens of Zul'Gurub, and each is imbued with subtle but powerful mojo.

There are nine distinct kinds to be found. Should you have any extra, I will trade you one of our Honor Tokens for a set of three. You may use the Tokens with Rin'wosho the Trader; he offers our heroes special items for them.


I seek the Paragons of Power known as the Coins of the Tribes. They are the currency used by the various denizens of Zul'Gurub, and each is imbued with subtle but powerful mojo.

There are nine distinct kinds to be found. Some are sought after by my compatriots for various armors they offer Zandalar heroes. Should you have any extra, I will trade you one of our Honor Tokens for a set of three. You may use the Tokens with Rin'wosho the Trader; he offers our heroes special items for them.

Fin de la quête

Excellent - this set of coins will make a fine addition to our growing collection... one that we will use in the tribe's defense against the rise of the Blood God. You've earned this Honor Token, <nom>, as well as the thanks of the tribe!
L'intégralité de cette quête se déroule à Strangleronce septentrionale

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