Les Vrilles du maelström - Quêtes

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Les Vrilles du maelström

Fin de la quête

Amongst the Zandalarians, the profession of <classe> is revered. Our greatest hunters travel to the edge of the Maelstrom to prove their resolution.

From the heart of the sea they pull strands of kelp known as Maelstrom Tendrils. The kelp is then woven into a talisman that is enchanted to improve their accuracy and power.

I now grant you a single weaving of the Maelstrom's Tendril. As your bond with Zandalar grows, I shall weave more power into the talisman.


En achevant cette quête, vous gagnerez aussi :
  • 6600 points d'expérience.
L'intégralité de cette quête se déroule à Strangleronce septentrionale

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