Harnais pour béliers - Quêtes

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Harnais pour béliers



The Stormpike Brigade cannot charge into battle bareback! We require harnesses for our mounts, after all, we are not savages.

While we could easily slay the rams that roam near our base for the leather required to fashion a harness, doing so would be idiotic. We need those rams for mounts.

You must strike at our enemy's base, slaying the frostwolves they use as mounts and taking their hides. Return their hides to me so that harnesses may be made for the cavalry. Go!

Fin de la quête

Well done, soldier. I will notify you when I have stockpiled enough of the hides.

Carry on!
L'intégralité de cette quête se déroule à Vallée d'Alterac

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