Le médaillon de foi - Quêtes

Informations supplémentaires

  • Niveau : 60
  • Niveau requis : 55
  • Type : Donjon
  • Faction : Alliance & Horde
  • Début : Aurius
  • Fin : Aurius

Le médaillon de foi

The power of this chapel gives me the strength to resist the corruption in my heart. If I leave it, I will become a death knight. But there is a medallion, the medallion of faith, that will give me the strength I need to leave.

Please, <nom>, retrieve the medallion. It is guarded by Malor the Zealous, a crazed member of the Scarlet Brotherhood who resides deep in the Scarlet Bastion in western Stratholme.

Fin de la quête

You retrieved the medallion! Now I will be able to leave the chapel and perform my duty.

That duty is to kill the beast who helped corrupt me and so many of my brothers and sisters, Baron Rivendare!

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