Des Fibres d'aurore pour les Pitons-du-Tonnerre - Quêtes

Informations supplémentaires

  • Niveau : 55
  • Niveau requis : 47
  • Difficulté : 47 51 53 58 62
  • Faction : Horde
  • Début : Bashana Runetotem
  • Fin : Bashana Runetotem
  • Races : Orc, Mort-vivant, Tauren, Troll

Requis, avoir terminé

Des Fibres d'aurore pour les Pitons-du-Tonnerre

The Arch Druid is always looking for more morrowgrain for the Cenarion Circle's research project on Un'Goro Crater. We take them in increments of ten, and award you with a cache of goods you should find useful. When you have ten, let me know and I will award you accordingly.

Fin de la quête

Excellent - this morrowgrain will no doubt help when the time comes. We know that the night elves are conducting similar research into these herbs, though it isn't clear to what end they will use them for if they discover anything. The Arch Druid thinks that the need for morrowgrain will remain until we've figured out the mysteries behind this herb.

This is for you, <nom>. The Cenarion Circle thanks you for your continued support.
En achevant cette quête, vous gagnerez aussi :
L'intégralité de cette quête se déroule à Mulgore

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