Le renouvellement de la Carte de membre - Quêtes

Informations supplémentaires

  • Niveau : 47
  • Niveau requis : 30
  • Difficulté : 30 43 45 50 54
  • Faction : Alliance & Horde
  • Métier : Ing�nierie (200)

Requis, avoir terminé

Le renouvellement de la Carte de membre

In order to renew your membership card, you will need to pay the renewal fee of two gold pieces.


Fin de la quête

Since you're a practitioner of Goblin engineering and are in good standing, I am able to renew a lapsed membership card for the fee of two gold pieces. Once this fee is paid, you will be reissued a new membership card. This will allow access to Goblin engineering schemata from appropriate trainers.

This card will last for two weeks of activity, at the end of which your membership fees will become due again! If you want to access schemata, you'll need to bring your dues out of arrears.

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