Chasse au collier troll - Quêtes

Informations supplémentaires

  • Niveau : 45
  • Niveau requis : 40
  • Difficulté : 40 43 48 53
  • Faction : Alliance
  • Races : Humain, Nain, Elfe de la nuit, Gnome

Requis, avoir terminé

Chasse au collier troll

You've done it already, but we will continue to accept any troll tribal necklaces you find and are willing to turn in. By turning them in to me, you'll continue to improve your standing amongst the Wildhammers; if you're willing to fight for us, then we'll be willing to fight for you! I need five troll tribal necklaces for them to count, <nom>.

Fin de la quête

Another set of necklaces means that there are fewer trolls in the Hinterlands we have to worry about! You've done it again, <nom>. Keep up the good work!
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