Le tournoi de pêche kalu'ak - Quêtes

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Le tournoi de pêche kalu'ak

The Kalu'ak have a long tradition of honing our fishing skills by putting them to the test every week.

The first person to catch and bring a blacktip shark to me will be rewarded handsomely, and be known as the greatest fisherman of the north... for a couple of days at least.

The blacktip shark's favorite food is the pygmy suckerfish. Try fishing for the blacktip wherever you would normally catch the suckerfish.

Fin de la quête

Don't just stand there! Give me the shark and I'll declare you the winner!


Vous pourrez choisir une de ces récompenses :
En achevant cette quête, vous gagnerez aussi :
  • 5000 points d'expérience.
  • 250000 points de réputation auprès de Les Kalu'aks

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