Attraper le Wolpertinger sauvage ! - Quêtes

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Attraper le Wolpertinger sauvage !

The "dwarf," Glodrak Huntsniper, has asked you to capture 5 Stunned Wolpertingers using the Wolpertinger Net. He mentioned that you must be intoxicated to see them.


Hey there! I'm a crazy dwarf! We dwarves believe when you get enough brew together, invisible creatures show up. In fact they are probably wandering around the Brewfest grounds right now! But you can only see them if you are really drunk.

We dwarves will come up with any excuse to drink.

I bet you want a reason to drink too... So here it is, bring me 5 of those wolpertingers with this net I got from a really drunk dwarf.

If you can't see them, you're probably not drunk enough.

Fin de la quête

Well, lookee there! Ye've got yerself a right bushel o' wolpertingers, ye do!

I'll tell ye what I'm gonna do. Since ye're such a spot-on <classe>, I'll let ye keep one'a these fer yer very own!



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