Buying Time - Quêtes

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Buying Time

Altruis the Sufferer in western Nagrand has asked that you kill 2 Felguard Legionnaires, 3 Mo'arg Engineers and 8 Gan'arg Tinkerers.
Mo'arg Engineer (3) killed
Gan'arg Tinkerer (8) killed


As long as the transporters stand, nothing we do to the forge camps will have any permanence. We must find a way to destroy the Legion structures.

I need time to devise a plan of attack. If you can keep their engineers and tinkerers busy, it would greatly slow down their progress, buying me the time I need.

Stay as far away as possible from the overseers, <name>. They are extremely dangerous beings.


It is as I suspected. There are no conventional means of destroying fel steel. All is not lost, however...
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 120000 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Nagrand

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