He Called Himself Altruis... - Quêtes

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He Called Himself Altruis...

If you are looking to fight the Burning Legion, find Altruis the Sufferer in western Nagrand.


A being riding atop a nether drake arrived in town late last week. He introduced himself as Altruis and then proceeded to ask us several questions about Nagrand.

He claimed that he was hunting Legion. That such insanity was actually his job. Can you imagine? A person that would willingly hunt demons?

Before he left, he asked that we let the would-be heroes in town know that he will be staying in western Nagrand for awhile and that should they seek a purpose, to find him.


Does my appearance startle you? Do you know what I am?
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 12000 experience.
The entirety of this quest happens at Nagrand

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