Clues in the Thicket - Quêtes

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Clues in the Thicket

Investigate the Strange Object next to the Broken Corpse to determine what might have befallen the Cenarion Thicket. Then return to Earthbinder Tavgren just outside the thicket in Terokkar Forest.


I have no idea what killed all of the druids here. I've been away for a couple of days on a survey of the Bone Wastes to the south.

Please, you must help me to uncover what's behind this horrible tragedy. Go into the thicket and look for a clue that might reveal something to us. When I was in there briefly, I could have sworn I saw a dead Broken and a strange object next to him.

And don't worry about Treelos - he might have been driven insane by what happened, but I think he's mostly harmless.


So, I was right. That was the corpse of one of the Broken? And you can confirm that there was a strange object on the ground next to him?

This doesn't make any sense. What would one of the Broken be doing here? And what is that thing it had with him?

Is it what caused all of this death?
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Terokkar Forest

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