Missing Mag'hari Procession - Quêtes

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Missing Mag'hari Procession

Search for the missing Mag'hari procession.


Greatmother says that we must press on and serve our people. She says that we must serve as an example for Garrosh - to show that life goes on.

I have so many matters to attend to here, especially with Greatmother having taken ill. Would you honor the Mag'har by helping one of their matrons?

Several days ago we sent a funeral procession to the Ancestral Grounds and they have yet to return. Will you go search for them? They took the western road out of Garadar. Follow it around and avoid Halaa.


Thirty orcs, <race>! Of those original thirty, only Ungriz and I remain. We found the young orc, Saurfang, nearly dead near Sunspring. Apparently he was here for another reason...
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Nagrand

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