BETA Tracking Down the Culprits - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 63
  • Required Level: 63
  • Difficulté : 63 66 70
  • Faction: Alliance & Horde


BETA Tracking Down the Culprits

Continue your search for signs of Deirom in the Arakkoa settlement north of the broken cart.


The arakkoa tracks, accompanied by a pair of shallow ruts, lead north across the road. It seems the arakkoa dragged something away from the site of the battle, perhaps toward a nearby settlement.

While the broken cart shows signs of a struggle, there's little information about Deirom's fate. Follow the arakkoa tracks north and continue your search for the merchant. If he was captured alive, there may still be a chance to rescue him.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 56500 experience.

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