Sporeggar - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 64
  • Required Level: 60
  • Difficulté : 60 62 67 72
  • Faction: Alliance & Horde
  • Start: Fahssn
  • End: Msshi'fn


Go to Sporeggar, north of the Spawning Glen, and deliver the Salvaged Spore Sacs to Msshi'fn.


You're a kind <race>, <name>. Not like some of the others I've met.

You should meet the rest of my people; they'll be very grateful for your help. Take these spore sacs to my leader, Msshi'fn. You will find him in Sporeggar, north of here.


You've helped protect the next generation of sporelings, <race>. We can only repay you by welcoming you into our homes. Stay for a bit and meet the other sporelings. They will have many questions, I hope you don't mind.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 86000 experience.
  • 825 reputation with Sporeggar
The entirety of this quest happens at Zangarmarsh

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