An Audacious Advance - Quêtes

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An Audacious Advance

Jorin Deadeye at Garadar in Nagrand has asked that you slay 25 Boulderfist Warriors and 25 Boulderfist Mages.
Boulderfist Warrior (25) killed
Boulderfist Mage (25) killed


Directly west of here you will find the Halaani Basin. Within the basin are the twin clefts of Nagrand: Northwind and Southwind. Boulderfist shock troops use the clefts to hide their ogre mounds.

I need you to track down those troops and kill all that you encounter in the name of Mag'har.


If this does not freeze the blood in their veins, nothing will. You have done the Mag'har justice, <name>. And for justice, Mag'har rewards greatly.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Nagrand

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