Unfinished Business - Quêtes

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Unfinished Business

Prospector Conall at Telredor wants you to kill Sporewing.
Sporewing killed


The first expedition the league sent reported encountering a gigantic spore bat they'd taken to calling Sporewing. They had to leave in a hurry, so they didn't have the chance to kill him while they were here, so I figured I'd finish the job for them.

What's left of their report suggests that the creature can be found in the southwestern parts of the Dead Mire. I think Vindicator Idaar mentioned that it's to the northeast of Telredor.


Well done, <name>. I think you and I have managed to outshine a whole team of prospectors. When I get back to Ironforge, I'm sure I'll get my choice of assignments.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 40000 experience.
  • 275 reputation with Ironforge
The entirety of this quest happens at Zangarmarsh

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