Safeguarding the Watchers - Quêtes

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Safeguarding the Watchers

Kill Lord Klaq and return to Windcaller Blackhoof at the Cenarion Refuge.
Lord Klaq killed


In your travels, you might have encountered some of the expedition's watchers. They do the majority of the field work: documenting the unique inhabitants of the marsh, collecting samples, and making contact with sentient species.

The safety of the watchers is paramount, <class>. We've had to recall the watchers we sent to explore Funggor Cavern to the south, because of marshbeast attacks. Warden Hamoot believes that killing their leader, Lord Klaq, will bring a swift end to the attacks.


You have my gratitude, <name>, and that of the watchers. They will be heartened to hear that they can continue their work to the south without fear of attack.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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