Ortor My Old Friend... - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 67
  • Required Level: 64
  • Difficulté : 64 65 70 73
  • Faction: Alliance
  • Start: Arechron
  • End: Arechron


Ortor My Old Friend...

Arechron at Telaar in Nagrand wants you to kill Ortor of Murkblood.


These invasion plans were written by someone I once knew. Ortor of Murkblood, once a noble Broken, versed in the way of the elements, now a muck addled yes-man of Musel'ek the bog lord.

The plans state that they have taken over an orc village northwest of here known as Sunspring.

Travel to Sunspring Post and rid the world of Ortor of Murkblood. What you do, you do for the good of us all...


A thousand dead orcs you say? What could have triggered such an audacious advance into orc lands? It is good that he is dead but there is more to this than what meets the tentacle.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 116500 experience.
  • 500 reputation with Kurenai
The entirety of this quest happens at Nagrand

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