Murkblood Leaders... - Quêtes

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Murkblood Leaders...

Farseer Margadesh at Garadar in Nagrand wants you to bring him the Head of Ortor of Murkblood.


We have lost many friends in recent weeks.

For decades we have dealt with the ogres of Nagrand but now a new threat has arisen. The Broken tribe of Murkblood attacked our fishing village to the southwest, Sunspring Post, and managed to kill or evict all of the orcs that inhabited the town.

While the others feel that the best course of action is to kill indiscriminately, I know that we must destroy their leadership. I do not know who their leader is but I suspect that you will know when you find him.


So, this is the face of our enemy? I will have this put upon a pike and placed outside of Garadar, near the gates. Should they think to attack us again, they will see the consequences for their actions looking down upon them...


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
The entirety of this quest happens at Nagrand

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