A Demonic Presence - Quêtes

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A Demonic Presence

Archmage Alturus wants you to destroy the Demonic Presence at the top of Karazhan.


Keanna's last few entries confirm our suspicions of a demonic presence inside Karazhan.

She detected the arrival of a Burning Legion agent whose location she describes as coming from the top of the tower.

Her entries stop there.

Karazhan is a very important place, <class>. It is a portal into the nether, a beacon shining into other worlds. The possible repercussions of it falling into the wrong hands are unthinkable. This demonic intrusion must be stopped. And you, <name>, are the only one with a key.


You did it! Yes, the readings are becoming normal once again!

We must give this news to Cedric. He's going to be very impressed with your achievement.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

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