The Master's Touch - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 70
  • Required Level: 69
  • Difficulté : 69 73 76
  • Type : Dungeon
  • Faction: Alliance & Horde
  • Start: Khadgar
  • End: Medivh


Required, completed

The Master's Touch

Go into the Caverns of Time and convince Medivh to enable your Restored Apprentice's Key.


I've put together the very key I used as an apprentice. It looks completely functional as far as keys go. In regards to opening Karazhan, however, this might as well be a piece of scrap metal.

Without Medivh's consent, the key is worthless. Yes, of course I know Medivh is dead. This merely makes things difficult, not impossible.

There is a place in Azeroth called the Caverns of Time, guarded by the bronze dragonflight. Find a way inside, travel back in time and get Medivh to enable the key.


That key, I recognize it. That is Kadghar's key... of course I haven't given it to him yet.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
This quest starts at Shattrath City and ends at The Black Morass

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