Arcane Disturbances - Quêtes

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Arcane Disturbances

Use the Violet Scrying Crystal near underground sources of water in the Master's Cellar and return to Archmage Alturus outside of Karazhan.


I'm trying to obtain an imprint of Karazhan's energy... for a personal project, of course. Unfortunately, I'm not getting anything up here. If I could get near an underground water source, my crystal would pick up the signals much more clearly.

I've heard of an underground pond as well as a well in a cellar below us. This whole place is crawling with ghosts however, and venturing there would be hazardous for someone my age. What do you say; will you help an old man and perform the scrying for me?


These readings do not bode well, <name>. Karazhan should be emanating all manner of arcane currents... instead it has become a huge energy vacuum. No signals. Nothing. Except for a very faint demonic echo.

This is bad news, <name>.
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