WANTED: Boss Grog'ak - Quêtes

More details

  • Level: 64
  • Required Level: 58
  • Difficulté : 58 60 62 67 71
  • Faction: Horde
  • End: Shadow Hunter Denjai


WANTED: Boss Grog'ak

Bring Boss Grog'ak's Head to Shadow Hunter Denjai in Zabra'jin.


Wanted - Dead or Alive: Boss Grog'ak, overseer of the Ango'rosh mushroom-cutting operation.

This brute and his axe-wielding cronies are responsible for chopping down the mushrooms to the north of town. Unless he is stopped, he and his band will cut a path to the walls of Zabra'jin.

$g He:She; who presents the head of Boss Grog'ak to Shadow Hunter Denjai shall be well-rewarded.


Well done, <name>. The presence of these ogres so close to our outpost does have me worried, though. It seems like they've been filtering down from the northern mountains for some time.
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 107000 experience.

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