An Unnatural Drought - Quêtes

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An Unnatural Drought

Vindicator Idaar at Telredor wants you to kill 12 Withered Giants.
Withered Giant (12) killed


The soil sample you brought me is nearly devoid of moisture, <name>. If the soil itself is losing moisture, then the creatures that live in the Dead Mire must be suffering terribly.

I've seen what happens when the region's fungal giants begin to wither and die. The pain drives them mad, causing them to attack anything in their path.

These creatures have no idea what's happening to them. They're beyond our ability to save, so the best we can do is to end their suffering.


Thank you for helping with this difficult task, <name>. Our work in the Dead Mire is not yet done, but now our efforts will focus on doing what we can to restore balance to the area.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 40000 experience.
  • 275 reputation with Exodar
The entirety of this quest happens at Zangarmarsh

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